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Honestly, it’s the terrible content moderation policies that are going to kill YouTube, not a certain type of video.

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Was not expecting to see a pregnant sonic flying a plane today.

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Further solidifying webp as the worst image format.

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This is an idiotic argument. Lyme disease can cause extensive and chronic suffering. A cold is rarely fatal, but if you were going to live for a year with one, you’d probably be miserable.

Anything that can make a positive change in our lives should be regarded as exactly that. Yes, there are other problems out there, but sometimes we need to invest into smaller ones to better how we are able to deal with the larger ones. Disease research and study is a perfect example of this, as better understanding builds a pathway to future successes.

Wouldn’t these subreddits just immediately pop up elsewhere. For example, if r/pics was paid, what’s to stop someone from creating r/picsfree?

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Not to mention the numerous amount of accessories that use USB-A. My keyboard, mouse, and flash drives all use USB-A.

In my cable collection, odds are that if a cable has USB-C on one end, then either USB-A or C is on the other end. That means every other connector still requires USB-A or a dongle.

USB-A‘s longevity (~20 years) basically ensures that until it’s much cheaper to use USB-C, it won’t replace USB-A.

I wouldn’t say most of these are tweaks, given that they’re natively built into Dolphin. This is more of a feature list.

You should probably explain what a distribution, a DE, a WM, and a DM are. I feel like this is something that Windows users lack in particular, as they have little control over these features.

They’re not becoming Apple 2.0, Apple is becoming Microsoft 2.0. If you look into the history of Microsoft and Windows, you’ll see that they’ve always been this way, but have received more pushback in the past. Microsoft is the OG tech giant empire.

Assuming that it’s actually reverse engineered, this is great news. If not, there’s a massive lawsuit brewing.

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Is the correct word to use here grammatically.

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Was going to say this. Pycharm is probably the only paid software I use. With that being said, students don’t need to pay for it, so I don’t have to worry about that.

I feel like your negative opinion of censorship is so strong that it overpowers your morality. Would you let a serial killer walk around shouting that we should kill everyone just for the sake of preventing censorship, or would you insist they’re locked up? See, even you have your limit.

Its a less extreme example, but the same logic applies here. We shouldn’t just let misogyny grow for the sake of ‘freedom’. That’s how you end up with stuff like the Nazis. Classic bystander mentality.

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It’s less that you can’t, more that it would be impractical to do it.

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“So I decided YES”

Tl;dr: group of idiots finds something wrong with a perfectly reasonable proposal.

**There’s no jailbreak for iPhone 13 on iOS 16.0 yet. ** You can check jailbreak status here: link The discord server also will let you know when jailbreaks are released: link You’re lucky to be on iOS 16.0 as you’ll have access to both MDC and KFD exploits. These give some of the jailbreak functionality. You’ll want to install Sidestore (to sideload apps) and Cowabunga (to remove 3 app limit) to get access to tweak functionality.

Looks like we found the libertarian. Are you really willing to let others die or be abused for the sake of ‘freedom’? Here’s the thing; we can prevent civil freedoms from being infringed upon by increasing regulation. Yes, people are the root of all evil, but that doesn’t mean we can’t manage the spread of evil by regulating the tools that make it easier for it to grow. You’re really just proving my point here. The bystander is almost just as bad as being the one doing wrong.

The product designer for this needs to be fired. Anyone who’s held a controller for an extended period of time knows these hard corners will kill your hands.

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It could be semi-public details. A google search and someone’s social media can give you a lot of information on a person, depending on how safe their internet practices are. Generally all you need are two or three details to find out more personal information if you wanted to.

I’m under the impression that you currently can’t install plasma 6 on Ubuntu, as the repos aren’t available yet. That would make option 2 the only possible option.

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It’s a format that most major image editors don’t support. Basically, if you wanted to do anything with it, you need to first convert it to a different format. It’s the only format that has this problem.

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I commonly use the following font families:






Space Grotesk

Times New Roman

Atkinson Hyperlegible

Cormorant (Garamond)

Check for apps that are running in the background after you have closed everything.

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This is completely anti-consumer. A few months ago Microsoft removed free applications similar (and better) than this from their store, only to then turn around and release a paid option because they want more of your money. I wish the developers of these applications had the financial backing required to pursue legal action to a result similar to the Apple v Epic Games lawsuit.

It’s just a respring, which can actually be useful in certain situations.

Everyone was talking about it back in 2022, but it hasn’t really had any progress since then. I had attempted to use it, but it was rather unpolished.

My experience with flatpaks has been mostly good. I tend to opt more towards .deb based apps, with flatpak being a fallback option. With that being said, the Pycharm Pro and Spyder flatpaks don’t run well at all on my system, with Pycharm being too heavy, and Spyder crashing due to Kvantum incompatibility.

While Netflix raised their prices, they also have been delivering less high-quality and more low-quality content. The raised prices merely indicated to people that the services they’re paying for to get away from cable TV are becoming more and more like cable TV.

People who complain about a service instead of finding an alternative are the main problem here, as they’re doing nothing to change the situation they’re currently in.

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Was looking for this comment.

It would depend on the type of phone. Is it an iPhone or Android?

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Anyone other than the Republican and Democratic nominees are not giving said nominees a “run for their money”, and should be treated exactly as what they are: a distraction.

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You’ve basically ignored the question, and instead explained why decentralized services can’t be taken down.

The answer is that there is no good reason to use this above Mastodon, as Mastodon is free and open source, is not a scam, alongside having a larger community. Signal is also an encrypted messenger operating on an open source protocol, and again does what Wiremin does but better.

This makes sense to me too. The way I have always viewed it is that if you were to lay the mouse wheel on the screen itself, it would behave the way as if it were interacting physically.

Cheating isn’t necessarily the only use case for GPT, although it definitely does play an impact on the overall number of users.

I’d say having these groups coordinate in a platform where government officials are able to gain easy access is better than banning them and forcing them to move to more secure methods of communication.

With that being said, I do think most social media (even Lemmy) could do a better job at vetting what content is recommended to or seen by users.

Mandatory disclaimer: I in no way support these groups or their beliefs.

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Honestly, carrying around a usb drive is generally a pretty good idea. I carry one with several ISOs so I can rescue a machine if something happens and I am unable to fix it (and also show people what modern Linux has to offer).

This is something I carry pretty much anywhere I take my computer, and would recommend to most people. Sure, I could leave it at home, but if I have to meet a deadline, I don’t want to spend the extra hour driving to my house. It’s a worst case scenario kind of thing, but it pays off considering how little effort takes.

This article helped me go from 4 hour battery life on Windows 11 to 10 on Linux: link

Using a 5 year old dell xps 15

That’s really only true of some users. Most people now are used to at least 2 OSs. GNOME acts a bit more like a mobile OS in my opinion, and KDE behaves more like a desktop OS. Ultimately if you’re moving to linux of your own volition, you’re usually going to be more tech friendly than anyone staying on windows.

To be honest, I personally disliked GNOME, but not because it didn’t match Windows. It just didn’t have the level of customization and accessibility that I expected from linux.

Part of it is probably the perceived legal liability, but another is Microsoft sees the user interest in this type of games and wants to make money off of it. That’s why this announcement comes shortly after the release of Antstream Arcade (which has been added to game pass so they make money from sales there in addition to the portion they take from each purchase). It’s some of the most anti-consumer behavior we’ve seen from Microsoft in recent memory.

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