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"They found the smart TVs did not appear to upload any screenshots or audio data when streaming from Netflix or other third-party apps, mirroring YouTube content streamed on a separate phone or laptop or when sitting idle. But the smart TVs did upload snapshots when showing broadcasts from the TV antenna or content from an HDMI-connected device."

The world is owned by a big club, and you're not in it.

Why not just pee in the toilet? Why pee on the toilet and then cover that spot with a sticker? This is why people hate public bathrooms. This snail raises many questions.

You were fired because you suggested signage that told prospective patients where they could find the business location? Because you suggested that patients use the regular business line to call the business? Sounds to me like you dodged a bullet getting fired from a place like that. Sucks the followup gig sucks too.

Remember: insurance companies exist to extract money from their customers so they can give it to businesses, and do not exist in order to insure goods and services against risk. It's bullshit, agreed.

Why would a high profile politician in the United states do something that is for the benefit of their people? Weak leaders do not generally make strong decisions.

You can't just go out and buy a perpetual license for any random thing you purchase.

I didn't read this, but did you guys know that Zerglings from the game StarCraft: Brood War have a unique upgrade called Adrenal Glands. After applying the upgrade they are colloquially referred to as "Cracklings" because they attack so quickly. This upgrade, only available after evolving a Hive, makes Zerglings extremely effective in the late game, and allows them to swarm enemy units and bases much more effectively. Despite their small size and low health, with this upgrade, Zerglings can become a critical component of the Zerg army, showcasing the game's strategic depth and the importance of upgrades.

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Linux keeps winning by doing nothing.

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"Guy who was fed a pay-to-win degree at a nepotism practicing school with a silver spoon shares fantasy, to his fan base that own large publications, about replacing hard working and intelligent employees with machines he is unable to comprehend the most basic features of"

They should never turn on the mics and force them to respond in charades.

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"Political organization named after the demographic they intent to target releases an advertisement targeting their intended demographic"

Real quality political headlines lately.

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From reading his posts, he doesn't think the game is too hard he thinks there's an entire game hidden inside Elden Ring. He claims there's an entire parallel universe for the lands between hidden in the game files and no one has found it because they purposely hid this final "50% of the game" and made it impossible to find.

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We have better options; the DNC and GOP both refuse to present one.

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Perfect example of how hopelessly out of touch these suits are. Normal humans see a speeder and think "oh nice, hoverbike thing that's sweet". These executives watch the movie, see that the bikes are used sparingly pretty much only during chase scenes and think "oh chase scene, that's what people love about speeder bikes, the chase scene."

Low effort high sentence crime like credit card or check fraud. Represent yourself in court and be a complete ass to maximize the jury's dislike of you, no sob stories reveal zero empathy for what you did. Try to find that sweet spot between minimum security prison, but long sentencing. Make a friend in jail and start a "fight" with them the day before your probation hearing or something to extend the behavior without angering the guards/warden too much?

It's a pretty high risk low reward strategy, but the risk is mostly because it's hard to get into a "good prison". Also make sure you do it in a state with free prison, some states are pay-to-stay prison, though I guess that could open the opportunity for loan fraud and another sentence if you do get out?

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Cut off tail of snake and it will eventually grow back. Cut off head of snake and it cannot grow back.

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Lmao nah. Lemmy is just decentralized censorship. Anyone can ban or block anything else; anyone can start their own community instance and kill it on a whim. Multiple communities have already defederated in the less than a year that I've been on here.

Lemmy solves the issue of centralized censorship/echo chamber communities, by replacing them with individual personalized echo chambers that you get to censor yourself. It's a lot of work to set it up and sustain that type of situation, so it's not realistic for a rational person that does not have a severe internet addiction to waste their time and effort doing it.

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Bru WHAT they've been trying to saying demure this whole time!? I've heard people pronouncing it as "dimir" this whole time and have been thoroughly confused why everyone on the internet suddenly started referencing random ass magic the gathering lore for the latest slang.

Thank you for typing it out and showing me the way to the truth.

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You should learn Rust because you think that the language is intriguing and that controlling the lifespan of a variable is an interesting feature.

So this is the power of the gay agenda.

That raises a lot of ethical concerns. It is not possible to prove or disprove that these synthetic homunculi controllers are sentient and intelligent beings.

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You can rotate the bottle before taking a sip to position it such that the cap doesn't hit your face. You can also pour liquid out of the bottle without having it run into the cap using the same rotation technique before pouring.

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do nothing


The gaben method works again

Basically, yeah.

Imagine writing this headline in a universe where daylight exists rofl.

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Doesn't the fourth A overflow and actually make it a 00F tier game?

Damn it's been a long time since I've had to use the whole thing:

Rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off.

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She traveled from Milwaukee to Kenosha of her own volition with intent to kill, shot him twice, burned his house down, and stole a car.

Going to someone's place uninvited with intent to kill that person is premeditated murder. Burning down a house is extremely reckless, others could've been easily caught up or injured in this rampage. Not to mention that the house fire likely destroyed a lot of potential evidence. Other victims might have more difficulty finding their own justice as a result, or worse if he had any accomplices their collaboration could be harder to prove.

Cool motive. Very understandable motive even. Still murder. Vigilante justice is no justice.

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Wait what, jow many kilominutes per hour is one mile per stone?

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TIL Best Buy employees are part of the Patriot Front.

woah AI can change the past now? Move over pathetic human politicians our real overlords are here.

Nah, just swap it out for a Boeing.

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I think we should still do it, we probably will never understand unless we do it, but we have to accept the possibility that if these synths are indeed sentient then they also deserve the basic rights of intelligent living beings.

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I too believe in false comparisons and slippery slope arguments.

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Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran, Mankey. Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey.

No, Google is all AI disinformation now, better just go directly to the website itself.

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Large university who is fully in control of the people they choose to admit or decline says "there's no doubt they left out many qualified and promising applicants who would have excelled". How could the government do this!? Large university, who is completely in control of their applications process, wonders out loud.

Impossible to say. He certainly wouldn't have been a real estate icon in the 80s and would probably not have been born a silver spoon trust fund baby.

Insomnia mode is hardmode. It looks good on the surface and has a few niche builds, but it comes with pretty severe stat penalties overall especially the sanity reduction.

My take: the result of decades of incompetent leadership, at all levels from the government to individual households, that ultimately lead to a society that mainly uses dilatory tactics instead of finding solutions to its issues.

What happens when the economy crashes? We push the goalposts back a few yards so that it's actually better now and will become a problem later instead. Notice how the frequency of market crashes is increasing? It was every 50 years or so, then it was every 10, now we've had 3 in 5 years, yes I'm fucking counting COVID you had literally over 60 years to prepare for a worldwide pandemic and you sat on your asses.

What happened with education? Well let's see. Why do we pay for education in the first place? To increase our knowledge and push the boundaries of human civilization, or to put it bluntly: we don't wanna live in a world filled with idiots. But like why do we need education? Cuz like jobs or something...Ever wonder why you MUST have a degree for a job? That's a legal requirement, if something is on the job posting as a requirement then it's a fucking requirement. Suddenly everyone needs a higher education, because the job posting is a legal requirement that must be met, else ye suffer the consequences of immediate disqualification. Fortunately the law miraculously doesn't really care which degree you have, the companies get to choose how narrow the scope is and if they don't do that well that's on them lol xD! So we need a degree, but let's say we don't wanna put in the effort to learn all that hard shit. Besides, we just need survivabile minimum wage, so let's aim for that. It sure is convenient that all these now impacted universities made up all these new bullshit degrees so they could pretend to deal with the influx of morons that are getting intimidated and bribed into their schools via their parents. This sounds like a game to me, and I love games. Wait wait wait wait. We said that we want education because we want people to be smart, but like technically we only need education to get a job. Suddenly education is like this super fun game where you get sorted into a socio economic class in a fun and interesting way. And then people realized they could influence that as early as elementary school, and well gee fuckin golly! They get to vote and control the public education because that's how public school works. And if we loosen up the restrictions on what our kids need to get good grades, their chances of getting into college get better. Guess what? Money also works too, if we have money we can avoid the tiring scramble of public education and just pay to win baybee!!!!

Why does the everything suck? Because it's owned and operated by investment firms and run by people who are the result of decades of systemic degradation. And who's to blame? The worse generation in human history. The only generation in United States history to have a losing record when it comes to war lose, while simultaneously being the single generation to have started and sustain the most wars! The same fucking generation that didn't die off at 55 because their children didn't huff lead gasoline like they did for Christmas and actually got bothered to learn medical science - as much as I shit on the education system as a whole, there are always some tryhards that slip through. The same generation that still controls 60% of the political offices in this country, while at the same time being composed of the top 1% of mentally unstable weak and decrepit elderly part of the population. The same generation that voted to fuck over retirement pensions from the previous generation back in the 70s or whenever it was, and then now in past decades have undone all of that to secure retirement protections for them suddenly now as they reach their sunset years. The same generation that still currently in the current fucking year of two thousand twenty-four are the two frontrunners for Presidential candidacy.

And you know what the funniest thing about it is? It's not just the United States. How's Japan looking over across the Pacific? A problem with a top heavy elderly population? Wow who could've guessed. What about the boys across the pond? What does the British parliament look like? Who are still the leaders of China, Russia, North Korea? What families are still in power in the Middle East?

Our ancestors have failed us. They have failed their brothers and sisters. They have failed our entire goddamned species. I am embarrassed and ashamed for all intelligent beings anywhere and everywhere in any reality where intelligence is possible that we are capable of such idiocy.

I take great solace in the fact that they will not be around long enough to etch their final memory into the stones of history. And we will.

Despite all of that it feels to me less like things are getting worse and more like a loud death rattle from a bloated creature - the final shout before the eternal void. I see the same feelings as mine in both my cohorts and in the future generations. I have hopes for the future and strongly believe that the world is just now entering the upswing. It's painful and awkward right now while the old skin sheds, but I am confident we will emerge from our chrysalis transformed into something greater. Maybe that guy who brought up the 12 year delay on the Mayan calendar shit earlier in this thread was on to something; the timing is just too coincidental.

It smells like you da toilet.