6 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good luck Argentina. You're going to need it.

Thanks! I just bought one!

The proceeds go to the survivors in Maui

We need non profits who will monetize ethically just enough to sustain the operations. Particularly cooperatives. Social media doesn't need to be profitable. It just needs to exist and serve it's users.

On a related note Cuba legalized gay marriage last year.

Israeli settlement has destroyed the viability of a two state solution. They have two choices left. Find a way to integrate Palestinians and Jews in a single democratic state or maintain a racist system of ethnic hierarchy where they violently oppress Palestinians. I for one don't like ethno states regardless of which ethnicity the ethno state prefers.

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I'm not in favor of forcible displacement in general. If people voluntarily bail as a result of losing their privileged position within an ethno state then I'd say that's a much better situation than forcing anyone from their homes. Anyone who's willing to stick around in a state where equality is the goal deserves a chance at peace and reconciliation. Although I'm sure a faction would stick around intending to use terrorism to regain their privilege. That's typically what happens in these situations. Look at the KKK in it's various incarnations

Server owners should be automatically notified if their users are getting banned off other servers so they can decide if they want to ban the account altogether.

Any framing to justify the operation has to ignore the many offers to return the hostages and end hostilities that Israel rejected.

If you're willing and able to get arrested for the cause then go assault an oil executive. Maybe light his car on fire. Shut down a pipeline. Block a coal train. Etc. I hate to cricize anymore more committed than I am, but I really think this is counter productive. Attack the actual source of the problem. This is like punching your grandma to stop your dad from hitting your mom.

Zionists call anything short of unconditional support for Israel and it's far right government an anti-semetic call for genocide of Jews. It's propaganda.

I think the ideal way to interface with open registration communities would be to have a registration process where they can access beehaw from that server after they've filled out an application just as we did to be able to join here. I'm not a coder, but I think that wouldn't be too challenging a feature.

I'm not excited about losing access to a bunch of communities on the fediverse. I'm not excited about needing a 2nd account if I want to avoid this. I hope a resolution can be found to roll this back without causing the admins too much pain.

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The moves that cratered the value of the cost many and may lead to its bankruptcy? What a stupid thing to take inspiration from.

What terrible thing did this admin do before the war in Gaza?

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It is nice.

I just keep my vault in Dropbox and use Dropbox sync for Android to keep it working on my phone.

This is a quantum computing thread. I think there's a bug putting comments against the wrong thread sometimes. 2nd time I've seen it today.

I used to rely on my very old grandfathered in unlimited Verizon plan + a phone purchased direct from Samsung so I could use the Wi-Fi hotspot. It worked great 6 years ago when I moved to the country, but it's been getting worse and worse as more people moved to the area.

I switched to starlink about a year ago. I have a lot of trees though so I needed to get the dish up high. So I bought a Rohn antenna tower and installed it. I had occasional short outages early on while the satellite network was still growing, but that's pretty rare now.

I thought I had a pic on my phone, but I've gotten a new phone since then.

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I'm so sick of institutionalized people saying oh yeah four tens! I like that! No you poor fool.

They need to get rid of single family zoning in the entire city.

FTL is fun and hard.

Also mindustry

I think synthetic fuels made from renewables running in conventional jet engines is the most sensible answer to aviation emissions right now.

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Based Brennan

I don't really like the explanation for Tu Quoque. Tu Quoque is an appeal to hypocrisy. For instance you want me to believe in climate change, but you drive a car or Al Gore flies private jets.

Whether or not something is true doesn't require the person telling you about it to have a lifestyle that's perfectly aligned with that information. You can be a hypocrite and correct. I would prefer to be a correct hypocrite than an incorrect non-hypocrite. At least the hypocrite knows there's something that needs to be done.

I also prefer false choice or false dichotomy over black and white for that one, but that's just me being picky. Black and white is just as good a descriptor for it. I do really like the infographic. It's nice to have them all in one place.

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What specifically about being a Marxist Leninist is so bad that it warrants lumping them in with racists? I'm not an ML and I disagree with them on a number of things, but they're no Nazis. I looked around I didn't see anything particularly repugnant.

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The Tesla energy team is notorious for being slow and ghosting customers for long periods of time. There's no way they're going to be able to handle this task.

Omg this is spot on

The growth of SUVs and big ass trucks with big ass blind spots in front of them are major factors in this.

The dystopia is real

It's a stance that leads to trans people killing themselves.

This is the worst of it to me. I never expected the kind of standards from LTT that I did from Gamers Nexus, but it was entertaining and they seemed like nice people. Now not so much.

I wonder how wildlife will react to having a second light in the night sky.

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I don't think it's always deficiencies in the tax code that they're exploiting so much as complex networks of shell companies and offshore accounts to hide the income in the first place.

Debt the first 5000 years is one of my favorite books. Graeber will be missed. He was so insightful.

I'd like to know the name of the POS

Let's hear it!

A new global standard for sulfur content of shipping fuel has gone into effect reducing sulfur emissions something like 86%. Those sulfur emissions aren't good, but they did have a cooling effect over shipping routes that's going away now.

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Absolutely for overland travel we should be building out more trains.

It's a real pickle. If we ceased burning all fossil fuels today the reduction in aerosols would cause a spike in warming before things leveled out. Continuing to burn without aerosols is kind of the worst of all worlds for climate although I completely understand the desire for cleaner fossil fuel emissions as nasty as the air gets in a lot of places.

She's one of my favorite subs on YouTube

French palaces make money without supporting the austentacious lifestyle of monarcht.

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