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Joined 12 months ago

Pro gun rights is precisely why I don't like America, along the other statemente in this thread. Y'all got it tough to only be able to vote for two terrible options.

I am out of the loop, what's going in with snooping?

I use their cloudflared tunnel sometimes for accessing home hosted stuff.

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Thank you!

They all use Bing's, idk how i feel about that fact actually. Curious what you others use. Just as a thought experiment.

Been an avid ddg user but hate how it sometimes does push this micropoop nonsenses. Like msn news

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Personally really like ddg over it though. Only gotta be more precise with keywording for finding what you need.

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Linux made my computing fun and free again. It's not for everyone but it did spark my interest and finally settled to be happy with the change.

Ymmv, though don't rule it out how anything could impact you personally. Playing the hard to try way might poison any cool potential personal discoveries on your own.

This hits the nail perfectly, as well as users just only knowing Windows because it's the first type of device you learn most likely through the schooling system.

  • IT I do run Linux myself and plan on deploying more Microservices through it.

Smaller communties vibes.

marketing tactics to get even more to subscribe, ala "x amount of people got it so it must be good".

Yet it feels like I got better things to spend it on, as I don't watch much anymore due to algorithm changes making me miss the prior new music uploads and or newer channels to discover.

Every refresh contains the same or prior channels watched with the same content shuffled or worse, suggest old dated watched videos.

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Nice, what config or apps are these?

Just more in the neighborhood of being used or understanding something because it has been given to them from a very young age on. So getting familiar and used to it very young age on makes it "friendly" even though it is more "familiarity".

Linux is always going to be really awkward at first but over the course of time you learn and shy away and develop your own kinda workflow and that's the beauty of it in my opinion.

Pretty awesome experience; if you're new to Arch and Linux are both great ways combined to learn about it. It did break on me but nothing super problematic.

If you don't auto update or update weekly you'll have a pretty fine experience.

I picked it to enforce me to learn the way of Linux and or Arch specific since the aur and wiki are pretty nice.

Though do come from relative mild Linux experience and a great Windows knowledge from my job as sysadmin.

Do wanna see how I could incorporate more Linux into my environment for tasks.

That's what I said - the right key wording. It's pretty strict, whereas Google's results sometimes are a tiny bit more loose understanding of what you roughly mean. Though not always, and on Google I found myself often just adding "Reddit" for specifics. Though really really depends on what you search.

For me DDG offers a lot more than just search results, the bangs and features like I added a script to directly port my questions to some AI is really useful.

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MPC-HC + Madvr is a lot nicer, VLC for mixed other videos though.

Never existed to begin with

Huh? We in Netherlands have 5G

That's our hated TAA for you. It's always on. And its especially bad in this title unfortunately. As talos1 was really great and I asked for talos2 to the devs for not forced TAA.

Rather have jaggies than being blurred out.

Can this switch instance upon errors?

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No more sharing with your loved partner abroad... This sucks. Cannot always afford two copies in this state of the world. Let alone a roof to live together.

Rustdesk vouch.

That's unfortunate. I do like the ability having it to correct and try another instead of manually finding one that works.
