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Joined 1 years ago

You're surprised that most people use the free option that requires less hassle to get going?

Fuck reddit

Is this a trick to get lurkers to post? lol I post occasionally but mostly lurk

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But what the real cost to Google is here is that they have evaporated my loyalty and good will. I now see them as a company that will squeeze me when they know they can get away with it, and that my loyalty and being an early adopter means nothing to them.

You really expected more from Google?

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It annoys me when people leave a review because what they bought arrived damaged. That's a review on the shitty delivery, not on the item itself. Just send it back and get a replacement.

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.

Hitler had no 'progeny'. That word means descendants, not descendants of siblings or cousins. Well ignoring some completely unproved allegations about some children from affairs that is.

And there are still some living descendants of Hitler's siblings. His older half brother Alois had two kids, the younger died during the war and the elder, William, didn't get on with Uncle Hitler so moved to the UK before the war. He later moved to the US and joined the US Navy in 1944. He changed his surname to Stuart-Houston and had four children, one of which is dead but the other three are still alive and childless.

His older half sister Angela married Leo Raubal and had three kids. Two of them had a child each who are still alive. Dunno if either of those have any kids.

As to his estate it's a bit complicated, and I know it's reddit but askhistorians is a good place and there's a good overview of Hitler's estate here:

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"Five months after her death, the Federal Court in Berchtesgaden issued a certificate of inheritance in which Paula Hitler was awarded two-thirds of Hitler's estate.[2]"

Or is Wikipedia also not allowed?

Remember the shareware days when up to a third of a game was given away free? Good times. I still copied those floppies though.

A better comparison image would've been sonic the hedgehog with the waterfalls. Such a huge difference without the crt dithering type effect.

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It's per se, not persay. From the latin 'per' meaning by and 'sē' meaning itself.

The amount of people in general that don't understand even the most basic shit about trademarks or how they differ from copyright and often mix up the two is staggering really.

Posting this from the shitter so I can say I was there. Ignore this shit-post.

UK, tap water is fine.

Lineage isn't compatible with every phone. My shitty realme has no images there. It always depends on if there's someone willing to actually make images for specific phones.

Lesson here is to never buy a realme.

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Yeah you vastly over estimate how much I can afford lol. I've had this cheap ass piece of shit for almost three years now. I'll get another cheap ass piece of shit at the end of this year or maybe next. You really gotta make shit last when you're perpetually broke.

The top of the range phone camera megapixel and ai processing arms race is just pure masturbation.

Metal, the anime of music. Currently in a stoner and sludge phase.

Had to scroll down so far to find an actual hot take.

Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun

Doom 1 and 2. The 2016 reboot and Eternal just don't do it for me. And I just pretend 3 never happened.

I haven't checked that place out for a while. Looks like there's a small handful of other roms people have ported to my model so I'll give them a look over. Might be able to extend the life of this thing for a bit longer. Cheers!

Korobeiniki is a folk song that's older than the Soviet Union. The Red Army Choir played a lot of Russian folk music.

On most rss readers you can just paste in the url of a youtube channel and it'll find the rss feed for you, no need to dig about in the code. Worked for me in everything I've used over the years.

Pacific North West I think.


Ice pops and purple for me too!

Yeah, well maybe a better quality pic on the right as it looks quite raw lol.

I'd do the same thing. Start writing a reply and then half way through think 'why bother' and delete. And even when I did post something I'd often disable inbox replies on it straight away.

Never because that's not how trademarks work.

The burning of the library of alexandria causing a loss of a ton of knowledge is basically just a modern meme. Well it has been a bit of a myth for a few centuries but Carl Sagan popularised it in Cosmos and he was quite wrong

There were a ton of libraries all around the classical world, basically every town had one. Alexandria was one of the biggest and most prestigious but you had other huge libraries as well such as the Library of Pergamon which rivalled Alexandria. Also book/scroll collecting was quite popular amongst the upper classes so there would've been tons of personal libraries around. Granted they weren't on the scale of alexandria but when you have libraries in every town, personal collections and then some big libraries that matched Alexandria, not much at all would've been unique to just alexandria so there wasn't much knowledge lost at all, if any.

Plus there's the fact that there wasn't even a single 'burning of alexandria', there were multiple events over it's history. There was the big fire with Caesar and it's agreed a ton of stuff was burnt but they restocked with copies from other libraries and carried on. There's records of it still in operation in the 3rd century. But before all that the library had been in decline for at least a hundred years anyway as the later Ptolemies didn't bother providing adequate funding and the library was mismanaged for quite a while with the position of head librarian becoming quite politicised.

What caused the loss of a ton of classical works is the fact that papyrus is pretty shit for preservation as outside of the most dry and arid places it'll just rot away to after 50-100 years in most conditions.

What classical writings we do have that survives is mostly the result of whatever shit people in medieval times thought was worth copying and recopying over the centuries, recovering palimpsests and the rare actual preserved papyrus finds such as the library of scrolls preserved in Herculaneum. And what we've lost is down to two millennia of entropy rather than caesar or Christians burning down a library.

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I only ever buy some cheap shit when my last shit bucket phone starts packing in and hasn't received a security update in a while. I try to drag it out as long as I can but the budget phone makers seem to be getting more scummy and supporting their phones for shorter periods of time. For the first time in my life I'm getting tempted to buy an apple product.

As to why people buy new every year; from the adverts it all seems to be about more megapixels and ai image processing as phone makers rarely ever seem to boast about anything else anymore, apart from the occasional gimmick. Dunno why anyone needs an extra billion or so megapixels, especially as phone lenses are kinda shit in general.

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Oh right, lol. Sorry for the big post then. I'm autistic and some things go completely over my head. I'm also prone to rambling on a lot as you might have noticed.

Grandma what was it like? To be on that holiday site?

The 'Don't be evil' era was quite a long time ago now. Google's been greedy scumbags for quite some time now so this really isn't that unexpected.