
22 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 7 months ago


For an AK47 it'd be 57.2N, so probably a bit less times 88, totalling something below 5000N or so for the ejected bullets, plus 30% for gas n stuff.

I highly recommend the xkcd in any case.

Probably a jackdaw. According to wikipedia this still counts as a raven, therefore as a crow!
Shot in a harbour in northern NL.

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Well, who needs bodily autonomy when you can just use slurs without repercussion. I really don't get why you try to reason with free speech or self defense laws against against this intrusion of your actual freedom.
Being forced to keep a pregnancy going and then being forced to stay in marriage won't get better when you can legally say whatever you want or shoot someone trespassing on your land...

Maybe they're just taking a piss? Same for the whole train system shutting down due to a single snowflake.

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What kind of shows are you able to watch when you already need to skim the first episode setting the mood/vibe of the show? TikTok?

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Text to speech?

The harsh white light illuminating City Hall really gives gothic vibes in general.

The umbrella up front reminds me of the old McDonald's statues.

Another one with a little more calm-night-feeling:

That's one interesting concept of future wars. I like it. Walking down the streets and bam sleeping gas!
Wake up in some waiting room with thousands of others, massive headache, getting water and pain meds handed by enemy military personnel. Watch the latest statistics on which nation got most people in possession. Get sent home, learn new language, get used to new religion. War is exhausting but also fun.

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Yeah it's really lacking something in order to make it a good pic in itself. Wasn't sure whether to post it since it's just a mildly interesting snapshot.

Just lucky. The vignette might be enhaced, but I'm not sure. I seldom edit afterwards, since I have a rather hard time with that. Might've just been with the slightly pushed colors of my old Rebel T3.

It's the natural lightning of light woods at 4pm in September. Probably was a bit cloudy at that time. The ground was covered with a thick and surprisingly soft layer of green and everything looked like this:

And here's another mushroom (this one definitely without any workings in post):

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  • survive an crawl up again, relaxed
  • drink the right purple one
  • jump off the cliff again
  • realize what flight actually stands for
  • still relaxed though

Great composition!

What a pretty flower! Thanks for sharing.

You're right! Guess they got the concrete texture quite right.

Thanks for the suggestion! This approach might come in handy in the future to fix other "flat" pics. Never thought of this before.

Here's the result:

It definitely helps to hide the assymetry a little and also makes the statue pop out more. It's a little less.... homogeneous(?) than it was before, but I think it's an improvement.

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Are you me?


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That coat itself looks painted. The simple color, the way it still clings to the body in places while flowing freely and the shadows make it a bit surreal, especially combined with that painting.

Thank you!

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Well, with this reception I might just go on and slowly dump 10+ years of my highlights.

Never played it but this popped up when searching for it:

Probably from a similar time. That FFVII car reminds me more of Fallout though.

Especially this little guy posing nicely while keeping insects from coming inside through the window!

My layman's eye says that's it!

Holy moly! How long does it take you to finalize an image? Can you re-use most of your previous settings or is every image unique?

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Haven't thought about it that way before. It does kind of represent what Christmas time is 'actually' like for a city and most of its population. It's the small things that somewhat lighten the mood and make it a little more special.

I'm pretty sure the small ones are bushes. I don't think trees can be sculpted this way. Just thought the title is nice since the one tree also looks a little out of place.

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Alright, but who said that?

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Done! It's !birding@lemmy.world apparently

Haha thanks for preventing history from repeating itself on Lemmy. I shouldn't be surprised that there's already drama behind stating that jackdaws are, essentially, crows...

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Google improved regarding Russian, it seems.


Just never again tell your soldiers before battle "You won't change anything!" tell them what John Connor asked Kyle Reese to tell his mother - "There is no destiny but the one we make for ourselves." As they say, let's personally thank Jim Cameron for this fine movie, right in Hollywood. If I succeed in "making a difference" - cite me to the soldiers as an example.

The samurai code "Bushido", which was put down on paper at a time when samurai began to forget it, says, among other things:

Revenge is often simply to break into an enemy's house and die.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Best lingerie-a
lounging, mommaaaa

What about that parasitic thingy that wobbles your eyes and makes you do things? You'd just need to ward of these pesky birds and refrain from climbing too high, but I bet everything looks funky!

Well, would you look at that... Definitely learned something today!


For how many groups(?) of mushrooms does the 'try if it tastes toxic' approach work? That'd definitely make things easier haha

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Cheers! I often wish to be able to identify and differentiate mushrooms properly. Free food! For the original pic I tried and got 'close enough'. Very common stuff.

Being fatter than any in all thode reference photos probably doesn't count as an important property?

Is there some way to cross-post or something? Does adding !thenightfeeling@lemmy.world to the post do anything other than link the sublemmy?

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That's why rougue-lite exists. Each run gets a bit easier, though you start getting new and harder tasks. If it's done well, the repeatability is immense.