Kyoyeou (Ki jəʊ juː)

@Kyoyeou (Ki jəʊ juː)
13 Post – 224 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

That's awesome!!! For the cost of 50$ too! Tech is growing so fast

Click They see me mowning my lawn

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Only reason I didn't switch yet was that my 6 years old Laptop still holds perfectly well and it would be counter productive to just change to a new device for no reason but the brand and that it is new

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I'll start. "Ah, someone got their account stolen"

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Wow that's crazy logical!

Im sick in my bed right now and forgot I used to have a bad 75hz screen 😅

Thank you!

This looks like such a good use of an IP and a tech that works and people love!

What is a Maglev train? (From WIki)

Maglev (derived from magnetic levitation) is a system of train transportation that uses two sets of electromagnets: one set to repel and push the train up off the track, and another set to move the elevated train ahead, taking advantage of the lack of friction. Such trains rise approximately 10 centimetres (4 in) off the track. There are both high-speed, intercity maglev systems (over 400 kilometres per hour or 250 miles per hour), and low-speed, urban maglev systems (80–200 kilometres per hour or 50–124 miles per hour) under development and being built.

Why so little?

Despite over a century of research and development, there are only six operational maglev trains today — three in China, two in South Korea, and one in Japan. Maglev can be hard to economically justify for certain locations, however it has notable benefits over conventional railway systems, which includes lower operating and maintenance costs (with zero rolling friction its parts do not wear out quickly and hence less need to replace parts often), significantly lower odds of derailment (due to its design), an extremely quiet and smooth ride for passengers, little to no air pollution, and the railcars can be built wider and make it more comfortable and spacious for passengers.

Cute link to the Wikipedia Page

I am a curious human, beep boop

May I Ask why people don't like webp? I don't know the reason? To my eyes now it is a more ecological way of having pictures because of their lower weight?

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Their behavior was unacceptable, extremely disruptive, and made coworkers feel threatened

Maybe... because they feel threatened for themselves and their families?

The Theater Kid that became a cop is so happy too!

Feels like I'm living the Pathfinder 2e boom again, I love it. Could they send the Pinkertons to the Cuphead studios next to perfectly do everything wrong

"We accept you for who you are after we have judged you"

I looked into E-ink displays this summer and the tech is just so high priced

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Time Flies like an Arrow

Fruit Flies like Banana

But there is not like an Answer to find in that

No no, they stole the link to a jpeg, careful you will make them angry

Here, take my link to get a feeling

Adding our Boys Qobuz to the list of competing services Paying in 2018 13 times more than Spotify And yu get to own the musics you buy on Qobuz and can put it on your NAS for example

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For people curious. This is more a sleep tracker than a game.

The game is slow, I work and sleep about 6 Hours per day. I've been playing since the game got out in EU and my best Pokemon just got level 11 as a free player. Some people are higher, it will depend a lot of how long you sleep.

The gameplay loop is:

At the start of the week you choose a team of 5 pokemon

You sleep

When you wake up you have a cookie you can give to a random pokemon that can't in your sleep. It give 3 hearts with them. You need 5 To get the weakest pokémons into your team

You connect 3 times a day to get the berries You also make 3 times a day a meal using ingredients (different from berries) your pokemon can get, which will strengthen the Snorlax and attract rarer Pokemon

The currencies in the game are: Dream Points: to buy accessories and PokeBall cookies (which give 1 heart) Diamonds: you buy from Real € for accessories and PokeBall Cookies Dream Shards: used to level up manually some Pokemon or to grow your camp Pokemon Candies: you get for each different pokemon to evolve them or to manually gain them level with Dream Shards

You can buy one PokeBall biscuits for 1.19€ (but in bundle of 3, so 3 for 3.57€) Or you can buy it for one 8h30 or more night + 6 hours of sleep (so one PokeBall cookies every 2 days.

If you have the sleeppass for 10€ per month. You get two free 3 heart cookies every day allowing you to catch every day a weaker pokemon for free (remember a weak pokemon is 5 hearts) And you get a reduction, for the price of the PokeBall cookies to a perfect night of 8h30 or basically 2 nights of like 7 hours.

You also get access with the b Sleep pass to the possibility to buy a GreatBall cookie which like the free cookie, will give you 3 hearts to a wild Pokemon For the small cost of 4 perfect 8h30 nights, or if you are normal like me, a week of sleep.

Now let's say you've collected with your sleeppass GreatBall cookies. And suddenly, your favorite pokemon Absol appears in the morning after you sleeped! Wow! You will need to get him to 12 hearts. Requiring you 4 cookies, your 2 free of the day and two GreatBall cookies you bought from 2 weeks of sleep. Well sadly after 2 cookies a Pokemon is full, and you will need to wait next time this rare Pokemon appears to finish heading him (hearts stay between each time the pokemon appears)

Or, you can buy once a month a Master Ball Cookie. Which will instantly catch any pokemon. For the low cost of 40 days of perfect 8h30 sleep every single day.

So even if you pay, the game is made to be incredibly slow it's part fo the design

And yet I connect 3 times a day and I've been enjoying but still a bit frustrated because I have an average of 6h30 of sleep every day

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Reminds me even more of the DnD problem. The Pathfinder 2 bundle was insane, happy I got it

This message was brought to you by the Rabbits in Australia

An Asus UX550GE, tbh with time my usage of a laptop has diminished, that's it's still enough today too

I love the quest where you bring a clown with a grenade as a nose to a bar

Read it 5 times not understanding. Said it out loud, and instantly it came to my mind!

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I'll say me writting my homebrew DnD world. It goes in pair with me using ObsidianMD, I love the tool i'm using and i'm having fun specifically in the making of polical cities more than in the making of combat senarios. My mom knows about it and sometimes asks, Dad finds it stupid, and I don't talk about it with anyone I used to atlk about what I write to two friends, but they are coming to my session in september so now I have no one esle to bring it up

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Hot take: Obsidian is King right now of note taking and I'm all for it

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Well it's a society discord, but there is like 700 people on it and they just posted in general

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From the Wikipedia Page

In "Climate and Energy"

Green Planet Energy

In 1999 Greenpeace Germany (NGO) founded Greenpeace Energy, a renewable electricity cooperative that supplied customers with fossil gas starting from 2011. After a 2021 media outcry about an entity associated with Greenpeace selling fossil fuel which has been described as greenwashing,[89] the cooperative changed its name to Green Planet Energy.[90] The Greenpeace Germany NGO retains one share in the cooperative, which has been criticized for "greenwashing" Russian gas.[89]

Link to article 89 Link to article 90

I am Kyoyeou, just a curious person. Not Bip Boop

I'd say they make fun of other memes already made. I've got a Blahaj right now in my arms but that doesn't mean it's a trate that shows my sexuality or gender

Yeah I fully know a lot of people are on 64gb. My colleges at work are on 64gb, I am not writing this to trash at all on people with 64gb. It's just that storage price go down with time. We can buy 1tb for SSD for 77€, I know you've got miniaturization but 100€ for 124 extra gb seems a lot

As a guy with a OnePlus 7 Pro that has been waiting, I am waiting to see how reparable it is, and this might be the one I have been waiting for, I mean, I have been eying pixel since I got the OP7pro

I went to check the art section to see how it impacted it when it was announced. Booty, Booty Twerking Everywhere, that's all it was, and it was not lives, it was people putting YouTube videos of people twerking to the camera and those had 300, 200, 100 views


Oh I love this, this is really really good

Well it stills impacts the game and the brand, The smash-like game that got out in Beta that was almost great has fallen down to me not remmebering the name of the game because it was not memorable enough and not fully polished. They will have a second chance then the game will "fully launch" but for a lot of people the Beta launh was the full laucnh

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Oh? Could you send a link, I could not seem to find it

Well felt like classic TTRPG "And life continued to move without you" to me and I liked it

What's the game?

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That's a really good one

I think they are talking about the "New 3Ds" which was the last version of 3DS they created

Wow makes so much sense!

Duh, of course they are "Steam Deck Killer" I know what I am talking about playing "Wild Star" on my Windows powered consol that last 2 hours, you know, the "World of Warcraft Killer"