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Joined 1 years ago

I'm an Australian, I'm probs fking with you, we can't help it, I think. Probably something to do with all the hostile shit around us and adapting to it, or something. All meant in good spirits! If you think we're laughing at you, think about the stupid shit we just did to get that laugh.

Asbestos. You know how long they knew that was killing people? Lead, they knew that was toxic, kept using it. Business, under capitalism, is designed to find the cheapest path to pull in more money. Regardless of the consequences. Changing might not even mean all that much more, in cost. They would still act like they can't at all, because any back slide looks bad on their charts. They have no financial obligation to the environment and or people. Change that and they'd become innovators overnight.

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$50 bucks says they didn't even think of that.

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I mean. There's always been a very different justice system for the rich v poor. I'm not expecting much. Slap on the wrist, a little community service that he can pawn off or do in some cushy way. Maybe I'm setting my hopes low, so as to avoid the fall of it does actually turn out that way.

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He wants to indict Biden, whilst simultaneously creating / wanting freedom to never be charged with anything when you're president. Which has to happen before he's able to become president again.

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So much evil. Just so much. And it's expanding, exponentially. Where are the evil levels going to measure at, in another 15 years. I'm too old (cbf learning) to make a meme, but I see lilo and stitch, but over stitches face is all currently existing corporations, and that drawing of the bad levels she drew.

It doesn have to have exactly the same number of people die. It's a genocide and they're literally trying to kill all of the Palestinians. It's not about matching numbers, it's about the definition.

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So many evil villains in this timeline.

Unregulated God complex, and sickening leaves of wealth surely that can't become harmful in any way.

Omfg. It put up an anti Vax post about eradicating autism. Holy fk.

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It will never be enough. That's the model of capitalism.

I'm Australian and I acknowledge the levels of racism. I think it's the racists who think it's not racist here. One guy told me he wasn't racist, his hatred and disdain for ALL aboriginal people was valid because he had had traumatic experiences, first hand. (makes me so freaking angry even typing this) his traumatic experiences were absolute bullshit. Racists justify thier racism as "a valid explanation" so they don't call themselves racists. So if people are saying it's not racist here you're probably talking to the racists. And Facebook. I also blame Facebook for this.

That's them saying the quiet bit out loud. They see population growth stagnating to dangerous levels and they need more poor people to feed thier capitalism machine, while not acknowledging that low population growth is occurring because they've starved people of the necessary resources to keep a child alive and enjoy / be able to afford parenting. The choice was provide adequate resources or force people to have babies without resources.

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FUCK! YES! FINALLY SOME GOOD NEWS!! Holy cow, that was a desert, waiting.

They really just see people as ants in a display, don't they.

I'm doing a course for cyber security at my local tafe, and thier website only works on Chrome. Go. Figure.

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It's still the same problem, though. Your workplace should be acutely aware humans become unwell. And plan sufficiently. I think that guilt is a relied on in any workplace, it's going to feel very much more dire in yours. I feel for you. In a perfect world, there would be enough staff that staying home sick, wouldn't matter. They could take previous years data and project how much coverage they need, and employ more (that's ignoring shortages, but that's another story to unpack). Or job share with someone, half the work, same amount of pay, holidays and sick days now don't matter, take them when you want. No workplaces need to be like this, even the shortage of available staff is a fixable thing, it just lowers profit and puts the balance and focus back on enjoyment of life. Money is the root of all evil.

So what you're saying is that low level workers are socialised to feel like lesser (even though the pandemic really proved who actually matters in the scheme of the whole job system) and also feel trapped by the design of the employment system, under capitalism and angrily try to take some ground back by having just one nice thing, bought with the feeling of pride, but are actually accidentally buying into the system that oppresses them.

So that's plague and pestilence...

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The obfuscation was purposeful. The mining / oil industry were backing the no vote, and there's no onis to be truthful in political advertising. That's what needs to change.

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Omfg. What a trash article. Great examples of the spin the politicians are trying on, of tiktok. because people can use it to unite against an unjust system and that made them scared and therefore launch a negative campaign and force a take over of the whole app. I mean, come on!! Such a bad article.

There's more misinformation on fb. Marky Z, when asked why he let's all a that just spread around, said, he thinks people can just tell stuff is lies by looking at it. He knows that isn't true.

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It's kinda not really the older generations, though, it's more capitalism. Where does that start and end?

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Literally everything he said rebuked that last sentence.

This one time in high school...

(I didn't want to declare my gender, because 'the site that shall not be named' is an absolute dick to women, but I'm feeling like that might not be as much of a thing, here)

... I came across a group of 5 or 6 huge 6ft footballers, in a circle, kicking this small indigenous kid around and taunting him, I'm half their size, a girl ,probably 12, and just about the shyest quietest kid in school, but when I saw that, the pure rage that welled up in me, has no equivalent on earth, my muscles all lock up and knot and I (somehow) came out with a deep booming growl of a voice, that made all a these blokes just freeze dead, I boom at them, "what the fuck do you all think you're doing!!" , and in a slow angry tone I add "do you all feel like big men, a heap of you, beating up on one guy" . And I stood there, all rage, staring them down. The indigenous boy noticed they were all frozen and scattered along the ground and grabbed his bag and pelted.

I realised this needed to end, and he had escaped, so I tried to throw out some finalising statement of 'do you feel proud' or'this better never happen again' or something, I don't really know, because by this stage, I'm gripped with ultimate terror of what I've done. These guys are twice my size, and happily beat up kids smaller than them. If they snap out of this and realise, I'm easy prey, I'm done for. I fake a hold on my rage, turn and (painfully) slowly walk away and proceed to lock myself in the girls toilet and cry for the rest of the day, expecting a mob of footballers to be out there, after snapping out of their trance, ready to dust me. But I made it home, unscathed. Those footballers gave me death stares, the rest of high school, but none of them ever spoke to me or gave me trouble, really. A taunt here and there, but always when surrounded by classmates. The indigenous boy came and found me and thanked me, later, I asked him if that had happened since and he said, yeah. But he still really appreciated me sticking up for him, that day.

I didn't really think about what I did that day, those words to those footballers just fell out of my head, they rose up from the depths of my soul, I didn't really feel like I controlled it.

But also, I know I'd do immoral shit, if I got superpowers, I'd go around and kill all the billionaires and dictators. I'd probably give them an ultimatum, give away your money or die.

I feel like the boys just represents a more realistic subsection of humans, there would be a percentage that are narcissists and have powers, and a percentage that are highly moralistic, like in gen v. And I could see capitalism being the real bad guy, in real life, just like in the boys.

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They were the only 3 they looked at. It's not about them being sub par quality, they measured for smaller nano plastics than have been tested before. I would assume all plastic containers do this, with a rate of speed relative to the medium contained within. All drinks with plastic, maybe the carbonated drinks move the plastic particles faster, even. How much of the food we consume is wrapped in plastic, and doing this.

I know this isn't in the spirit of things, but, If you go through life comparing yourself to others, there's always going to be someone more practised at something who possibly had more privileges and therefore came out ahead of you.

But really we shouldn't be measuring ourselves in how much $ we produce, that's a made up thing, anyway and we are worth more than how many $ we can make someone else. And we're pretty much all stuck in that oppressive system. And part of being stuck in that oppressive system is brain washing you into believing your value is tied up in how much you generate. But even on a basic level we actually know that's not true. You don't treat disabled people like they're worthless, but their earning capacity in a society built around able bodied people, isn't equal.

You are a deep, rich, and complex, electrically animated meat puppet, and you have vast worth, you have just been trained not to see it.

The whole doom of AI has definitely gone in a different direction than I expected. I mean, maybe this is just the first act, you know, maybe they'll still work up to replacing and killing off human kind, but trying to pretend to be the popular kids and entertain us, wasn't on my AI apocalyptic bingo card.

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Personally I think this is all part of his evil villain master plan.

I can't read the article, what did she say?

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It worked when Australia did this back in the mid 2000. But it probably wouldn't today, with today's cost of living, job and childcare shortages.

Everything he does. It's just so stupid, it has to be purposeful. Like how he rigged the market with doge coin and bit coin, just openly making statements he knew would effect the market. I bet he bought up before saying those. And now tanking Twitter, it's already dead, we may as well stop calling it by his ridiculous moniker. But I bet he's bought up whatever he's replacing Twitter with. I wouldn't even put it past him to be in cahoots with zuck, and the feud is pretend. It's all just too obvious. It reeks of I can do whatever i want, I'm above reproach.

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Be angry, also, at the people who have rigged the game, those in power, artificially inflating prices to line their own pockets. And I'm so sorry you've had such bad runs! I'm also a little proud of you for, not only getting as far as you did, but a few times! Well done! I say we fucking eat the rich.

Google is just as bad, trying to do the right thing and support the movies we love, and now Google has locked all my movies so only I can watch them. I can still load them on the telly in the lounge, but I specifically bought them to be shared amongst my kids, who now can't see them. They make it impossible to follow their rules. It's become impossible to buy digital. I'm tempted to go apple and try Apple store, for all my purchases. I just want it all in one place and to actually own what I purchase. They're talking out both sides of their mouth. On one hand they lambast you for taking a copy of something, but if you buy a copy they can take it away at any time and you don't own it. There is no contract where money is traded for a product.

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Isn't it going to be more likely the men who taught him to hate women than women? That's kinda incel thinking that the women caused it / deserve it, somehow. Incel is a cult, it's fed by a lot of stuff online. It's my take that extremely unbalanced overblown ego + not getting what they want = hate the things that don't just give them what hey want, rather than be capable of self reflection. And the whole upbringing of men is socially oppressed by toxic masculinity to "be the best" (= toxic ego / never question the self), because if they are "the best" it's others that are wrong, it can't be them, and they can't handle the cognitive dissonance of having any faults (aka being human) which would equate them to being not "the best". So by their maths, the equation is "actually it's everyone else that's the problem and if I have to twist logic, reason and reality while crating crazy conspiracy theories, rather than self reflect, I will"

Have you seen the real skeletor on (what was Twitter)? Similar awesome humour, dealing truths, love it. Bought myself a skeletor shirt, because of.

Thiamine, aka B1 vitamin. So your liver uses all your B1 tryna process all the alcohol, then there's none for your brain = headaches, foggy thinking etc. I have some before bed, and upon waking, and some food. Long term deprivation of B1 -causes permanent brain damage. Also there's the dehydration thing too.

See I read what she said as saying is to people who are familiar with fear, understand that is how these other people feel too. And that's because people can't connect with others, well, but if you draw a similarity, then they can connect and care. And she very clearly says, no one should feel that way. Multiple times. You can't take just a small part of what someone says, because that takes it out of context and can entirely change the meaning.

That's so true. You gotta throw in some questions to make them dig deeper. People can't resist a good question. They need to know! Frame up a good one and you have sold them. Just one good question and then walk away and leave the silence to echo with that question.

Radical acceptance. And then to follow, build a core of self supporting psychology structures to live by, which sounds complex, but it's just things like

Emotional regulation tools. Distress tolerance. Self support concepts.

Let me know if you want me to expand on anything.

You wanna check you don't have secret people living in your attic...

I hear rumours that losing your medical licence only really applies to that one state, over there. Image if all the doctors lose their licence, just in those states that don't allow abortion. Would no doctors at all make them rethink their stance?