1 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I got a great new story once these clicks dry up: "Expensive disposable fork thrown out a little earlier than forecasted"

I'm not a fan of Elon but low Earth orbit satellites by nature are meant to de-orbit. Yes they cause astronomy light pollution but cannot cause Kessler syndrome since their orbit is temporary from the start. Being so low there is atmospheric drag, which sometimes slows objects more than predicted.

Making news of this is like being shocked that infrastructure undersea cables and communication lines are falling apart and being replaced. It's a fact of life.

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Thank fuck for this ai summary, it took seconds to read. I opened the video just to see how long it would take to watch it. 5 minutes of life would be gone, god damn it.

Common sense is waiting for an official diagnosis from a certified professional investigating the actual body for the cause of death.

Not speculation from people on the internet that haven't even seen the body.

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I've read all the responses here and am horrified that you seem to live in an ungrounded plastic bubble. Is that a Canberra thing? Or can't even find a small metal object the size of a coin to make discharging painless, how why?

If it's an old house there should be tonnes of metal things to touch.

Corners of walls, radiators or central air vents or return air vents, screws on switches or power outlets, furniture with metal bits on it, sinks taps and water fixtures with metal parts, thermostat, fireplace casing.

Literally touch everything and report back.

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I definitely prefer premium over my personal data being the product for "free".

As I get older I'm appreciating paid electronic services and content when done responsibly in exchange for a private ad-free and well done experience. But it's taking a lot to get over my decades of conditioning assuming everything on a computer and internet should be "free".

I've enjoyed my kagi premium search trial and seeing the prices is a bit much. But getting really good search results and having the webpage or search run so fast and seeing my ad blocker greyed out because there were no ads and trackers to block is surreal this day and age.

I just wish we had a better way of trusting telegram. The only thing encrypted by default is secret chats. I'd buy premium if it made all chats including group chats started by the user encrypted by default.

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Omega mart in Las Vegas might come close?

Can't think of large scale ones unless you include the rest of Las Vegas.

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The same behavior happened when sync came out. Endless complaints about an app being from on app store with the option to pay the hard working developer for their work.

Do they go on public transit complaining that see ads there too? At least when you pay for the app the ads go away forever.

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I'm curious about what fixtures your led light bulbs were in.

Old incandescent lights worked great at high heat levels, so a typical boob light fixture that kept the heat in would be fine for an incandescent. Put an LED light in there, and it can still heat up beyond design capacity and might not get enough ventilation and age prematurely.

The only leds that failed for me were inside a fixture meant for incandescent lights. All our open bulbs or specially designed for led fixtures have been going strong for half a decade or more.

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I was hoping this comment would be here. I feel seen.

I just got a puppy! I don't see a dog or puppy 101 lemmy maybe there's one now? And back when I was on that other site I never subscribed or posted on awww but did participate in breed and puppy specific communities because I wanted to get and give more information, not just post cute pics.

Also I think there is a bias because of the physicality and interactive nature of dogs is why there is often more pictures of cats than there are dogs. A lot of dog owners are spending most of the time training them or going out and doing things with them and might not have the camera handy. Most dog owners have taken their dogs on two walks and at least two poops a day, puppy owners are getting up at night for potty and are exhausted.

I feel like cat time is entirely spent in liminal time at home when it's easy to just pull out your phone and take a few snaps. Often with a dog you're actually doing something with them and pulling out the phone or taking pictures involves multitasking with the ball, leash or general management while on a walk or hike.

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I know it's just a shit post and not the best place for intelligent discussion, but here goes:

You can change their behaviour to spit those things out if you are consistent and always ready.

Always trade items for food and when teaching the drop it command, always reward with something good.

Also, when they have valuable things they can chew or eat, walk up to them and give an additional treat so they associate you with adding value to items instead of reducing value.

You can teach a super drop it command where they get a rare ultra high value treat when they drop what they have and come to you. Have a special word for it.

If you are really consistent with this, your dog migh take this to the extreme by bringing the item to you and dropping it at your feet for a high value reward. Or they go further to give you garbage before you even know about it.

This takes months or years, many years if they have had items taken away from them in the first month's of life.

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Just because your parents have dogs doesn't mean they can offer a safe environment or know what to do with them. All the changes and the environment posed for your dog are incredibly stressful for the dog. Please be compassionate that your dog is going through more than you even though you literally broke your leg and probably experienced the worst pain in your life. Changes in living situations are the biggest adjustments for dogs ever.

Please don't listen to people suggesting anything with the word dominance, pack mentality, wolf study, punishment or anything forcefull. All of that is guaranteed to make things worse.

A certified trainer (CCPDT and the various acronyms associated, the dog academy, anyone force force free) will get you on course faster than any website or book.

If you want your dog to make it out of this, your dog has to be a priority, make it your part time job.

My quick advice if you can't afford a trainer and will only look up free internet advice from strangers:

Start with giving them something low value to chew on in a distraction free room. Have 10 minutes worth of super high value treats. When they are chewing the low value, walk up to them and give them the treat. Let them chew on the low value again. Repeat. Try for 10 minutes at a time. Adjust value of chew and treat so they don't react when you walk up to them.

Next session, If they start wagging their tail when you approach. Try making it harder by taking the item for 1 second then, give them the treat then give it back. Ramp up duration or value of chew and items as progress is made

All of this has to be a happy and joyful affair. You are using a happy and friendly puppy voice the whole time. The dog has to feel good about this the whole time. So make sure you and the dog are in as good of a place mentally when doing it. This will all be harder if the dog doesn't have other prerequisites like a leave it or drop it command.

There are so many ways you need to modify the above strategy for your particular dog that I can't stress enough how valuable you'll find a certified force free trainer to be. A vet check might also be suggested by the trainer. I think my advice is barely scratching the surface of what to do and how to do it, I haven't even met your dog so what do I even know? Very little!

If you need proof that force free methods are a way, the AVSAB statements are quick and easy to read with tonnes of source citations:

I used to think that as well.

But I took the saying "adopt and shop responsibly" to heart and looked up what a responsible breeder has to do to be considered one.

Genetic tests determine if the dogs have known genes that cause diseases. If one of the parents has a recessive gene for a disease that won't express in the pups because the other parent doesn't have it, you can keep dogs that have desirable traits like excellent personality, lack of anxiety and general health in the gene pool—helping to maintain genetic diversity while not passing down a disease.

The kennel clubs (CKC) have started helping to reduce inbreeding by keeping track of the lineage of dogs and avoiding inbreeding by calculating the coefficient of inbreeding. The COI is a metric used in dog breeding to measure the level of inbreeding in a dog's pedigree. It is an excellent tool for an institution that used to inadvertently encourage inbreeding because they created standards. Can more be done? Yes, is this a step in the right direction? Yes.

It's worth noting that genetic tests don't know everything, they might only test for a handful of the 20,000 or so genes and we don't know what all genes do, and some genes are benign in some breeds and dangerous in others. This is why x-rays and elbow and hip assesments of the parents are still important. It's also why meeting the parents of you puppy is important. If you don't like them, you won't like their pups.

On top of that epigenetics massively impacts the behaviour of pups. This is especially true if the grandmother of a puppy had a happy stress free life. Yes, we now know that improvements from nurture not just nature can be inherited. Dogs with happy lives produce happy dogs.

A responsible breeder will have done all of this, as well as done early socialisation and desensitization for the first eight weeks of the pups and many more considerations like limiting the amount of times they use a dam. These tests and assessments would have cost them around $10,000 for the dam and sire.

I wrote this insane response because if typing this on a meme educated one person who might get a dog, then the world is just a little bit of a better place.

If by a good chunk of change you mean free then yes. Mod tools are not paywalled in sync. I think the reasoning was that mods don't really get paid so they decided not to add insult to injury and mod tools are free.

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I would agree with this answer for the Zeitgeist of how Canadians see Albertans from a stereotypical way, and this is true for our rural population. But politically, Ontario takes the Alabama cake for voting in so many Ford's so many times. How do you guys keep doing this?

I second this!

Most people who have heard of water sensors know of the moen one. I'm in Canada, and my plumber recommended a Canadian company, Sinope. They were much less expensive and had a sensor in the line and ones you could put in and around appliances that use water.

The in-line flow sensor shuts off the water if it senses abnormal flow anywhere. But the physical sensors shut off the water when it's leaking at that spot.

We've had no leaks, but the flow sensor shut off the water when I filled the kiddie pool and forgot to turn it off. It also cuts short, excessively long showers (that can be turned off).

The safety net is fantastic to have. We can install that freezer ice cube maker without a worry.

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Yeah wall corners are often metal and the paint on it seems to soften the discharge.

I'm shocked that they go down there alone. Safe operating procedures for small boats in tourism is to go in groups of two. So if one boat loses power, the other can rescue it right away. It's amazing the Titan just goes down by itself without even an ROV tethered to the ship above next to it.

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Yes let's play second life on stadia through YouTube

CEO was basically killed by his own staff convincing him his concerns were overblown? Big yikes!

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I love this, it's an emotionally regulated rant that's so eloquently written that it's more intelligent and informative than the article in question.

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God, I loved its brand of sci-fi weirdness. Season 2 was extra strange, and I was here for it.

I was sad it got cancelled, but I knew the world wasn't ready for it

So I'm the kind of person who runs back ups using two synologies and is more of a GUI guy. I use mac and pcs very fluently but I'm not entirely terminal or command line literal.

Will something like this cause more problems if I'm looking to get rid of Google drive and start switching to next cloud or will this make my life easier?

I have the same experience. I find somehow the call blocking is more robust on Samsung. I had no idea that they even had that feature parity.

The perception of Samsung being full of bloat is a misnomer. Can't get rid of lots of Google apps on the pixel and can't change the photo gallery app or the camera app.

I have my own Cloud and don't want to use Google's, and Samsungs software was much more receptive in me de-googling the phone the way I wanted to with my own self hosted photo backup software.

Also I don't have a hand warmer for a phone now.

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Please refresh me on the jolly rancher story.

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This is incorrect.

Every reputable source and organisation recognize this pack and dominance theory as an outdated idea, especially for human animal interactions.

The American vetinary society of animal behaviour has very direct and well written statements on that and where the ideas came from and what the modern solutions are.

It should be said, if you have a puppy or are getting a puppy. Socialize and habituate them to the sounds. Start with recordings of fireworks playing in another room, treat them when they react to the sounds. When they start wagging their tails and come to you when they hear it, make it more intense by increasing the volume or bringing then into the room. Keep practicing and proofing multiple days per week for months until your puppy happily comes to you when they hear loud bangs.

My puppy now wags his tail and joyfully comes to me when lightning strikes because he thinks it's a fun treat game. Absolutely way better than the alternative. It takes a few weeks with puppies, could take years for traumatized rescues and adults.

I posted a theory that dog owners are out and about doing things with their dogs and have less time and fewer hands free to make and post photos but I like yours better.

Why should these things be free? The other things we get for free on the web are either supported by donations or they harvest something from you that's valuable and sell it, that's not free either.

I'm into the idea of paying for higher quality services and have enjoyed my kagi trial. Might see if I can find someone to split an account with.



It's an inhaler corticosteroid and anti inflammatory often used for asthma but incredible for post infection cough.

If I'm ever sick and have a cough, this puts a stop to that symptom and recovery is so much faster. Don't even touch any over the counter cough medicine over this imo.

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Awe, and it's so respectful to the bats, too; it's sweet to hear.

I read the books and I loved them. Every book was worth it for me and I enjoyed the end as well.

I really like how this adaptation is very different from the books. Changes or low fidelity to the source usually rubs people the wrong way but I haven't seen anyone object to it including me.

It's very fun wondering what's going to happen while probably knowing the broad strokes.

Egg, Inc. - simple game, feels like the olden days but it's also entirely modernised. Just recieved a tonne of qol enhancements.

If you are a regular player and got far enough to need a co-op, and play well. Hit me up!

Hey, maybe all those people listening to mono audio on their little Bluetooth speakers can finally experience stereo or more. Welcome to 1957!

I like this because the only way I buy Bluetooth speakers is if you can buy two that easily pair to create proper stereo separation. In a world where everyone seems to use a single mono speaker, bringing 2 dinky speakers has consistently blown other people's minds more than any audio setup I've ever had and it's always surprised me.

Where in Canada did you visit?

Ouch, I'm so sorry. I had already been bitten by the Google graveyard then so I actively avoided allo.

World war II is going to cause covfefe prices to skyrocket!