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Joined 12 months ago

My Nvidia 1070 with 8gb vram is still playing all of my games. Not everything gets Ultra, nor my monitor isn't 4K. Forever I am the "value buyer". It's hard to put money into something that is marginally better though. I thought 16g would be a no-brainer.

10 more...

It's pretty crazy that he left his cushy job getting paid a government contractor salary and living in Hawaii and end up in Russia living in exile. He didn't strike me as someone who hates America - but someone who hated the abuse of power and lies. Which is all the more ironic. I still can't reconcile it. I understand that America isn't ALWAYS the good guy, and it's got a long history of awful things. But Russia? I still don't get it.

7 more...

"I'd buy that for a dollar"

Ah, good 'ol Jenkins. It's on my list of software I never want to use again, twice.

One feature was really sweet though: being able to edit the Jenkinsfile script inline and run it. On the other hand, that encouraged the wild cowboy lands. Contrasted to GitHub Actions, you get to see how many commits it took to get right 🙃

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Between the phrasing of the title and the image of her, absolutely yes.

I signed up to run a half marathon. I have never ran that far in my life.

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I recall Snowden speaking out against WikiLeaks because they were a seemingly unfiltered trove of secrets disseminated, and he considered it reckless. Whereas Snowden worked with Greenwald and his team and ultimately had them figure out what to be published.

I definitely remember WikiLeaks and the Clinton campaign though! I thought that was a Julian Assange thing.

Yeah, this is a pretty common thing for me as well. I prefer to sit by my wife on long flights (3+ hours) and will usually pay an enormous fee for a damned middle seat. Outside of that, pfft hell no. Then it's a toss-up whether I get what I want or not. The prices are pretty outrageous considering it costs nothing.

On exception was flying Lot Airlines to and from Poland. We picked seats together on both flights, and neither selection was honored. That was pretty BS. They couldn't fix it at the gate because the flight was full and it would be too difficult. 🤦‍♂️

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I looked up a list of countries without extradition to the US and it's a short list today. I'm not sure what it was when this took place, but it's probably quite similar. Not many of the options seem like an appealing long term plan 🙃

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I rented a 2020 Mitsubishi Outlander in 2022 and it was amazing how unresponsive it was. It's a small SUV with the engine of a hamster. It has a "sport mode" that really struggled to get me up some hills in Colorado.

Also, the rubber seal for the door, on 3 of the doors, was constantly feel off and could be worn as a second seatbelt.

We have a tech literacy problem. We should strive to teach all who are willing to learn, and refrain from demonizing those who screw up. But yeah... Hopefully this bad experience is the push some users need to hear to take it more seriously.

Smithe. It's Smith with an E. Your source of high quality names.

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My understanding is that when signing a liability waiver, first the acknowledgement of risk happens, and then the release of liability. State by state it can be a little bit different for releasing liability, depending on the interpretation. I looked up where I live, and that liability waiver isn't upheld if one can prove damages (possibly death, in which case someone has to sue upon my lifeless corpse) caused by intentional recklessness, not simply neglect.

It looked cool. I don't think I made it past 15 minutes. They wanted to tell me a story with words, not show me a story through actions and emotion. I know, it's early and they needed to establish a background, but I couldn't take it.

That's upsetting. Running a load test weeks ahead of time to identify the upper bounds of app and infrastructure would have be a good idea... But 🤷‍♂️ I've lived through large marketing initiatives where us engineers were not involved and didn't forecast a need to scale beyond normalcy before too.

I've read about a dozen of his works, and probably more if you count short stories. I really enjoy his writing style. I started with the Homeland series and have gone backwards and forwards. His latest work reads similar to Neil Gaiman's in a sense that I'm hooked and drawn into a new universe. Homeland was EXCELLENT. His earlier stuff is really creative and very detailed. The way he breaks down and describes how tech works is accurate and detailed. He's got 4 short stories that make up a works called Radicalized that really well describe the awful experience some people get fiscally locked into in tech.

TLDR: yes.

Hmm. That's a good point... Book both the aisle and window and hope nobody takes the middle! Depending on the route that's workable.

If that doesn't pan out, I suppose the situation is similar, but I'll get to make someone a bit happier by swapping, which is also a win.

Seriously, thank you. I got something out of this.

Near a previously active volcano in Iceland. Now, it's probably burned from lava, as the volcano is erupting again.

Another option would be to hire an illustrator and draw up a contract where they may have a small upfront cost, and give them a cut of the sales.

Or you can contact a school and see if anyone would like to do it for free the experience

Bee Producer Bee

I prefer the term, "starting from experience" 😏 I strongly agree with you

It's a damn shame that you can't go to a pharmacy in the airport, tell this tale, and get some xanex to zonk out and time travel to your destination.

This links to Reddit, but I can't even view the article because I'm not logged in. Do you have an alternative link?

Karma is a weak excuse when used to justify bad behavior. I can see it as a useful tool for coming to acceptance for a unfortunate events, but I still think it's poor because it means that one has previously committed sins and that's ridiculous. As far as acceptance goes, some things just "are" and what's right or wrong will only cause mental suffering. Of course, I don't believe in reincarnation, so not everyone will share that.

I was going to expand and relate it to a violence bank one can pull from, but I'd rather not further dwell on this any further.

13 years. At least 1 purely as a lurker before that. Reddit has been in my life longer than my dad 🤣