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Joined 5 months ago

I agree that it is heartbreaking that the democrats keep pushing candidates no one wants. But no amount of incompetence is a reason to give fascism a try. I don't live in America, but considering they run this joint, I'd hate for it to become a shitier Russia.

Biden is definitely not fit to do anything him self, but he's surrounded by good advisers and he actually fucking listens to them. Under his term not nearly as many horrific things happened as under trump. Trump's an immediate menace to the world order as we know it. I find it really ironic how he claims to be pro American, but actively destroys the reasons people look up to America and let it have so much influence in the first place.

Have you read Trump's plan for his next turn? The fucker wants to go through with hefty important taxes on EVERYTHING (that's essentially putting sanctions on the US lol). Cheap groceries aren't a good prediction for a Trump term. I'd suggest listening to what he's saying. There's more that makes me think that cheap things aren't around the corner, the fucker has many things he wants to spend for, without any plans for increasing the budget.

It's already a disaster. It's been a disaster since last election. Anti opposition votes can only get you so far, before people start to feel indifferent, since their voices clearly don't matter in the slightest.

I don't understand why people don't go for something like ZorinOS or Nobara. Both work great out of the box with support for like everything.

Legalized bribes? HUH?!?

Amazon blocked my account when I was buying a gift for an American friend. I made the account years prior thinking I'd buy something, but didn't end up using it. In other words, this was the first purchase on the account. It got blocked for suspicious activity, and to unblock it, I have to provide an account statement with an Amazon transaction in it... THERE IS NONE!!! THIS IS THE FIRST ONE AND IT DIDN'T HAPPEN CUS I'M BLOCKED!!! I was only buying some bloody markers and a plushy!

The amount of corporate speak makes me sick. Especially the mix of buzzwords being mixed with shit like "KERNEL PROCESS", shit's cursed.

That's one thing that always shocks me. You can have two people writing C++ and have them both not understand what the other is writing. C++ has soo many random and contradictory design patterns, that two people can literally use it as if it were 2 separate languages.

Comment sections like this make me feel like I'm in a room full of crazy people, and or I eventually start to question my own sanity.

I mean sure, a spectrum is defined by at least 2 most extreme points (depending on the amount of dimensions). But like, what's stopping us form mapping two or more people to either extreme? Why can't 2 people be equally most gay or equally least gay?

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In my experience they just stop talking to you, as if hoping you'll stop existing or something. I'm the one doing the "best wishes" shit, just to get some closure for my self.

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Flashing RGB light are legit the most annoying shit ever. I just have a black box for a case and my peripherals glow a dim solid color (so I can see them in the dark) if at all.

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If jobs consisted of only attending video calls and wiring emails, the world would be a very different place.

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Honestly haven't been paying attention to the AAA scene, I always dread when a friend wants me to try a 60~100 GB game. So like wtf happened? When the hell did we break 200 GB and even 300 GB? No way in hell am I getting a game that big.

Let's just ignore the literal fascist government take over and mass deportation (to Africa??? Who the fuck will pay for that??? Cus the world's poorest countries sure as hell won't!).

But like, his great strategy to fix the US economy is to FUCKING SANCTION IT SELF?!? Oh yea! Let's show China! They'll be in real hot water once NOBODY IS DOING BUSINESS WITH THE US, BUT IS FORCED TO CHOSE SOMEONE ELSE!!! And then he wants to overspend on excessive policing, great mix.

So when Microsoft says it'll constantly screen shot your windows machine and then use AI on those screen shots, we all lose our collective minds, but when Apple unveils their system that's fucking OS wide apparently, where the AI can literally see and interact with EVERYTHING, suddenly it's worth celebrating?

Like don't get me wrong, both are horrible, but what's up with the double standard? It's like apple can do no wrong, despite the fact that they've been doing nothing but wrong for almost a decade now.

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Hold up, this "do anything you want" space game DIDN'T HAVE BOUNTY HUNTING UNTIL NOW??? LOL XD

A bit unrelated, but where I live the price of car school doubled in the past few years. It's the reason my girlfriend still hasn't started driving school yet. I could see that as an important factor. If I had to get my driving license for the current price, I might also reconsider. Cars are generally ludicrously expensive compared to everything else. Here you could pay roughly (converted) 120 bucks a year for public transit, or pay 80 monthly AT LEAST to drive (just gass and ensurance).

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As a developer I have to say OH hell nah. If I had to compare the issue to something more layman, I'd compare it to tesla's self driving. If I have to watch it the entire time it does its thing because there's an almost certain chance it'll mess something up CATASTROPHICALLY due to the fact that it literally lacks the ability to understand, than I might as well just do it my self. It rarely saves time and only in dumb cases, that should have been automated in other ways a long time ago.

Not saying it's not a very handy tool occasionally, just that it can't come up with solutions to problems on its own, which is like 75% of my work. And it can't do this due to a fundamental limitation in how learning models work, no amount of training will fix this.

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I once forgot to put curly braces around the thing I was adding into a hashmap. If I remember correctly it was like ~300 lines of error code, non of which said "Wrong shit inside the function call ma dude".

I mean it has to be a limit, a person can only be so gay. Like even if we define a spectrum as far and wide as we like. Let's say height for example. That's an infinite scale, but a human will never be a light year in height, it's just not physically possible. And once there's one human to reach the highest physical limit, what's stopping someone else from also reaching that point?

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Wish the alternatives weren't so expensive at restaurants and the such. Honestly don't get it, whenever I cook my self, the meat is always the most expensive part, so why is vegetarian or god forbid vegan food so expensive at restaurants? Stuff like soi meat strips are dirt cheap, not to mention will likely never spoil in storage. I know like one restaurant that actually serves the meatless food cheaper, but that one generally strives to be as mass affordable as possible.

The spectrum being multidimensional doesn't stop us from maxing out every metric of what's physically possible.

The meme saying there's a gayest person, kinda implies this. Of course it's actually nonsense in real life, all I'm trying to say is that a spectrum by definition doesn't exclude the possibility of 2 entities being on the most extreme end (doesn't really matter if we have more dimensions or just one representing gayness, all can be maxed out). If one person can someone how obtain the highest amount of gayness physically possible, how does that stop someone else from doing the same?

I'd imagine a bar that would come up with a rule like that would already have a predominantly straight male demographic. That's a lot of free beer...

Bruh, that's some fucking expensive ass breakfast. If I'm eating at home, I'ma making a bloody 3 course meal for 15$. My breakfast rarely goes over 2$, that being an unreasonable liter of milk and 2 ham/lettuce/mayo/ketchup sandwiches. Where the milk is by far the most expensive part, as in like 75% of the cost.

I thought it was a painting a first.

Not the answer ya want, I RARELY play AAA games. Honestly haven't run into a game that wouldn't run so far.

I largely mean flashing in general, it's all just distracting to me. Also most people I know personally actually like the rainbow madness. Even if they try to match their keyboard and mouse, they'll still often have a unicorn box. They also love putting their rainbow tower on top of the table, I really don't get it. A friend's uncle even has a case the height of a table, like bro... Is there no end to this?

Nation wide? Fuck yea! :D

Americans aren't consistent either. 2 liter and similar bottles (and it's not even the same bottle, like they aren't reusing molds or anything, it's just an American 2 liter bottle). Sharp edges and points like on mechanical pencils are in millimeters. So are many nuts and bolts. Stuff like electricity and power are measured in metric units. Generally electronics/computer parts are in metric, the main exception that comes to mind is screen size, which even the rest of the world does in inches (LIKE WTF!?!).

There's plenty of examples of metric units in the daily life of an American.

Honestly, I have trouble imagining such a world. Hmmm... The more I think about it, the more it just kinda sounds like high school... Sends shivers down my spine.

You have to get in early, before they get all the practice from all the previous visitors.

Ey! I studied there for 2 years, awesome corner of the world :)

200/month that's 2400/year, now to me that sounds insane... That's twice my car expenses and even that's like double of what I pay for transit and food.

Here in Prague a yearly public transit ticket is 3650kč which is actually closer to 160$ (my bad) or roughly 150€ a year. Either way it's an order of magnitude less and then some. The kind of money I'll happily just throw out there. And inside Prague it is most definitely faster than by car. I dread driving here.

In rural areas the story is a little different, 9385kč (~380€) a year including Prague and the surrounding area, so I can visit my ma. I used to have this pass before my car. Still MUCH cheaper, but I admit, it's like twice as slow to go by rural busses compared to driving your own car.

Sadly don't know the transit pass prices in the Netherlands, cus I just biked everywhere (didn't have a car as a student and sure as hell wasn't gonna pay more than I had to at the time). But it's hard to imagine they'd be much more expensive.

I'm Czech and also speak fluent German, but I rarely use my native languages on my personal PC, so I got used to the US layout. Nowadays I use US layouts that have my native letters on the AltGr key, my Linux pc has an "American - Czech, Slovak, German" layout like that and at work on windows I use the Czech Programmer layout. However, most of my coworkers use the regular Czech keyboard, even for programing, which freaks me out.

Even if it runs locally (which I doubt, altho they are asking to be verified by third parties for security, so we'll see, sounds promising so far), it's still a tool that has the authority to do literally anything from a prompt. Once the device is unlocked, it's literally unlocked, as in every piece of information about the owner is now at your finger tips.

Ok, but the probability of multiple people reaching the highest point a person will ever reach is not 0.

Just because we recorded one tallest man, doesn't mean there was never and won't ever be one that's just as tall. Like sure, depending on our exact metric of gayness, there may very well only be one gayest person, but there could also be a 100, a 1000 or even more gayest people.

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Sounds like the kind of work my analyst does. I guess he's technically part of the development team, so sure??? Our 3 client mediators are totally taking over. Also pretty sure we're the only IT department that even has such a thing. The only other person in our IT branch to be mainly doing calls and such is the top head of IT, every other IT boss still has a lot of technical work around their necks. So at least at my job "close to 100%" is an absolute farcry.

It's a very similar story at my girlfriend's work place. Except they don't even have analysts.

Competitive gay! The ultimate gay-off!

The classic kung fu paradox. We can't compete, because this technique is so powerful it would kill the opponent! That's why they perform so well in MMA. /s