0 Post – 85 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I had to switch instances to one that defederated from Hexbear because there would be hundreds of comments from them with a few tankies posting dozens of comments. It's real. You're just not seeing it due to the defederation.

If you're defederated you won't see their comments.

It's a bit old, but Bcachefs did get merged into 6.7

The Hamas rep elaborated previously that like 50+ hostages were held by other groups and in some cases just some people that did a kidnapping.

Yea most Israelis agree it's fucked too.

Cops are bastards and let it happen, local troops help.

One silver lining is the Israeli Left is having a resurgence and there might be a government trying to roll it back and clean up it's act after this.

14 more...

Or how LGBT relationships and "sissy-men" get censored out the wazzoo in popular Chinese Media and on social media.

Fun fact my mainland Chinese friends started saying "this humiliates China" without any other context on their social media because they weren't even allowed to say they were lonely during lock downs due to censors.

The US led Coalition procedures for a siege are more or less what Israel is doing. (if you want to read about Fallujah the US military procedure includes firing white phosphorus at tunnel entrances to smoke out the people in the tunnel by consuming all the oxygen. Even Israel thinks that's fucked up to do and restricts White Phosphorus to its legal usage as range finding for artilery during the current Gazan war.)

There are US military advisors OKing the plans and have been for a while.

Fact of the matter is urban sieges fucking suck and the govs of the world all undertake them in what the UN labels as fucked up. Ukraine blew up a major energy pipeline for the rest of Europe causing a lot of people to struggle to pay their bills to keep their homes warm in winter.

Even critical leaders like Macron flipped their tune and are now pushing for an international coalition. The context that Israel was always on the hook for Gaza's Water and Power situation before thousands of bombs started falling on the area is important. The Israeli water and power workers can and have striked when asked to go into Gaza to fix their power lines after Gazan rockets blew them up (high failure rate remember). There is a very real "hostages thing" amongst the tribes and people native to the region, such that even the Unions will continue to strike while there are hostages even after the IDF has agreed to a ceasefire. The water situation was exacerbated by Hamas and associated groups digging up pipes to turn into rockets.

Hamas posted hype videos of them turning humanitarian aid pipes into rockets.

Concerns about fuel were confirmed when Hamas stole an estimated 6 days worth of running the Gazan water system from the UN.

I can't get an electrician and contractor to come install one (as an AC mainly) inside of 6 months, and I've been trying to find one for 6 months.

The heat is actually killing me I can't sleep and have other health problems. I brought a dual hose unit from the US with me I'm running on a voltage converter and it's the only thing keeping my apartment livable.

That's only info from the first game which you didn't really play.

13 more...

There's another run with Al-Arabiya, Saudi iirc, where the interviewer grills the Hamas rep for doing a shit ton to hurt the cause of the Palestinian people.

People think Hamas takes interviews with western independent journalists? Maybe their propaganda arm which knows how to play down their crimes and keep the narrative going. These guys are the real ones.

It's just tiring at this point. Even if you have lived there, aren't a zionist, family been there for 500+ years, and try to cut through all the bullshit to explain the context no one cares. It's just politically extremist tribalism which is exactly what caused the issue we are discussing.

There's also a lot of censorship going on and it's a bit sick since the posts and comments I've seen censored often include Palestinians talking about the situation. largely ones from Hamas, some who left. It doesn't fit whatever whoever is doing the removing wants on the front page I guess.

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13 women mostly convicted of stabbings.

Edit: 33 women are on the list of 300 total, I counted the Hebrew source material myself. 15+ is of those with stabbing charges and convictions or general attempted murder.

Overwhelming majority of minors did fucked up shit.

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They called the white house in the last few days and said normalization was a go to continue.

The stuff they say publically to win PR points with the common folk is not what the monarchy actually thinks is the best idea.

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They wanted somewhere where land and labor was cheap and neglected to consider educated engineers and water are vital for a semiconductor fab to operate.

It was a fucking stupid decision, and TSMC has been flying in Taiwanese engineers and workers in general to make up for the short comings.

69ish% of modern Israeli jews are natives to the region. The group labeled "zionists" or "colonizers" describes about 30%. about as many or more than the Nakbah got expelled.

It was in the littany of things coming out of the white house the last few weeks.

Here's one report. Overall seems like SA is somewhat pissed too because the Yemeni rebels it's been bombing the shit outta started launching missiles and UAVs over their territory, and attacking Sunni hospitals in Egypt.

The state Media has been noticeably critical of Hamas, including during interviews with their spokesman.

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I just see the mod log entries and "post_not_found" errors in my comment history. But it's against the rules to be more specific.

Sometimes it seems like a legitimate site error because I can see the comments in the web UI but not the app api.

Shenanigans are actually super easy if you care.

6 more...

Palestinians in Gaza have been offered citizenship, relocation for their families, and a financial reward to snitch on Hamas.

Hamas is very popular unfortunately. Still hundreds, maybe thousands now, of collaborators including the family of its leadership.

Oh yea also your numerical comparison is more like 1/50 are Hamas fighters or directly involved. We (as in everyone native to the region) have big families with lots of kids which is why the population demographics look like they do. My grandma was 1 of 12 siblings. The guy I linked is 1 of 9. But as the guy I linked said the kids are taught and expected that being a militant fighter is a noble goal so a few young men in each family end up becoming fighters with family support.

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Zeiss is German. The Semiconductor supply plant is in Oberkochen.

Literally not talking about the tunnels and bunkers shown recently which are built in Hamas style developed over the last 15 or so years.

The shafts and tunnels are built in a certain style with parts made in gaza. This is all visible.

23 more...

Interastral Peace Corp

What do you think The Dark Place was?

What did you think they meant by Ocean?

15 more...

According to earlier UN or NGO reports I saw they were bussing them into the desert and just leaving them there. The Pakistani government has also set up 2 "deportation centers" near the border.

So an Armenian genocide style thing?

One person who got dropped off with his family like this at least made it to Kabul, where he is in hiding. A lot of the refugees are (related to) American collaborators so expect they will be executed if they just like show up and act like they never left.

Literally go watch the videos of journalists in the tunnels. Nothing will change your mind. history of the tunnels

Literally go watch the footage.

It's easy and cheap using smuggled concrete not doable in days with functional air conditioning systems.

It takes time to disarm a possibly booby trapped tunnel and avoid potentially collapsing the buildings with civilians on top. It takes time to do an investigation of a crime scene.

13 more...

I moved to Europe, grew up in New York near the City and decided to get a moped here to commute. It's roughly equivalent to an Ebike but was actually cheaper than one and has a 100km range. It's not highway legal as it has a top speed of 45km/h but can go on bike paths as long as I watch the speed.

After 3 months since I got the moped I am going to get a car because FUCK going to the office in the rain with that thing. The trains and/or busses go on strike about once a month, maybe a little less, and between delays and cancelations I can't rely on them for my commute. I've literally been waiting for the bus and the driver just decides not to stop to pick me up too. Also packages don't get reliably dropped off at my front door so I need to go into town or to the supermarket next to the highway to pick up my things which becomes untenable when they are bulky. Instead I'm taking taxis at a cost of €30 each way just to pick up shit that should be left at my door.

The dissonance is strong, I still need a car, and I still need one big enough to move bulky crap at least once a month if not more.

And before someone says rent a car, it's €70+ a day to do so here and I have a preferred account through my employer. I need to book it in advance so it's not a "same day" thing. Oh and the places they drop the packages off have weird fucking opening times and are often closed when they should be open so I've literally spent €60 on taxis to come home with nothing. That time the seller did me a solid and refunded me the €60 as an apology (it was a €350 item).

The whole shtick is writing becoming real creating multiple realities and you do realize Control with its Alan Wake dlc and Quantum Break exist along with American Nightmare and the DLCs for AW1.

7 more...

Take it or leave it.

Ones the shortest path to a good life for the kids. Being stubborn and martyring for the cause is what everyone there is taught is right at the schools. Including the UN run ones.

And you seemed to have missed the citizenship and relocation to a safe place with protection. The only threat to them at that point is the violent thugs that run their government and the people who think collective punishment is OK who want revenge.

Germans went through this too BTW.

I don't know of anything that documents it as well as reading the literal mailing list responses at each time it became relevant.

But the actual development story isn't that interesting other than when some extremely unprofessional behavior from a lot of parties occurred.

Like actual piss baby anti social nerd shit.

It's public record but it doesn't take much effort to obfuscate it's happening. That's why reddit fuzzed votes in the first place.

Chatgpt makes it really easy for the people inclined to write scripts to post comments and repost articles and spin up dozens or hundreds of accounts.

Captchas help but someone committed can throw $100 in and get many many accounts if they don't want to do it themselves. IPv6 addresses to proxy the bots through are easy to get by the thousand too.

You also don't use brand new accounts you roll them over the course of a few weeks or months.


E: here's also a UN submitted report on the fact Hamas uses child soldiers and indoctrinated them. and here's a video published by a preschool where they teach the kids to do some fucked up things.

Also here's another interview with the former heir of one of Hamas' co-founders and leaders in the West Bank. I have others in my comment history from this guy who is actually pretty famous.

(I don't like the interviewer but he mostly shuts up and let's the Palestinian who was in and out of Israeli prisons for years since he was 10 talk. Yousef touches on a lot of the same points across the different interviews he's done but this one has a bit more nuance.)

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May you never experience a true carpet bombing.

The death toll would be in the 100k+

In Dresden in the B link 60k died in one night.

Didn't work for his defense then doesn't now. It's the basis of the laws of war and Geneva Conventions.

As it turns out a place the size of jersey city with 500km of tunnels is entrenched

It's not a claim it's a fact that Gaza isn't being carpet bombed. Overlay the maps of damage from satellite imagery with where tunnels were known to be previously in public knowledge.

5 more...

The other commenter got to it already.

Really funny how people down vote you because they believe in collective punishment as long as it's the side they don't like.

Which is the status quo for the region.

Still doesn't change the Geneva Conventions definition of a military target.

Meanwhile over in Pakistan there's massive protests for Palestine nominally. As they are genociding 1.4 million Afghan refugees. the stated reason is that the refugee population keeps suicide bombing stuff amongst other militant actions. Sound familiar?

There's also a literal loophole in the regional morality system where once hostages are taken almost everyone is down to start war criming.

They use a specific type of cement piece construction they developed over time to let them build tunnels quickly for cheap. It's been documented historically and proudly by Hamas.

It's the shape of the stone arches and the smaller U shaped pieces in the shaft that tell you it wasn't Israeli built.

15 more...

Unfortunately the school textbooks teach and encourage it. It's at the demands of the existing zealots with guns, but it's a problem that only gets worse.

Because there's a bunch of tribes including the majority of modern Israeli jews who are native to the Middle East for centuries.

Arabs and Hebrewd are both Semitic (as in native to the area) and both groups look the same. There's like half a dozen sub groups plus others that are welcome in Israel and are full citizens and aren't jews.

It's a sectarian conflict. Foreigners injecting racist whiteness into it is ignorant of the situation actually in the region.

It's the set Hamas proposed, 33 are women, the rest are mostly now 16-18 year old dudes.