
3 Post – 15 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


I spent years in southern Florida and can confidently say that this person has either been beyond sheltered for their entire life until this exact comment section, or they're lying to make a bad faith argument. Most people I met there have the kind of political views you'd expect from someone that likes DeSantis, and will make sure you're very aware of that.

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Severe abuse by the church made me firmly anti religion for most of my youth, and then meeting religious people of varied faiths who weren't monsters softened my feelings as I realized it wasnt all entirely evil. Then studying some of my family's roots brought me where I am now: vaguely pagan while still acknowledging that I'm always going to be culturally Christian. I like to just tell people I'm a "recovering Catholic" for brevity and a laugh.

As for my social and political views, it was seeing all my friends come out as queer and realizing that I could either keep the far right views my family taught me, or I could learn to get my head out of my ass to keep my found family. Once I started forming my own opinions, I realized I got fed a load of shit my whole life(and also I'd wind up coming out too lmao)

Contrapoints got me on the right track, but I could also imagine Vaush and his edginess being a good foot in the door for some.

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I'm not the same person as I was before I watched(and later read) Annihilation, particularly in how I think about trauma

Try not to feed the trolls

I rewatched Kung Pow recently and I don't think it's held up as well as I remember, but its still great fun and I continue to quote it constantly.

Cruelty Squad is such a bizarre beast. It's an ugly, unpleasant, and overstimulating game that feels hostile to somebody trying to play it. And despite that, it lives in the back of my head as one of the most unique gaming experiences I've had in ages.

The game fucking rules. 10/10 I am a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters

I remember losing so much sleep when I first played Minecraft a decade ago, it's one of those games that I wish I could experience for the first time again.

I don't have the charisma for it, but it would be great fun to be on Game Changer or other Dropout stuff like Um Actually or Make Some Noise

Absolutely. I don't watch her very much anymore, but if nothing else she was a big contributing factor to getting me solidly left.

It's specifically because of something written in the forward. I don't remember the exact quote now, but it got pointed out that he doesn't put villains in his stories, to which he replies that he learned that in the war. It flipped a switch in teenage me's brain and I started forming my own opinions after that.

Judging by their username and a glance through their comments, I'm going to guess that this person has dissociative identity disorder and is using the signature to note which alter made the comment. Definitely a bit jarring though, and maybe I'm wrong and it's just an odd quirk with how they comment.

Wife and I have been working our way through Sons Of The Forest while we wait for Baldurs Gate, I'm hoping to get some time to myself soon so I can keep playing Metal Gear V

Slaughterhouse 5 had the same effect on me, as well as reframing how I view morality.

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I wanted to like Bright more than I did. The main thing I got out of it was a burning desire for a Shadowrun movie.