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Joined 1 years ago

Since switching my server to an x86 based platform, I'm not jumping back to arm any time soon. Maybe some day

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Two years ago our software lead left. Me with 3 years experience was the most knowledgeable person on the team. He left because we had gotten acquired. 3 months later they gave me a raise from 92 to 103k, which I showed annoyance with. 6 months later the new company decided to throw money at the people they couldn't afford to lose so I went to 128k. 6 months later I went to 143k

This is on a small team at a government contractor

TLDR: 51K (56%) in 1 year without switching companies

I got my grandma a chromebox for easy updates and minimal tech support. I get a call from her probably once a month when a random tab she got to through Facebook puts her browser in full screen and says she has a windows virus. Sometimes she calls them but is smart enough to not give a credit card. Every time she calls me all scared and asks "I don't have Microsoft right?" lol

That's a crazy issue to have discovered. Maybe you could try a different reverse proxy like nginx to narrow down potential causes for the issue

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What phones is Motorola selling now-a-days? Flip phones?

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Optiplex with an i5 8500. Before that was using a celeron that used like 6w max

Glasses when working (desk job) or relaxing around the house, contacts when outside the house

Biuebubbles is based. I was running on an old Mac mini then switched to a vm on my server (spoofing the hw info from the Mac mini) for Ventura + lower power consumption.

I use an old iphone to link my phone number, but will eventually switch to pypush as a way or registering without the iPhone

Larger, swappable battery. Squeeze for assistant

I wanted an instance that was popular but not #1 to avoid slowdowns. Chose Now it's most popular...made an account on today

To be fair, OpenVPN was annoying to setup. But with wg-easy docker, I'd argue it's faster to set up than tailscale and no accounts necessary. You do need to forward one port

I definitely spent a good hour setting up tailscale on my GF's mac and had to fiddle with non-advertised cli options to expose local services from other machines. However, wireguard on a mac is supposedly hard to set up compared to tailscale

Definitely going to give this a try

Port management redirects to privacy settings? That's not right. I've had google routers for like 5 years now and multiple family members also have them. Most reliable routers I've owned to date, haven't had a need to upgrade

Also you can host multiple services through the same port. This is typically done through port 443, using a reverse proxy

40 up on Comcast, wow

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Any specific guide you followed?

I started up setting up authelia this week so I could have 2fa on immich, then stopped when I learned it doesn't have built in ldap. So I set up authentik and it's been solid enough so far

I also set up miniflux yesterday haha, good timing

I think 8000 series is the suite spot. I've gotten a few optiplexes between $110-140 with an i3-i5

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Last time I came across your post I tried it and found the window was constantly freezing on windows. Gonna give it a try tomorrow, hope it's solid!

I do this using a native Linux host so Google corals work right for my frigate security system. Windows vm is a qemu KVM with GPU passthrough, managed primarily through a web browser via cockpit

I find my index finger a lot more reliable than my thumb. Also yeah, the dry thing. Sometimes you can give your finger a lick then wipe it on your shirt so it's more hydrated and works...

Do you think there's any advantage to use SSO if all your external facing services already have built in 2fa (ex. Nextcloud). I use vaultwarden so it's not like any passwords need to be remembered. Just seems like extra setup

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Home theater, make living space

I prefer compose merge because my "downstream" services can propagate their depends/networks to things that depend on them up the stream

There's an env variables you set in .env so it's similar to include

The one thing I prefer about include is that each include directory can have its own .env file, which merges with the first level .env. With merge it seems you're stuck with one .env file for all in-file substitutes

I like using coconut oil

I use nova mainly for custom icons and the music widget at the bottom

It occasionally causes ui issues which force you to go to recent apps then swipe to home again to recover

Have you tried frigate? Or iSpy agent dvr?

I think application fees can have some use given that a person needs to spend their time reviewing it. Also without a fee someone could apply to hundreds of listings without even looking at them. But with ai, the former example doesn't work nearly as much. $100 is too steep for the latter

Following this for the future. I had tried out netmaker but it was still a bit too alpha

What's the advantage of this over

sudo tar -czvf /backupFile.tar.gz folder/to/backup/ gpg -o backupFile.tar.gz.gpg --symmetric backupFile.tar.gz

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