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Joined 1 years ago

3D Printer enthusiast and Metroid enjoyer, you can find my stuff here

I like how r/mildlyinfuriating is full of injustices and crimes instead of like, a slightly misaligned tile.

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Please rename the community to US Politics if that is the only topic allowed.

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You'd think the guy claiming to "know more about manufacturing than anyone else on Earth" would have anticipated such issues at the start of the design process.

He tried to do the intercontinental ballistic missile gambit.

It is the answer to your question tho. Maglev is feasible, Hyperloop, not so much.

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Their Maglevs are not Hyperloops...

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CS is awash with gambling websites that let you bet on the outcome of a match and potentially win some weapon skins. As for the reasons for the stunt, it's explained in the article.

How have they not come up with a use for the leftovers? That's like the first thing a convenience store would do.

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Fucking migrate to Mastodon already!!!

"I wish these animals to no longer be in the endangered list!"

The monkey's paw:

No, the rumor claims FF7R looks closer to the PS5 version, not that Switch 2 is like a PS5.

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It should be noted that it's not rare for the second place to win the ballotage, as it can now gather voter support from the other opposition parties.

At first I was like "oh, at least Neuralink is being open about this since they reported it on their blog...", reading further it's pointed out The Journal reported this first, and Neuralink made the blog post for damage control.

Tried to do the funny "58008" on the display didn't you?

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Nintendo will do anything except a Switch 2.

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Damn, you know your project is bad when even people with the infinite money cheat code need to reevaluate it.

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They should've call each Embracer, Expander and Extinguisher.

What a disaster.

Oh, he likes to groom little girls too?

That's one way of convincing your customer they should treat cybersecurity seriously.

They can take them to court if they find concrete evidence of asset theft, which is what their PR says.

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You very much do own an NFT you purchase, what you don't own is the asset the NFT represents (the shitty RNG generated monkey for example).

We already had a "Milei" during the 90s, Carlos Menem, a figure libertarians like him and his followers love to defend, despite being one the most devastating presidents we've ever had. The only difference is that Menem actually supported government funded R&D programs, other than that, it's the same but with promise of "it's gonna work guys! For real this time!"

Then you have people like Chris Chan, who literally believes advertisements are accurate depictions of real life. But in fairness, the autism isn't the only factor at play there...

"Your Honor, as you can see from the footage, my client sprouted 7 fingers out of his hand, with such a condition, he couldn't possibly operate a firearm..."

Smash (specially Melee) has always attracted questionable people. So if it had happened there I wouldn't be surprised... but this is for Splatoon of all things.

Universal Basic Income

Ma'am do not redeem!!!!

Dude's quadriplegic, can't fault him for giving it a go.

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Don't forget to send her the Steam Cards, who knew she is such an avid gamer.

The city is an asset pack lmao.

That's good! Although I was thinking more like if it could be repurposed as stuffing for another dish.

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Hopefully this one will be about actual holups and not random memes like its reddit counterpart.

Pants, made of denim??? When will this madness stop?!

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How can Boeing be having problems after decades of prioritizing shareholder value? I don't get it!

Nothing more hurtful to an "alpha male" than the idea that the only tool they have doesn't actually work for women to climax.

Well, for one, they probably used bots to garner the "Most Wishlisted Game on Steam" accolade, they also used shill accounts to counter negative reviews and press.

Last time I checked they were searching for a film to repurpose into a sequel.

Can you embed pixelfed posts here?

EDIT: You certainly can