16 Post – 376 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Small scale permaculture nursery in Maine, education enthusiast, and usually verbose.

That looks delicious, and well plated to boot - great job!

Ehh, they serve customers in the suburbs and city dwellers hoping to recapture a sense of not-being-in-the-city too. Us rural folks have dozens of places to go and pick up hay and shave and feed instead, so just like every other time some corp has done the right thing and then backtracked, they've lost the group that got all hurt about being included in a bigger tent, they've lost the group that was newly included, and they're left holding a presumably smaller portion of the market than before they failed to hold to their convictions. Make stupid moves, win stupid prizes.

We get asked by one of our nearby tractor supplies to participate in their market days during the summer, along with several other small businesses around us. I can think of several, besides us, that will tell them to pound sand and won't lend our credibility to their outreach programs - especially if that outreach is only for the benefit of some of our neighbors.

Eff that ish

Hey congrats! That's awesome! Also very happy to hear you've found another outlet for your music and great people to boot

Certainly not the U.S. citizens

I'm so sorry for your loss and what you're going through 🫂

It might not be possible right now but please give yourself some grace. You were attentive to his condition and when it worsened you acted immediately. I can't imagine a better kind of human to place trust in, and I can't imagine him not knowing how hard you tried, how much you cared, or that he would ever blame you.

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I'll tell you that it does - or at least, the remembering becomes slightly less painful as time goes on. The lessons really stick, but it becomes easier to remember all the good stuff, and those are the things you should hold on to the hardest during those difficult times.

And I'm glad you shared with us, if for no other reason than helping you process your grief. I'm sure we're all sending our love, hoping to lighten the load in some small way.

shade hoodie

I have two shirts like this from (the company) patagonia and they breathe until I start to sweat about ten minutes later. If yours was better than that, care to drop a name for me to go look into?

Our boy would sympathize with Jean - he loves the beach but not the water. We still take him every so often, but he wants the smells right on the edge of the waves and sometimes the ocean sneaking up on him is just too much

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I really appreciate it, thanks!

There is an issue with the claim in the first paragraph which immediately set off alarms. While it doesn't hurt the argument for interpersonal respect, such a claim doesn't support the point the author is trying to make. This reader found it interesting that the writer chose not to employ capital letters for the second person pronouns in the piece.

This reader also has Webster's, Roget's, The Harbrace Handbook, The American Spelling Book, and Washington's Rules of Civility together on the shelf, for some context. Some portion of the neurodivergent population (such as the person here) cling to these conventions for a sense of security when interacting with others in a written format and no offense or slight is intended. Please assume good faith when interacting with the people on Beehaw.

Going pretty well so far! A friend reached out this morning to see if I would be interested in receiving some plants from her (yes) so in the near future I'll get to go hang out with an amazing person, and will get to grow some new plants with which I have no experience.

And I'm giving an introductory talk about biochar at my town library this evening, which will hopefully be a bunch of fun for everyone. I couldn't come up with as many biochar puns as I did for my compost presentation, so I'm leaning on memeing for levity:

I have no idea how attendees will react to these, as most of them are retirees.

Our solo duckling is still solo, which is concerning at this stage. That said, there has been a lot of co-nesting and additional shuffling of eggs between hens which likely impacted incubation. I'll keep my eyes peeled for more chances to shove pictures of ducklings in y'all's feeds

Have a great week everybody!

Hello and welcome!

Happy early birthday!

This was a fun listen, thanks!

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I dig it, thanks for introducing me to them!

"As a result of this criminal act, Amazon's license to operate within the U.S. has been suspended until executives can provide the communications they were legally ordered to preserve," said an FTC spokesperson while smiling wryly in my fever dream where laws matter.

The newly listed company warned in its initial public offering (IPO) paperwork that its unique approach to content moderation can sometimes subject it to disruptions like in 2023, when several moderators protested against its decision to charge third-party app developers

I seem to recall over 8000 subs going dark but sure, just a handful of people protested.

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Sync is back in its rightful place on my device home screen, only now it points me at Beehaw. Things are looking up.

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Amazon employees were using signal to coordinate anticonsumer policies and then destroyed the records, which the FTC had ordered them to preserve. At least, that's how I read it.

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Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington State and Wyoming are participating.

It's a shame more aren't participating but I can see the reasoning behind staged access and iterative improvement. The real pity is that data they've already got won't be preloaded in this stage. It would have been the nail in the coffin for Intuit and other companies' predatory practices on lower income folks, at least as they exist currently.

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Personally, I think it's fantastic that you're examining your language in this way. It's certainly not ill-mannered, unsolicitous, infelicitous, or untoward of you to do so.

Just my $.02 - while newsworthy, a political statement by a political party is politics and not reported news. I get that it's frustrating, but I also kinda prefer having the ability to sift between "purely political" and "reporting with known bias" in my feed.

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Cities: Skylines but ecosystem repair. Plant forests, regrade areas of mountains to mitigate landslide potential, reintroduce species and study their functional relationships with each other... Game progression comes in the form of additional research grants or new area assignments which present new challenges and unlock a new set of tools/procedures, but the successes from previous sites allow for migration of the reintroduced species into the new site.

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Leave your personal device and IDs at home

If you're able, bring a burner to record and distribute evidence of civil rights infractions - be safe and don't be obvious about recording.

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It's an official party statement, which means that it's purely to rile people up either to garner support in the form of public displays or donations. It falls outside of the posting guidelines for !usnews, which I happen to like.

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Overcoming someone's apathy towards voting is a huge success, don't let yourself get down about how many you convinced.

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At the risk of coming across as argumentative - I can't reconcile the idea that every group except boys benefit from positive role models that help young people see their potential. I've known too many people who've benefitted from seeing POC or genderqueer people represented positively to believe otherwise, and I've seen it in my nieces when they find out that women are professionals in a field that interests them and they don't have to give it up because "it's a boy job".

Breaking down unhealthy gender stereotypes is an important job we all have to pitch in with, but

Young men do not need a vision of positive masculinity

feels like ceding all interpretations of masculinity to those who promote the kind of Gender Equity Reactionary Masculinity that came about in the later part of the 19th century which we now know as toxic masculinity. (Seriously though, it's behaviors and attitudes that have been promoted for barely over a century that eschewed actual traditionally masculine things like flower arranging, social sensitivity, and generally not being boorish.) If we're not willing or able to define positive masculinity for the next generations, we're likely to see more instances of the negative variety while possessing fewer tools to help offramp people from toxic behaviors to prosocial ones.

I mean, I'm a cis het white guy who enjoys wearing clothes that are cut for women. I do flower arrangements, and whenever I'm gardening somewhere public hand cut flowers to little girls and little boys and children who might not self identify along that paradigm. I wear flowers in my hair, or weave them into my hats. I am unafraid to use my dude voice or stature/build in defense of others. I will tell you I'm living my best life as a disney princess when I'm carrying baby animals around. All of these things help to define my masculinity rather than dilute it, and that's not to say that others might do the same things and have it reinforce their identity as feminine, or androgynous, or however they identify.

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As (yet another) cis guy, I can't speak to what you're going through but I hope this story gives you some food for thought:

When I was younger I took Savate classes - French kickboxing - and there were a total of three people in the class. Groups were similarly small at the few places we would compete with, so everyone competed against the others in their weight/skill brackets regardless of gender. At one meet a guy mouthed off about having to "fight a girl" and our instructor turned to us and told us to watch closely, because the dude was about to get his ass handed to him. He was right, she beat him handily. She beat the next two guys she was up against as well, but those matches were closer and far more interesting to watch because at that point nobody was holding back; it was truly competitive.

On the ride back our instructor spoke to us about how that first guy had forgotten that these sports aren't just brute physical strength - speed, flexibility, awareness, wits, and adaptability are every bit as important. And that any person who judges their opponent before the match begins doesn't have the skills required to progress very far in a competition.

So whatever you end up doing, I hope you have a good time and kick some ass, though since it's BJJ maybe I should say flip it on them.

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I've been referring to the lot of us as "Beeple", personally. I can't claim credit, it was how they pinged us on discord for one of the community polls and I just really enjoyed it.

This is what real foraging guides look like. If the cover doesn't look like this you've got to go and look up the author and their bonafides before trusting anything in their book. If you're new to foraging, you should be bringing a few books or guides with you for cross referencing and confirmation of species.

I always appreciate how much thought, effort, and time you all put into these documents and the community and everything; thank you from the bottom of my heart. There's no place I'd rather bee, and whatever direction ends up being taken I'll gladly come along.

There was an event I used to go to every few months. When you got there, you'd head up to the registration tent to check in but the first thing said to you was always "welcome home!" and the second was "do you like hugs?". That's how it feels here, like walking into a tent of people who care that you're here because they want you to share in the positivity they've found.

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I got an invitation from someone I had been talking to online to come and have dinner with their family. It. Was. Awesome. I got a tour of their gardens, talked pest management, chicken composting, and propagation strategies, got a ukulele concert from their usually shy daughter with some special medical needs (and got to play something for her on the instrument she never shares), and had a lovely meal from their garden. Oh, and we traded plants and cuttings with each other to help diversify our gardens (and who they support)!

I wish the 👍 had been 🐝 but that's a minor quibble.

Thanks for running the survey!

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"Your honor, my client does not possess the funds to continue this trial, so we have crafted an offer to the plaintiffs: in lieu of compensating them for the hundreds of watches that have gone missing from their inventory, we admit no wrongdoing and they will be offered stock in his watch making company should he ever start one"

Maybe there's a word we could apply to situations where a group of people make plans to carry out an activity that is not legal for personal gain

I'm pretty sure it's everyone who uses their app, since every third post and every fourth comment on it is an ad of some sort (or at least that's how it seemed). I'm sure anyone on old.r with an adblocker is unaffected but during the brief time I had their app installed there were enough ads to render it unusable and unnavigable.







This is a space that used to be two closets in our dining area. When we redid the bathroom to replace rotting subflooring we decided to enlarge the bathroom footprint from 22sqft (2.04m²) to 36sqft (3.34m²), which gave these closets only 8" of depth. They're too shallow for what we used to store in there, and the swinging doors took up additional floor space with their clearance needs. In a <1200 sqft (111.48m²) home that stuff adds up quickly.

Our plan is to build in shelving to consolidate our book collection, which is currently overflowing from a number of smaller bookshelves and stacks. We picked up some great boards from a local sawyer that I'm excited to get to work on for this project. Once the initial demo and resheathing of joists is done I'll be able to cut the boards for depth and get them installed. If folks are interested I'll try my best to record steps in the build to share with the group.

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When I was younger, and as long as it wasn't my first beer, I'd have interpreted that as "I want some of what you've got" and been flattered. Probably some quip like "okay this round's on me but you're getting the next one".

But not everyone's flirtation styles line up, so be(e) kind to yourself. Make this time a joke to prepare the guy next time, and use their reaction to gauge whether the flirt will pay off (use your best judgment and be safe!). I'm glad you went out on a limb, and I think there'll be someone who can roll with what you're bringing

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I love these breakdowns of the financing! Thanks for all your work and communication, it really makes me feel like a stakeholder in the community instead of a string in a database.

I think you made the right call, and your explanation is wonderfully eloquent. Thanks for all your efforts