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yes, it's real. it's from the episode on coal from june 2017:

i think it would have worked if it had the word fake before disasters, implying the conspiracy theories that all of those were hoaxes made by the government instead of just being about the reactions to them

no, it's actually not edited. that exact frame appears at 23:03 in the episode on coal from june 2017:

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not conservative in the political sense, just conservative with regards to tech

politics aren’t genetic, but they are obviously still inheritable

wearing a pride flag cape was a lot of fun!

no, it won’t. where did you get that idea from?

There are only THREE states of matter, everyone knows this! It’s basic physics!

it reads like you’re trying to censor which exactly service you’re talking about! 😆

“I read A on B”

which category does NixOS belong to?

wasps as in actual stinging wasps (like yellowjackets and hornets) or just their close relatives that are (mostly) harmless to humans?

“the economy” is a social construct that is affected by reality and affects reality, but it still is not reality. it reflects what expectations people have and how they are planning based on these expectations, but all of these are choices, not inevitable forces of nature

you’re beautiful and so is your self-portrait. excellent job!

i think github has the ability to map an email to an account, so it would show as your account name instead of the name and email in the commit message as long as you have registered the old email to your github account. at least for me it only shows my github username and nothing else

same here! the labels aren’t the important part, it’s often easier to focus on the specifics first. i’ve currently settled on the non-binary label as a way to not decide, since it can basically mean anything and the label is likely to change in the future when i know more about myself

oh, i don’t notice that, thanks!

that’s why you have different drinking age and buying alcohol in a store age. for example where i live you can drink when you’re 18 (which is considered adult for all other purposes) and buy alcohol from a store when you’re 20.

what’s the usual age when people start drinking in the US? i’m assuming it’s way younger than the actual legal drinking age

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what’s the original non-anti-joke version of this?