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Joined 12 months ago

Even companies that cater to the LGBTQ+ community, which is all about equality, treat their workers like garbage. There seems to be no incentive for any corporation to actually be decent to their employees, no matter how liberal their social views might be or appear to be according to corporate image or culture. I guess there aren't enough protections for workers and nobody cares, just as long as they can scroll through somebody's workout pics and try to hook up with them. (Oh yeah, I'm brutally sarcastic sometimes)

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OK, so I shall create a new thread, because I was harassed. Why bother publishing anything if it's original if it's just going to be subsumed by these corporations? Why bother being an original human being with thoughts to share that are significant to the world if, in the end, they're just something to be sucked up and exploited? I'm pretty smart. Keeping my thoughts to myself.

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So, you know, I was a child in the 1980s, still had access to porn. In magazines, on VHS. They won't stop making porn. If it's out there, the people will access. The people who made these laws will access, no doubt. So dumb.

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I'm new here but since you asked and this is the first thing I see in my feed, I'll tell you. My mom died the day before yesterday. So, not starting the week off as I'd like to. I didn't like the way I was informed about. A very impersonal and uppity email from my older sister I am not on speaking terms with. So, I'll just plod along and find a bright side somewhere! To all of you who are having it rough this week: I'm hoping things get better for you.

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Vinegar. Adding vinegar to things can brighten them up or, depending on quantity, give something a sour flavor that is needed sometimes. I experiment with all kinds of vinegar. I even use the brine from my jar of spicy pickled vegetables in my cooking or to make a salad dressing. I also like to swap it with lemon juice to see what happens. For example, I have learned that I prefer lemon juice rather than vinegar in my alioli mayonnaise I make (probably not original, but I figured it out on my own). Going in the other direction, I prefer vinegar over lemon juice for making tartar sauce. I think my vinegar discovery started when I was a little kid. In my home town, famous for its fishing, lobster trapping, and clamming, you'll find malt vinegar on the table at any restaurant. We use it on french fries and fried fish as a condiment. When I was a small child, I dipped my french fries in ketchup, splashed them with malt vinegar, and squeezed lemon juice on them. So, I think french fries are pretty much the vehicle to my discovery of ingredients. In turn, I have a tendency of turning condiments into ingredients I think I will dip french fries in just about anything on hand, at least once or twice.

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Thank you. I lost her quite a while ago because my older sister cut off my ability to communicate with my mother quite a while ago. I live on another continent so I couldn't really do much about that to fight it. In a lot of ways, I mourned the loss of my mother a long time ago, so her actual physical death is something that I already mourned. Still, it really sucks, but my mom was unwell for quite a while, and she is no longer unwell. That's a good thing. Thanks for being so nice with your comment. I'll be just fine. Situations like this in my personal life remind me about all the things I need to do to protect people from these kinds of unpleasant situations that are unfair.

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I really don't see the difference. Instant access versus delayed access.. sounds like a Freud book I read about once about the pleasure principle. It's all silly. The timing has nothing to do with anything. As a matter of fact, you've just argued yourself out of your own argument and made my point all over again. You can see it tomorrow, you can have it today. You can delay your pleasure. You can choose not to delay your pleasure. You can delay your pleasure because that's what pleasures you.

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I wonder if someone could jailbreak the Tesla to make it fly? That would be something.

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This is very sad. I was in high school in the 1990s and I was hugely big mouthed left-wing boy with friends who were hugely big mouthed left-wing boys and girls. This in a small town. My graduating class was 100 or so. "most high school seniors claim no political identity" looks promising. They are looking at the landscape and saying "this makes no sense, I'm not signing up for any of this crap." So, you know, perhaps a silver lining?

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Exactly. That was my point. However, Grindr just doesn't fit into my life, mostly because I tend to reject superficial stuff for the most part. I don't reject frivolity, but the whole dating app thing kind of makes me throw up a little. It's like was, only more modern. Anyway, "dollar voting" is a total sham that bourgeois podcasters blab about on their smarmy podcasts and write about on their maketeering blogs when they discuss their recent "retail therapy" outing. You don't vote with your dollar, or with the app you scroll through. You vote when it's election time. People are voting for things to just keep on chugging along as they have been: treat workers like garbage, make healthcare expensive and inaccessible, alienate the queer people, alienate anybody that isn't white, etc. It would just be so nice if all the people using Grindr would delete their accounts all at the same time and delete it from their phones. It isn't going to happen, but don't you dare keep me from making fun of my friends at the bar that get all in an uproar over their Grindr bullshit. I make fun of them. I laugh at them. I call them names. Over drinks. Then they tell me I'm just a you-know-what. And I laugh, and I say, "how many no-shows last week, babe?" You see, in the big picture, why yes, it's all about the political economy, how the system works, etc. In the little picture, in the personal day to day things of living an individual life, it's about sticking to your guns and having a personal code of what you will do, what you will not do, and what you have a conscience about. So, onward everyone! With your conscience!

I would really love it if you (or anyone!) would post something to ! or ! if you can think of anything to say. The newest posts there are about a day old and just now I was perusing them and trying to think of something to post. Let's make a deal: I'll try to think of something or, if something interesting happens, I will post in one of those two places and you can try as hard as me! I think those two communities, plus some others I've joined that might be too specific for me to mention (I don't know you well) are key places that, with just a tiny smidge more activity, would probably satisfy a lot of people's needs for "more community." I think there are lots of people like me out there who want to say something to make these communities more active but can't think of anything to say. We need a special hat to wear that will help us figure out what to post! The ! community here is really unique from the ones on other instances because it isn't all news. I'm grateful for that today!

I just saw a summarization bot on here make a summary that was longer than the post. Kind of silly.

I actually found your point of view a good way to think about this.. To me, it suggests that masculinity needs to be redefined or the dichotomy "masculine versus feminine" needs to be forgotten about. In different cultures that have a dichotomy of masculine versus feminine, the definitions or, if you will, characteristics that define them are different, often radically so. Why can't it be manly to play with flower arrangements and hand out flowers to children? Sounds perfectly fine to me. Humans give meaning to body parts and behaviors with language. Depending on the society they live in, those meanings vary and evolve over time. Fashion trends in the Western world is possibly a way to understand this. Historically, the clothes that men and women wear that is "fashionable" changes over time. Sometimes prints are OK for men, sometimes they aren't. Maybe everything needs to be considered OK for everybody.

I left a job once because at the old job I had to share an office and at the new job I found and landed (because I wanted a new office) I got my own office. It's kind of like a no-duh. I felt like I was the Jeffersons. Motivating factor for changing jobs not caring I didn't last a year at the old job where I had to share an office: Having my own friggin' office. I even asked in the interview, "can I have my own office, or do I have to share?" They said I got my own office. I hummed "movin' on up" after.

Yes, I realize that. However, they don't even care about their image. Why don't they care about their image and how the people who use their app see them? Perhaps the people who continue to use their app are either A) indifferent or B) uninformed. I went out last night and talked about this situation (you know, at the LGBTQ bar where all we LGBTQ people go) and I got a lot of indifferent attitudes about it. I got an equal number of attitudes that expressed concern, but some of them expressed concern as they were checking their Grindr notifications on their phones. I think it's time for us - the ones who care - to band together and burn it down.

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Thank you, that's so kind of you to say so. You seem like a very friendly and caring person.

Yes, I know all of this already. It doesn't mean I should shut my mouth.

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This needs to be pinned like the last one, by the way. I can't keep track. Please pin it and unpin the previous one.

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Most people refer to FitGirl as a man. They assume FitGirl is a man or know it's a man. I thought like you once the first time I saw repacks made by FitGirl. I was like, "Oh, cool! A woman into fitness and computer science!" I hope I was right and I hope your "outsider's take" is right. I fear that this is not the case. Note that I fear this, I cannot confirm if FitGirl is a man or a woman myself since this person is not my next-door neighbor. I just have been around long enough to see how FitGirl is always referred to as a man. Since I've learned more, the idea, as far as I can tell, is that the software gets "slimmed down" and "de-bloated." Perhaps you've heard the term "bloatware?" My understanding is that, if FitGirl is a man, he is referring to women who complain about bloating and he is referring to the "bloatware" that he reduces in size as a woman who has been relieved of the bloating. "Fit" here does not refer to exercise, but rather a body type which, in turn, metaphorically refers to reducing the size of "bloatware." Anyway, that's what I've been able to piece together over the years. Mind you, it's an interpretation of mine. Who knows how far off the mark I am? Maybe someone who knows FitGirl personally can tell us more. Maybe she's somebody's gym buddy.

MSG is really important in my cooking, too. It really adds a nice flavor to any vegetable dish. I use it for so many things, even when a recipe doesn't call for it and especially for when a recipe doesn't call for it. I always laugh at myself when I use MSG to season my spaghetti sauce because tomatoes have some MSG in them already. But they need more MSG, you know? They need so much more that on top of the MSG I also use Worcestershire sauce.

Good luck on your meeting!

I've been drinking a lot, so it's pretty good. It's really nice to relax on vacation, drink a lot for the summer, and kill some brain cells. Also smoking more. Drinking and smoking more, for sure. I also made myself some french fries today, with grilled cheese sandwich. So, kids' menu straight out of Friendly's, drinking, and smoking. Week couldn't be better.

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I don't think you actually committed an act of piracy. Good for you, though. I'm still trying to figure out how to fit a 100GB game into my hard drive (SSD) without slowing my computer down. I, too, may turn to FitGirl for the answer. If my theoretical piracy isn't piracy (because I bought the game plus DLC, just haven't downloaded and installed) I don't think your theoretical or alleged piracy is actual piracy, either. I have SO MANY issues with the username FitGirl, though. They could have figured out a name that wasn't so sexist. I would have gone with SlimWare.

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Agreed. I find a lot of them to be irritating and the rest of them pretty useless and annoying.

I think you've hit upon what medical anthropology needs to sort out as a discipline. To be specific: What constitutes a moral position versus a phenomenological observation about a cultural phenomenon that assigns meaning to biology and anatomy? It is quite an interesting problem you have highlighted. This does not, in my opinion, question medical anthropology as a valid scientific field of study. It's something to think about, research, and talk about to improve the field, which is a fascinating field, indeed, and totally worthwhile.

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This is a huge mistake. All my friends, just take a look at the history of Belfast, Maine. It's an environmental disaster and you can't hope your great grandchildren will recover from it. You can't drain off slaughterhouse sewage like this. No, you did not find the vegan, by the way. I'm so totally not a vegan. I know from my home state what happens to the environment when you take it easy on slaughterhouse drain off.

Hi. I'm Tony. It's really nice to bee here!!

I've been living with a newly acquired "old man knee" now for about two weeks. Last Monday, I woke up, and my right knee hurt like hell and was swollen. I could barely walk but managed to get to the emergency room. The doctor said I probably overdid an activity. I have no idea what activity I overdid because I'm new to this concept of overdoing things, so I've started asking around. I'm like "hey, what would you consider overdoing this or that?" I wear my knee brace when I go out for a walk, I take my anti-inflammatory pills when needed and my paracetamol when needed, and I'm learning by asking people. I think you and I might be similar. I've never broken anything. Until now, I've been doing all the activities like I've always done them since like, I don't know, age 18. For me it has been a learning experience, yes, and I think that's a bright side you've pointed out. I feel more humble than I did before, too, and I think that's good as well. I was planning on taking a very long, all-day walk in the country before this happened. I didn't have a particular day programmed, just any time before the summer is over. I guess this sort of thing forces us to change plans. In your case, maybe you can't live on your bicycle and do a huge tour, but you can totally compromise. If I were you, I might try to find a bus company that allows people to take their bikes with them. Then, you could do a bus and bike combo tour, right? If you have a car, do a drive the car and bike ride combo tour. In my case, I'm going to see how my knee improves (if it improves) and instead of a long all-day walk in the country I'll just figure out a shorter hike to take, maybe ride on some transportation, walk, then ride on some transportation, and repeat as needed. You did not let yourself get old. I know from experience of getting there myself (now 48, nearly half a century!) that we do not make ourselves get old. Time passes by and does all that work for us. We can, however, make other types of decisions that we can be happy with, like the examples I've given you. I know it's hard to make compromises even with yourself (I'm doing it, though) but I think with a little imagination you can find ways to change plans that can be satisfying.

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I am into it. I made my own Limoncello once. It was a wonderful beverage, but yeah, the constant vigilance. The container selection. Made me crazy!

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I don't ferment anything, but it's something I'll think about trying.

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At least there are some people who see their jobs as useless when they probably are. Enter any American university with more administrators than necessary and you won't find a single useless administrator admitting to you that they are useless to society and the university.

In Sweden, merchants can refuse to accept cash if they want to. As seen here Sweden is predicting the future of society as cashless. So, it's a worldwide trend, and there are countries with policies in place already that are encouraging a move from cash to all digital money, such as Sweden. Where I live, my bank has refused to handle cash transactions at most branches for years now. If you want to make a cash deposit, you have to use the ATM. I think where I live it's not really possible for merchants to refuse cash because they get charged fees for accepting credit cards. They don't want you to scan your card for a purchase below 5 or sometimes 7 bucks. But, restricting cash circulation is a way to control tax fraud, so I'm sure a lot of governments will be looking for ways to make policies that discourage the use of cash. I think the major problem is going to be for the small mom and pop stores and businesses. To accept cards they have to pay fees that are still too expensive. It's not fair to them if the banks aren't going to find a way to lower fees for Visa, MC, etc.

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Yes, this is classic anthropological theorizing, in fact. Claude Levi-Strauss touched upon these issues, and they continue to be interesting questions to think about. He didn't frame it in the medical field, but it's the same question that plagues sociological and anthropological research. Your elaboration actually highlights something very important: the straight-up medical field could learn from medical anthropology and seems to pay little attention to it. The two fields have so much to talk about together and collaborate. It happens sometimes, but not often enough.

Higher education problems collide with healthcare problems to create a gigantic mess that seems nearly impossible to fix. The public doesn't care about academics, who are viewed as lazy people who barely do any "real work" for their salaries. The public isn't voting in a direction for healthcare reform, either. Graduate students, professors, and teaching staff continue to be exploited. Corporate healthcare continues to dominate and interface with higher education at the medical school and the hospital. Public officials aren't doing anything because nobody asks them to. I wonder when enough people will get concerned about this? Maybe when it's too late?

Playing games. I like games because they catch my attention for a long time. I enjoy card games, action games, driving simulators, RPG, platformers, arcade. I'm starting to get interested in TTRPG and I found a community you like that talks about playing them solo: !solorpg! or you could go for ! I also read, do crossword puzzles, and do puzzle games on the computer. I think gaming, doing puzzles, and reading are good because they keep my mind working. I also like to doodle. I have a book about keeping a doodle journal that I like called Doodle Art and Lettering with Joanne Sharpe: Inspiration and Techniques for Personal Expression I like doodling and lettering because it's a nice way to get my thoughts out of my brain and into some other space. I also like walking and hiking, which combine well with reading.

I'm sorry to hear that. I am all too familiar with this type of situation.

Ummm... this is really a video I would call "basic" in so many ways. Doesn't get into marriage. Marriage is the classic component of any bartering system, any political economy. It really is super basic. What you need to do is talk about political economy, and the forms of such. What we may loosely term "bartering economies" are ones that trade not only goods, but also family members, in the form of marriage. Who let this thing through here that understands socialism and the history of political economies? Bartering is the first glimpse we get into economies that, while still in touch with the means of production, begin trying to "barter better" and take advantage of hierarchies. I want to play nice, but I can't subscribe to a community called "socialism" that does not understand these basic things about how political economies have developed over time. This video does not even consider capitalism as a late development. It just tries to explain bartering economies in capitalist terms.

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I guess we are not twins. I was hoping you could ride your bikes a little. No bikes at all, then? I'm very sorry to hear that. I don't think you messed up your knee being foolish or doing things thoughtlessly. Injuries happen because we move around and also because we get older, as you mentioned in your OP. Please don't beat yourself up. If you can't ride your bikes anymore I guess for now grieve the loss you feel. When you're ready, you'll find alternatives, but it will take a lot of time, especially when you feel as passionate about your hobby as you clearly do. I've been swearing at myself around the house today because sometimes I forget I have a shitty knee and kneel down on the floor or put weight on it. So, solidarity. I hope you can process all of this in a way that will make sense to you. And again, please, don't beat yourself up. Go easy on yourself, OK? If you can't convince yourself you did nothing wrong, at the very least, please find a way to forgive yourself. Everyone deserves forgiveness. At least, that's how I see things.

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I don't think this is the right way to answer the thread you are referencing. Instead, you should start a post in this community talking about something you think might be interesting to discuss. What you've done, whether on purpose or not, is create a thread in which people can hide themselves. Instead of creating a new post in this community, they just say in a comment stream what they wish they could have the courage to make a new post about. What you've done is create a sub-community within the community. People put in this thread what they'd like to talk about out loud, yet feel better about saying it here because it's buried. I don't think you had this in mind by design when you created this post, but this is what has happened. People are posting a response to you with things that they didn't create a post about. Are you all that afraid of creating a new post? I'm not. I'm trying to figure out a post to create here, independently of this thread, to contribute to this community. I have nothing right now of interest to discuss because I live a hugely dull and boring life. Just as soon as a bird shits on my head when I'm walking under a tree, y'all are getting yourselves a post in chat about it I created. Because that's pretty much all I can possibly have right now. If you're smart and take a look at the lay of the land, you have nothing to lose actually starting a new post here that maybe you felt like you couldn't post on Reddit. Nobody here is going to rip you a new one. You have to be nice. Remember what that was like in society, when you actually felt like being nice? Maybe if you are nice and just accept the fact that people here are nice, you won't feel the need to do this. I'm super fucking nice. Are you super fucking nice? I swear, this place needs a new motto. "Are you super fucking nice? Be(e) super fucking nice." I am so into this beehaw thing you have no idea. Make a new chat post about your life that you think might be interesting. I'm at a huge loss. This community is the first to fucking know as soon as something unusual happens to me. I'm making a new post in here. And everyone is going to be nice to me so much I'm going to die from all the love. That's what make this place the place. I love it!

You know, if it made the cup actually held, it was totally worth it.