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Joined 1 years ago

It did die, like back in November I think. We're at the point where the zombie like corpse has fallen over and horsehair worms started emerging. 🤮

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Dominion will probably be happy to settle like last time. Don't count on them making a dent in any of these "news" organizations.

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I personally don't think the protests are working. But they are getting reddit admins to show they have no interest in the communities on reddit and as a result, are helping push everyone to wonderful new communities that don't generate revenue for the owners of reddit. So I just may be misunderstanding the goal of the protest, but it's definitely doing something!

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It also came out on mod discord that jayclees hates lgbt people and thought they were scaring off conservatives. Luckily he won't have that problem anymore as the dog wasn't in the right frequency so everyone heard it loud and clear.

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I don't know why she would be responsible for changing anything in Iran?

She made a statement to highlight the atrocities in a terrible country and it put her in the crosshairs. This is the same thing as putting on your oxygen mask before you help others while on a plane.

It's amazing seeing this all happen in realtime. I was on the fence about deleting my reddit account in order to keep participating in the small communities that decide to stay on reddit, but I'm just how aggressive reddit admins have been with treating people who actively engage with the site.

Subreddits protesting are trying to get the message to reddit management that they don't agree. Instead of having a discussion, reddit management is just forcing their will on everyone, which causes the discenters to leave the proverbial table as they realize any there will be no discussion.

At this point, anyone who still wants to use reddit is just enabling this behavior.

Don't have kids...

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It makes for a good case study looking forward, which hopefully will save lives from people attempting the same thing. Additionally, you already know folks in the aviation world wrote the pilot checklists in blood. It's an unfortunate fact that souls have to be lost before a regulation or rule gets put into place to prevent it from happening in that exact way again, but this is part of why flying is so safe these days!

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Didn't realize how much he loved to travel! I wonder how he's getting such good deals on the travel expenses. Surely it wasn't free. Everything has a price.

When I first used a backup camera in 2015, I immediately felt it should be required due to how easy it is to see if there is a kid or dog behind your car while backing up. I'm glad they actually did make it required! Though my issue with it now is how there doesn't seem to be a standard resolution, field of view, etc. So some cars have a terrible backup camera, but there's always turning your head around and looking back there!

Next they should make front cameras for personal trucks required!

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Definitely exercise is great for stress management. Something about cardio cuts through stress like a knife through warm butter.

Now if only polls mattered, then we could be on our way to making sure the majority of the people who participated in polls are happy!

While this is funny, it drives traffic to the site so it's the equivalent of people buying Nike shoes to then burn as protest. The company is still making money and they're getting free advertising.

A better protest would be to delete Reddit accounts, uninstall the apps, and see how long you can go without hearing or thinking about reddit.

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That pen looks like a Kaweco Liliput in silver.

Don't bring your parents to the interview lol.

Seriously though, you're interviewing the company as much as they are interviewing you. Find interview questions examples to ask during the interview. You'll want to find out if you like the work culture, if it looks like the interviewers like their job, how frequent overtime is required, etc.

Whether they give you a job offer or not, don't sweat it. There is a lot going on at the company outside of your control that will affect them giving a job offer or not regardless of how well you did in the interview. I recommend taking the interview as a learning experience and practice with a friend beforehand. Doing well in interviews is a skill especially for technical interviews where folks can ask a range of questions while all eyes are on you.

Good luck!

Same as reddit, same as Facebook, same and Twitter. It's the same as any website. Anything you post is most certainly getting scraped to create a profile on you. Whether that is for nefarious purposes for just to better serve you ads is irrelevant.

There is no privacy to anything you post on the internet to public forums.

Just look at the effort that went into making "work from home" viable back in 2020. The fediverse is not a unique case of being a "privacy nightmare".

For fun, try to "dox yourself" by searching on Google from a different IP and computer from what you normally use for your name, usernames, etc. to see what information is freely available to the public.

tldr: practice good opsec!

It's spelled "Infanty", did you even read the infographic?

If you listen to them, the conservatives, republicans, bigots, nazis, clansmen will tell you their intentions.

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I think it was always the same psychology of making a number go up makes people get dopamine or something. Otherwise, it was a system to try and filter out bots used for astroturfing that I felt didn't really do a good job. There were always plenty of karma farming bots that would literally just copy and paste a different comment to create a fake post history.

Fuckin' liberals and centrists need to stop enabling nazis

I'm surprised they haven't banned the Apollo dev.

Isn't this the same thing he tried with paypal?

@LChitman I'm sure this was intended to get rid of the users that aren't easy to qualify into revenue.

@tchambers @mookman288 @DAVENP0RT @onceitbegins @nude

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@HaleyHalcyon absolutely, your post reminds me of this too:


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