2 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

So you think in order for people to not work their lives away we would have to take up subsistence farming? With all the tech and machines we have the only viable way to not be a company man is to give away all of the luxuries we currently have?

How's that Kool aid tasting?

These gentlemen are debating each other with the confidence and energy of a 6th grade debate club. This is simultaneously the most hilarious and terrifying thing I've ever seen.

Welp I'm going to find a bridge and throw myself off of it.

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Did Trump call Biden a criminal?

In some weird alternate universe where we have a 3rd party candidate, that candidate is killing it. I have redneck neighbors that would look qualified standing next to these two.

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...Both presidential candidates did an old man stroll to their podiums. Joes pointed at his like, is it this one? And Trump walked with the confidence of a man with one podium to pick from.

They start so well and like they're going to make a solid point and then it devolves into belligerence or mumbling.

I can't believe these are our choices. We get to pick between quiet and mumbling or loud and belligerent.

This. He has no idea what it's like to be an average person anymore so his commentary is disconnected and misses the point. The guy lives in an echo chamber... I honestly can't believe he still has a show because I don't know anyone that still watches.

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It's estimated that Bitcoin uses the same amount of energy as the entire Internet. Just to put that in perspective that's roughly 2% of all the energy generated by America every year.

America produces roughly 14,000,000,000,000 pounds of greenhouse gases in a year and 2% of that is 280,000,000,000 pounds...

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I was 19 when I realized my parents were raised to be authoritarians. My grandparents would've been considered racists even in their time and both my mom and dad were raised in a little farm town. My parents are good people and generally want to do the right thing but explaining this to them and trying to make them aware of their biases has been a full time job.

I will not show the same love and respect to your parents. Go do your jobs so we don't need step 2.


Agreed. They should be charged. Adults and unborn fetuses have more rights than children do. A woman can miscarry and get charged with abuse of a corpse, if I drink and drive and kill someone I go to jail but if I choose not to vaccinate my child and the child dies I get a pass?

Murder is murder and more murder will not fix anything. Building personal relationships and being compassionate will be the fix but how do you sit across the table from someone that shot your father? How do you empathize with someone who pushed for your removal?

This part of the world has become so broken that everyone has picked a side and has thrown humanity out the window.

I mean if we're being capitalists, that's how the free market works, right?

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I have some bootstraps they can borrow.

Technically there is not a law stating that what they're doing is illegal but the laws in place to prevent SCJs from taking bribes were written vaguely purposely because they wanted to leave it open for future interpretations for future crimes. When writing a law you never know what could happen in 5,10 or 20 years and how crimes are committed evolves. The current laws are basically, you'll know a crime when you see it. The argument is being made that since it's not clear it's not a crime but most other judges could never get away with this kind of behavior. This would be concerning coming from any public official but these are the views of the highest court in the land. Congress has the power to impeach SCJs but unfortunately relying on Congress to do anything has been an ongoing joke for 20+ years.

Tune in, turn on, burn out

Without transportation and freight you could not generate the energy. You are taking the steps to create energy and somehow trying to create a disconnect. This feels very disingenuous.

This should be higher. I would be interested to know more about the actual numbers. A quick search also showed shelters are not good at accurately identifying breeds.

Right? Sounds like a great place to work. They'll be attracting the best and brightest with PR like this.

It won't work because they're obviously dealing with a labor shortage. There's not enough man power to control the traffic. I don't think a couple minutes here or there will solve the problem either. Perhaps putting a cap on how many flights an airport can manage based on the number of working controllers?

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No ethical way to spend in a capitalist society. It kind of is what it is, cause I gotta eat. Also certified "you criticize capitalism yet you live in it moment" to you sir.

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You do read about all the positive things Republicans are doing. Look at abortion, the lack of regulations, voters being purged, voting maps being unconstitutional, supreme Court justices taking bribes... It's just most people don't see this as positive. Whether these things are done by Republicans or Democrats a centered news outlet would not report this in a positive light. Freedoms are being taken away and progress is being halted. These are facts not opinions.

This is the time and place for that silly factoid.

But the question you asked was about a vegan diet.

The difference is complex chemical reactions. These complex reactions could be "sentience" but it's the number of reactions and how they all work together to accomplish goals beyond their singular function.

Plants perceived communicating is due to adaptation and evolution to protect themselves from predators and fire. They did not develop communication skills like an animal would have to also protect itself. Perception and interaction are not communication.

They don't. It's called fear mongering.

Just ignore him. He's a gaslighting troll. The username is pmmeyourtits... Don't wish them good luck. I hope you fall into a hole pmmeyourtits.

What are you going on about bruh??? Did you read the study? It was about antibiotics. Triggered much?

Neither side. You break it in half. Am I the only person that does this?

One was for equal rights and the other was to overthrow the federal government. A lot of the perceived leniency for the protesters was due to the brutal arrests and a lack of Miranda rights. Don't forget that they shot at the protesters and not the insurrectionists. The sentences were not out of the kindness of the judges hearts, it was due to the unlawful arrests.

Federal property was also involved in the insurrection so I don't really follow your argument.

I would eat a trail of **** to get to her ***** to **** the **** out of her.

I'm exhausted just reading all of this. I wouldn't bother because x4740N isn't interested in learning anything, he's convinced he's right and I'd be shocked if he was even reading any of the stuff you posted. The user took personal offense to the article and subject, which means he probably knows you're right, and is just acting out. Don't give him the time of day.

It seems to me that they don't have the employees on hand to handle the traffic. If 2 planes are sharing a runway that means a pilot is either aborting a takeoff or a landing. The article doesn't do a great job of relaying that the pilots are the ones aborting, the controller cleared 2 planes for the same runway. They do this twice a week on average across the US. We are talking about hundreds of people's lives. While rest is important I'm not sure it's the answer to this problem.

10 hour shifts max to answer your questions.

Don't get cheap toilet paper, buy a bidet. The initial investment seems like a lot but I've had one for 8 years and I go through a roll or 2 a month now. Worth the investment.

Challenge accepted

I imagine it being more academic. It would take an enormous amount of power to create a simulation like this so my guess is, the civilization running the simulation has a much better understanding of the universe and rather than experimenting in their own world they created one. I also like the idea of a future civilization discovering humans after we have gone extinct and having enough information to create a simulation to watch it happen.


Please the airlines? The only people who should be concerned about pleasing the airline's are the employees. You paid for a service and when you paid you were led to believe you would land safely at your destination. The only feelings you should take into consideration are those of the customers. Corporations don't exist to feel, they exist to extract resources which is what they are doing at the cost of everyone's safety.

Just like we never should have bailed out corporations we should not worry about taxing corporations or the rich. The void will be filled and more rich people will be made. That's how the "free market" works. If you do not let companies die innovation slows and the economy rots. Rich people may not be motivated but some poor people will be.

It's pretty obvious given the article, I think. You could try giving it a read.