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ASS Club.


Humans: Awwww he likes the baby Cat: Yes, this surface is both soft AND warm, I will sit here

" A moderator on the game's Discord server, for instance, said "watching u all cry, amuses me so much," while another said on Reddit that complaints about weapon nerfs were perhaps in reality a question of "skill issue." "

Are you kidding? That's fucking hilarious. Learn to use a different weapon than the railgun you absolute chuffs.

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I'm here for this. Make every headline as horny as possible.

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Do not colonize other planets. They suck. They have all the downsides of space habitats (needing sealed environment, etc), while also adding more (breaches now let in toxic dust instead of vacuum, cannot control gravity via spin, etc).

Just build O'Neil cylinders. If you can't do that, maybe work on stabilizing the ecosystem we evolved to live in. Nowhere will ever be better than here, folks.

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Posting this seperately: OP, you have a right to feel unsafe. Talk with your other coworkers, then go to managment with a safety plan. You probably can't get this guy fired, but it's completely reasonable to ask for some sort of safeguards, given he's a multiple offender. If you need inspiration, look at the sort of practices medical facilities have: multiple people required to be in the room, clear boundaries being set, agreed-upon followup if rules are broken, etc.

I don't think we should compare subs to facists, that's pretty insulting

I mean, Thanos isn't even that tough. Most of the people fighting him were just human+ power level (notice how they specifically de-powered the Hulk for that fight?). A lot of characters could take him relatively easily.

Somebody mentioned Kerrigan. Yup. Zeratul would 'Nothing Personnel, Kid' the purple guy. Talandar (formerly Fenix) could fuck him up in a straight fight - the dude has died twice, he ain’t afraid of shit. All of the Zerg charcters, probably.

The Doomslayer, obv.

An entire collection of characters from Diablo. Good old Tyrael would bust him open, but any of the angel or demon characters could do that.

Kinda want to put him in a room with Jack of Blades. Nothing kills a supervillan like another supervillan.

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Healthcare accounts for around 1 to 5% of carbon emissions.

Meanwhile, the meat industry accounts for about 35% of carbon emissions.

Yah, healthcare is absolutely not the problem. Feel bad about the environmental impact of your medicine? You could probably make up for it with like one less meat meal a week.

EDIT: link to bypass paywall for the article OP linked. Good read; they estimate healthcare as 8% of total emissions. Reading through, it seems it mostly focuses on insulin pens (which are an absolute godsend). I can't help but think that attempting to recycle those is entirely the wrong strategy, and that we should instead focus on reducing diabetes cases in the first place. Losing weight, reducing sat fats, and eating fiber are all correlated with reduction of diabetes risk. I think we need some good old big-government regulation to start penalizing foods that have those things in them. We're all paying the price for them already, time to start making the corporations do it instead.

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This is like jumping technology tiers in Civ. Good for them.

First Nazi book burning was in front of a Berlin center for transgender research.

Just saying.

Oh, I'll be voting.

For Claudia De La Cruz.

EDIT: People hard mad about this lmao

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TIL what 'basta' means.

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As someone used to Old Internet: how is having multiple communities for similar topics a 'problem'? If you like Overwatch, do you demand that Activision, Steam, and GameFAQs all combine their forums about it? If you like baking, do you demand that all of the hundreds of sites dedicated to it all blob into one? This seems like a very wierd idea to be so definite about.

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Well, I didn't know I needed punk/emo Peach (Bowser?), but I do now.

In Minnesota... bison. Because it was their native habitat before we killed them all, and because watching jackasses in cars trying to negotiate with 1500lb bison everywhere would be hilarious.

Obligatory: Starsector

Also Rimworld, Project Zomboid, Prison Architect, Factorio.... basically if you like sandbox games, there's a ton out there.

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Whoops. Should not use social media when tired, I glossed right over that.

Megamind. Just Megamind. The Incredibles is good, but Megamind is first class.

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Hey, McDonalds, I got a general AI that can understand human speech.

It's located between my neck and the top of my head, and it costs $25/hr for fuel consumption.

I second that idea. 'Once while sober and once while drunk' and all that.

Are we counting raising kids? Because I feel like that would be the answer for the supermajority of people. It's super necessary work that society is utterly dependent on, yet we insist on not compensating.

Shit, we could just do UBI for parents and we'd be 80% there.

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This is just the Iroquois Confederacy with extra steps.

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Or women defending themselves from stalkers or absuive exes. Or LGBTQ people defending themselves from much, much higher rates of assault than average. I know it's easy to get sucked into the us-vs-them mentality, but please remember there are plenty of people out there who have damn good reasons to carry.

They're the same picture.png

How can we reconcile eugenics in dogs but not humans?

That's the neat part, you don't.

Well, he's gonna get the QAnon voters.

Youtube will never give their content producers a fair payout. Just get Nebula.

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I'll add Endless Sky in there as well. It's an open-source spiritual successor to EV Nova.

It says it right there: SUVs are less safe and more polluting. The entire city is impacted by that, so they're recouping some of the cost.

Stop making SUVs.

Huh, so this + Human Era dating is now my new favorite calender (there's a sentence lol)

I hope it's not. Here we were thinking it would take armed struggle to reach communism, but we can just give people free lunch instead? Sign me up.

People do realize that being behind bars does nothing to stop someone from serving in an elected office, right?

Life hack: if you don't eat meat you don't need to worry about meatborne illnesses.

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Nobody told these gents that there is such a thing as having too much personality.

So when do we march south again?

Bruh, this is literally Market Socialism.

Or, you know, the Israelis could stop bombing hospitals, undo their Constitutional amendement declaring that Israel is 'for Jews', extend the vote to the entire occupied territory, and start a justice and reconciliation commision that punishes current and past acts of bigoted violence.

But nope, the only two possible choices are that somebody gets genocided.

Yah, replace the UPS with USPS and it'd be bangin