1 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

In the early days, they shot their own hostages who were waving white flags

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Local AI sounds nice. One reason I'm cynical about the current state of AI is because of how many send all your data to another company

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I can't believe that people paying to host an instance want it to not get flooded

This is 1984 or something


Can I opt out in the US?

Conversation is usually higher quality, but there's not a high enough population to sustain niche topics. It's pretty easy to be exposed to obnoxious and unwanted topics, like man bear discourse, to an extent that Reddit would have filtered. Global news subs are thankfully not captured by warhawks

what misinformation

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Am I misunderstanding this, or did they just fuck up the integration so it's one way with a plan to make it two ways after, and the AI alteration is just sentiment analysis on whatever they took?

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Tigers are not common household pets in India

US spends months so it can send small amounts of food to the families of the people it's still helping murder

Corporations should be allowed to own vital services so they can ban people from them at will. This is a good thing somehow. I love monopolies that suppress activists and organizers because it would only be bad if the government is doing it.

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Sarcasm is already illegal, idiot

Fourth Amedment is dead

Smh cannot believe these HYPOCRITES think that massacring civilians and trying to displace them to steal their land are both bad

Actions can be judged plenty over morals

After handing them a couple billion dollars of weapons

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What original properties? Not a rhetorical question, I'm curious

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Get Out

Start protesting the money crisis

He cosplayed as Hitler

It wouldn't make sense because, as you've pointed out, it would be nonsensical

Conservatives are desperately trying to force TikTok to sell because even though its format is garbage, it's gathered a large leftwing userbase

What was the vote for this in the House called? Looking up my Congressman's votes but I see multiple FISA votes

defending the us from middle eastern babies

555 555 5555

When I click on the kbin links, it opens kbin. How do I see it while still on the lemmy site?

I tried llamas when they were initially released, and it seems like training took garbage amounts of GPU. Did that change?

Whatsapp is doing this? How do I turn it off?


Settings, Chat, Chat Backup

Was on me for me even though I never okayed it

Google the word pause

It looks like a Turtonator

If you spread false information, even if it's in the name of a good cause, you will make it harder for people to believe you or people supporting your good cause when you talk about true information. There's enough issues with conservatives that you don't need to invent more like a conspiracy theorist.

India was not on the verge of joining a military alliance with China, they hate each other and China's closest ally is Pakistan

Actually, sending taxpayer money to weapons manufacturers so you can support a genocide that your voters are ready to ditch you over is 9D chess, you wouldn't get it

This is what these bozos are doing while the WH sends all my tax dollars to Israel

Take the ones banned from Europe and sell them in southeast asia instead

Lemmy is one of the least privacy friendly (unless you just use throwaways and disposable mail like you should) service I have ever stumbled upon and while it’s partially due to how federation works it’s just a fact that even reddit did that better because it was way easier to nuke your account and all traces (including nicknames in deleted comments, which is not a case on lemmy).

What do you mean by this

If you have an account on an instance, you can see anything on other instances it federates with

Cannot believe the dislike for people who brag about how much they love genocide

you are penis

What attitude you think people take with other medical research