2 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Sounds like a great band name

Considering that the term "computer engineering" was created by a woman, programming is based on maths solved by a woman, and the push for graphics in adventure games was started by a woman, I don't think PC Gamers list is worth even checking, as I know that many notable leaps in gaming I don't know about have since been pushed by women.

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In addition those short are infuriating to watch, because YouTube takes off most of the video controls. You cant turn on or of closed captions, you can't jump back or forwards, or even fullscreen the video. Unless you embed it somehwere else. Proving that it's a deliberate design choise from youtube to gimp the controls. And then people publish tutorials as shorts.

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Now the question is: Will this have the lifespan closer to Stadia, or Google+

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As a carnivorous fattie, I do care about nutrition. And in all fairness, I'm open to suggestions for naturally vegetarian foods.

Now, before I get a list of "vegan beef and tofu", what I mean by naturally vegetarian, is foods that don't include tofu (which I personally don't just like), or need to advertise being vegan. I am looking for foods that, from the beginning of the time, have never had meat removed, or replaced. I want "accidentally vegetarian" -foods.

My current favourite is bean-tomato soup, but it gets rather one note.

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I want to like peertube, but the discoverability is terrible, and last I checked, it was pushing mostly cinspiracy theories. And every time I try to see around, it's just impossible to find an instance that would host interesting videos. Also, I find hopping around instances feels awkward.

Also, it seems to consist of "video dumps", resulting the instances having the "new" videos being hundreds of videos posted by just one user. It's just... not there for me, eben though I love the idea :/

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...and then rebuild it.

I could swear there was a comic strip about this...

I must ask, do you also dance-dance-dance, and dance-dance-dance?

To be fair, the skincolour technically does two jobs; while darker skin protects you better from sunburn, the lighter skin also absorbs vitamin D from the light (and darker skin also protects ou from getting too much of that D). That is why the skincolour gets lighter, the more north you go, as the sun does not provide as much said vitamin.

Why am I mentioning this, well, the traditional bane of nordic hemisphere people is depression due to the lack of said vitamin D, during the time the sun just don't come up, so if anyone with a darker skintone migrates here: remenber to supplement that extra D, because even the pale snowpeople have issues getting enough naturally.

To this day, I have no idea why there isn't a local service to mod deeper pockets in women's clothing. If I was a proper tailor, I'd probably start such service myself, but every time I openly mention that such service would probably be profitable, everybody goes "Yeah, I'd be using that service", but never anyone who can actually do the job, rises to the ocasion and starts a bussines.

So if you're reading this, and can handle your needle and thread, here's a bussiness idea: take a small fee to cut open, and expand pockets in clothes there have fake pockets.

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They also confurmed it with DNA. Then again, a bottle of vodka to the right person, and the DNA test says the bloke who got buried was mr. Pringles.

The shark looks like it needs it's snoot booped :3

There is also "Owncast", but it seems to suffer from the same issue that peertube does; there is no integrated revenue system for the streamer, so there is little reason to put effort in to the quality, as well as it being fairly unknown, so even if you set up donos etc. the audience isn't there.

The discoverability don't help, since there isn't really s good way to filter out all the "24/7 radio" -streams, so even if you actively follow the frontpage, or a category, you have to skim trough them manually. Also, there is no proper language filter (at least if you don't have an account), and it seems it's more popular with non-english speaking streamers.

There is nothing wrong with politicans using mastodon, and they will start using it when ex-twitter statistically show losing popularity. However, the same rules apply for the politicans, as does anyone else. That's why they'll probably start creating their own instances for their parties. And luckily people can decide to not to follow them (god I hated twitter when there was any local, or American voting going on. The promotional spam was unhinged).

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I thing you might be on a verge of summoning a dyslexic cat with your postscripts.

If I'm not mistaken, the preference was to be able to subscribe to the community, as you see it on your feed, as you resonate with the content posted alongside the core implication of the community. Going to another website to search said instance just to subscribe,is much MORE work, than 3 clicks.

"Don't hate the prayer, hate the game."

There I fixed it.

Interetingly, I've concluded that cutting a pizza to 4 pieces makes the rim support the tip properly, regardless of the size of the pizza, while cutting the pizza to 8 pieces makes the tip of the piece always flop. However, one quadrant of the pizza is harder to eat, because it widens so radicaly. This has made me a believer of cutting the pizza to 6 pieces, as this solves both issues.

I woudn't be surprised if some maths genius would've calculated that the 5 pieces would be the most optimal for both issues, the tip support, and the edibility. However, cutting to 5 equal pieces is rather bothersom, so I'll be sticking with 6 pieces personally, regardless of what pizza enginers may have calculated.

I personally find it rather infuriating that swapping those is made so difficult, and to this day don't know who has more usecase for media keys and varied power buttons over function keys.

And the worst thing is, if the upper row defaults as mefia keys, and toggling Fn to be function keys by default, you also toggle numpad to the right side of the keyboard. Don't get me wrong, I like numpad, but I quite don't like losing half of my keyboard, because keyboard manufacturers don't know what keys should be behind the Fn.

To be fair, I've learned to sleep with my toes under the blanket regardless of the warmth of the enviroinment. Not because of this, but because I have cats. Cat's love playing with toes peeking out under the blanket. Cats are nocturnal.

And that's why I'm still very carnivorous.

There is always a design of a mean. The origin of a meal. And when it comes to health, there almost every time has to be protein. Most naturally to humans, who started to reach their human nature by cooking the meat they've captured, and builing a culture while waiting for that food to cook, most common source of protein is meat. Thus, most of the meals tend to be born from the meat being a center piece, which is then extended with everything else.

There, however, are many means (that I would like to know about), that have originated from the lack of access to meat, yet with the need for the culinaristic taste in mind. These are the meals I am lookong for.

As said: not removing the meat, not replacing the meat but not in the need for the meat. This is a concept every vegetarian wants to ignore. I am not looking to becoming vegan, or replacing my meats with replacements. I am looking to balance my meat with originally vegetarian recipes. Partly because of health reason, but also becaise I also want to have a collection of recipes for carnivores, that does not sound repulsive.

I repeat: not to remove, not to replace, but designed from the beginnig around something other than meat. Considering all the replies I tend to get to these requirements tend o be "just drop the meat m'kay", I'm starting to doupt if there is a way to properly design a meal without centering it around the meat.

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Dark souls, but instead of estus flasks, you watch ads.

Considering that Steam now requires for manual input for the prices for different regions, is there a tool that a) lists these regions and b) calculates the median suggested pricing for these regions in comparison to the region you (the developer) is based in?

I know an excel sheet would probably be a good start, but considering that therevare also developers in regions other than EU (€) and US ($), it would be a tremendous help to be able to input a price you have in mind, in your own currency, and have the prices calculated in other currencies in the respective regions.

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Well, it might be some weird russian naming convention. I've understood that people have hard time reading Tolstoi and Dostojevsky and kind, because a single character in those books have up to seven names, because it's part of russian culture. And apparently those nsmes are completely logical to every other character in the stories.

Then again, I'm not sophisticated enough to have read anything from them, but that's what I've gathered from how other people speak about those books.

The funny thing about the "earth is 2023 years old" -claim is that it comes from christianity, more speficly 0 A.D. Because "true christian doesn't believe in evolution", but what they fail to understand, is that the "year zero" (introduced 525 AD) in Julian calendar (later replaced by the gregorian calendar) is based on the (presumed) birth-year of Jesus, not on the "birth of the world", which is why the original prefixes of the calendar are "Before Christ" and "After Christ" (Anno Domomini). It baffles me that people who claim to be deep in christianity fail to grasp this distiction in recent years. Within the bible, there is a whole books worth of events that happened before "the big J".

I waas on the fence on getting a Switch, now that the price has dropped, but "Switch 2" has been rumored. I guess I won't be getting a Switch then. Or whatever the next console will be.

I wonder if some games will perform better emulated, as the emulation would not need to put resources in to running Denuvo.

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Well, if you avoid the games with ads, it reflects poorly on profits, and maybe someone might mention to the shareholders that the reason people won't play their game is the invasive ads.

The reason why they still have their poopy launcher is that people adapted them, because tolerating the launcher was the requirement for them to (legally) play their games. Putting games behind a launcher did not teduce the profits enough to not continue doing so.

So yes, the way to combat this is to avoid their games thst implement ads.

Interesting tidbit about public transport: there are electric busses. Those busses are used in the northern hemisphere, mainly to advertise to the public how "eco friendly the company is" to consumers. Those busses are heated by diesel aggrigators, and require to burn more fuel than what driving a diesel bus would need for the routes. And apparently diesel busses do not require this kind of upkeep when on standby.

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I would so much like to love peertube, but I have yet to find any instance that hosts the trash reevant to my interests. Mostly they either are filled with reuploads from YouTube, or are full of radicalized conspiracy theories (which I encounter very rarely on any other form of fediverse).

And then there is the "dumploads", which makes the instances seem like they only have one active contributor, as they dump like 60 videos right after another, resulting the frontpages to have just one note content. This, however, could be gixed by otion to group conecutive uploads as "[latest video] and [n] other videos from [user]", which would help to find more diverse content, as well as discourage dumping.

Then again, that is only my opinion, and if PeerTube is fine for others, who am I to complain. It just doesn't seem to be for me :/

Well, fat is insulant, so it helps to keep the heat energy inside the body. Fat, therefore, also provides some protection against cold. On the other hand, if you live in areas with higher ambient temperature, it is more comfortable to be able to exhaust that heat, instead of storing it.

So, yes, it is a feature?

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Well, that would mean declining sales when the date of disconnect nears. EA does not want that, thus not telling the games go offline the next day provides more money in their eyes. EA does not care about the customer experience, they care about the money they can sqeeze out of the customer.

Well, in my country they've replaced the straws on those 2dl juice boxes by a flimsy paper straw that disintegrate with any contact with any liquid, and can't punch trough the tiny METALLIC seal for the straw hole. These useless paperrolls are packed in pladtic, and gued to the side of the box...

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Because banning plastic straws is more visible to consumer, and takes less from the profit margin of the companies?

I guess someone atr the cable, or something.

Teams does not have bugs, it has features.

When applying for my current job, one of the things I could honesly say was that I would probably continue working the position even if I had no need for the monetary incentive. And to be honest, if someone decided to pay all my expenses for the rest of my life, I'd rather be in my current position, rather than do nothing instead.

That is what working SHOULD be about.

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Someone already posted the piped -link, but in general, uou can make any YouTune link to piped link by replacing the youtube -part of the url to

Took me a while to figure that out myself.

4.50 from Pentagon

This sounds more like what I'm looking for. Might be worth a try. Thanks.

Same to you. This is why people who eat mainly meat don't even consider vegan food. All vegans seem to be fixated upon replacing the meat, when the answer for vegetarian food that tastes good is to have recipes that don't try to mimic meat diet.

Just one recipe. Is that too much?

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