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I don't hate trans people, I just don't think anyone should be forced to be uncomfortable because of them.

You're scratching your head at why people are mad at you, but it's probably because you're trying to find some compromise between being pro and anti trans - two diametrically opposed ideas. You're point seems to boil down to: "I'm not transphobic, but trans people might make people uncomfortable, and we should also consider that.". But, why should be? Trans people making you feel icky is a piss-poor reason to say they can't use their preferred bathroom. People were concerned about Gay people and Black people in the same spaces as straight/white for a big chunk of the last century, it's the same reactionary bullshit as always.

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And honestly a pretty hillarious phrase to tattoo when some white foreigner rolls up asking for a "Lover of Asian Beauty" tattoo.

Woke is when someone on the left. Feminist are at least generally associated with the left, therefore woke.

I've seen "Tankie" pulled out on Lemmy and Reddit over things like:

  • Suggesting a revolution is required to stop global capitalism, and that we cannot vote our way out of Capitalism

  • Countering common narratives that paint US Geopolitical Adversaries and Existing Socialist/Communist regimes as comically evil villains.

  • Criticizing the western perspective on the Russia/Ukraine conflict, and by extension criticism of Ukraine, or praise for Russia

  • Suggesting that violence against Nazis is ok

I mostly get the impression that people don't like violence, and dislike the idea that capitalism may need to be opposed through violence. Though I've also seen it thrown out at suggestions that capitalism should even be defeated at all. It feels like a poison tbh, we really should just be uniting against capitalism.

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Not if you're transphobic. It's a pretty telling response, honestly.

there is a nuanced difference between transphobia and not wanting to discuss topics that cause arguments in a school

It's still transphobia, the only reason it's viewed as a political topic is because of transphobia. It's pretty cowardly to say we should avoid talking about gender/trans issues just because it makes people uncomfortable, and might cause arguments. Trans people exist, but you're arguement kinda says to me "They aren't worth the trouble, id rather sideline them to avoid disagreements.".

Abortion is a rough comparison, it's a heavy topic and I think it would probably be inappropriate for more reasons than just being a "Political" topic.

Another reason to say "Fuck cars!"

For all of middle school, I would to wake up at 4:30 to catch the bus that arrived anytime between 5:30 and 6:25 to get to school at 7:15. And i wonder why my sleep is so fucked today, and why I was always too tired to focus on anything back then.

They are. The amount of people who confidently say they'd shoot before attempting to communicate has me terrified; like they want a reason to escalate the situation.

All Snakes are Bastards

Yeah he was arrested for downloading a massive amount of documents/articles off JSTOR with a computer hidden in an on-campus closet. He ended up committing suicide before going to trial for it

We should grant mercy as often as we can, but it can never come at the expense of the innocent.

You're presenting a pretty idealized version of our justice system, i think. A big part of why I support leniency is because of how often our justice system gets it wrong. It's crazy to think that bad luck and low social standing can cost you most of your life. Any punishment meant for violent criminals will inevitably target a substantial number of innocents or nonviolent offenders. It's wishful thinking to believe our justice system is usually "just". We should strive to help the victims feel vindicates as much as possible, but it will inevitably, usually come at the expense of the innocent.

At some point notifications changed from solely "Look, this person interacted with your thing" to include things like "Look, someone on your friends list added a person you dont know" and i just know this boosted metrics enough to get some jackass a bonus.

Liberals and social democrats think we can vote our way out of the evils of capitalism, but we'll never have the wealthy class's "permission" to end any of this. The status quo is fueled by violence, blood and oil - but "moderates" treat this as acceptable violence, unlike "Communism" which engages in that "Evil, authoritarian" sort of violence.

Violence caused by our inaction towards capitalist exploitation is no better than violent pro-activeness. In the words Canadian rock legend Geddy Lee: "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

I'm trying to be more conscious of it because i noticed my friends who are trans make a point to avoid "You guys". I'm resistant to y'all though, so instead of biting the bullet and adopting the local dialect, I'll say "you all" or "You two". Don't do what i do, y'all is kinda useful.

I've been enjoying Los Bitchos

Me when it's time to see the dentist. Straws do protect your teeth from a lot of the damage the soda would do. Even the citric acid in diet sodas and other drinks can wear down your enamel. I think you can want to enjoy soda while still trying to keep your teeth attached to your head.

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Nonsense catch-all word to put down Marxist-Leninists, and any leftist seriously advocating for revolution.

This is a take that ignores a full 100 years of history - including the displacement of the entire Palestinian arab population. "Israel is no saint" - they are literally colonists engaging in a genocide of the Palestinians.

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BOTH SIDESSSSSS (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

Israel isnt retaliating to shit, they created this mess. the Palestinian militia groups locked in the open air prison of Gaza are the ones "retaliating".

You do know that 44% of the Gazan population is 14 or younger, right? Every shelling is killing kids, shutting off the electricity is killing kids. How many children do you have to shell in "self-defense"? Fuck off with that, Palestine is not doing "The exact same thing".

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Geez, can you have a conversation without engaging in ad-hominem attacks? You've really thrown civilty out the window here.

Again, Palestine wants to wipe Israel off the face of this earth. Why is it okay for Palestine to do it and not Israel?

Of course Palestine wants to wipe out Israel, they fucked the Palestinians 10 times sideways and displaced the whole population. But does anyone seriously think Palestine is capable of wiping out israel? I dont think either is OK, but how much suffering can you lay on a whole population before retaliation is justified? Why shouldn't the Palestinians hate Israel when it's creation led to all of them losing their homes?

At least you're consistently dumb. I just wish that blissful dumbness would bleed over into defending Israel from time to time.

Damn, fuck off asshole. You have no idea how much leeway I've given Israel until now. I've defended Israel, and I just can't anymore. Israel created a mess, and their only solution is to annihilate the people they displaced?

I don't think you're just stupid. I think you're an actual horrible person to dismiss an entire country and its people because somebody told you one side is good and one side is bad.

I started looking into the history of the situation and my opinion changed. I'm not dismissing the Israeli people, but I'm not going to support their retalliation either. I'm a horrible person for that? Wouldn't that make you a horrible person for supporting Israel's genocide of Palestinians? Nobody "told me what to think" you smug prick, can you stop projecting for one conversation?

Yeah, that would be a problem, but It was also hyperbole. It doesn't take much soda to damage your teeth though.

By that logic, do all countries have a century long statute of limitations to engage in vengeful warfare because of "past conflicts". Would you justify the massacre of white people because of slavery

This is a false equivalency, Israel is actively engaging in settler-colonialism and genocide. These people who have been expelled from their home 76 years ago are actively suffering for it, it's a living memory. Are you comfortable letting "your side" use Hamas's attack on Israel as a justification to engage in ethnic cleansing ?

Or would you allow native Americans to kill thousands because their ancestors were pushed away from their "land"?

I would actually support giving land back to native Americans in the US/canada. If they started attacking white people to take land back, i wouldn't use that as an excuse to decimate their population. It's possible to have a nuanced understanding of a situation, and still not side with genocide.

You do realize that every single country has fought for its territory - no flag is without sin.

And it's possible to recognize and be critical of that, while also being critical of an ethnostate that is actively engaging in the decimation of the Palestinians that used to live there.

I'm sorry your side isn't willing to budge on this issue but you can't engage in this discourse without a nuanced understanding of real history and honest critical thinking. You're letting others tell you what to feel and look stupid for it.

Seriously? It sounds like you're projecting an idea of "my side" onto me. Im sorry you aren't able to engage in nuanced discourse without projecting and attacking my intelligence.

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