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Generally speaking, responsible stewardship of a service involves a tail of wind-down and end of life support. It gives time for people to adjust to new services and/or set-ups, troubleshoot the transitions, and provide some lingering support while the service is deprecated.

As another example, Christian was willing to try to find a way to make Reddit's new API pricing work, but would likely need a good amount of time (say, maybe 6-8~ months of notice) to be able to refactor the application to minimize API calls, trial out new subscription tiers, and figure out what to do for the lifetime users. Instead, he got 30~ days of advance notice after repeated promises that the pricing would not be like Twitter (a lie) and/or no major changes to the API in 2023 (also a lie).

At the end of the day, the people leading these efforts want to end on a good note so they can point to their work as an example of their skills for future opportunities. It is not a good look, where in the face of a belligerent collaborator (i.e. Reddit leadership), one responds in a belligerent manner. Even if Reddit leadership is well deserving of scorn, responding in kind does not create a great professional image.

BotDefense (and many other third party tools) for Reddit were built for its community members, not for Reddit the corporation, which is to say the "client" here are Reddit moderators and community members. In that regard, the developers are adopting good practices for their primary clientele.

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One of the great things about's insane user count growth is actual live stress testing of Lemmy software. Instead of having an open question of how Lemmy might scale with large instances, there's now real world production systems providing that opportunity.

The technical issues will pass, but the notion that merely spreading out the load will alleviate them is probably just treating the symptom than the cause.

I suppose from my PoV I see this as very much live testing in production and have adjusted my expectations around that instead of anticipating a wholly seamless experience.

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Yep since the first party app's primary goal is to generate revenue (over actually providing a good user experience), it's packed full of everything to achieve revenue generation:

  • Ads
  • Tons of tracking to figure out how long you viewed something, what you clicked on, and so on to build an advertising profile that can be sold
  • Obtrusive Ads
  • Lots of suggested/recommended stuff to get you to keep your eyeballs on the app longer
  • Ads masquerading as real submissions
  • Paid promotions

Third party apps don't have revenue generation as their sole highest priority (if at all), so naturally they strip out all of that stuff which makes for a terrible user experience.

Google gained control of the web by populating the world with Chrome/Chromium and wants to strong arm the web as a whole through it. Climbing the ladder and pulling it up from underneath them, with their fisted approach to Manifest V3 the beginning salvo.

For Google it's just another day in the office.

Unless you have a super compelling reason to get sequenced, do not use direct to consumer sequencing services or offerings. In general it's not so much the tech or whatnot that is bad, but rather without being in a position to determine if you have some genetic, prospective genetic screening isn't ideal.

If you feel you have a good reason to be sequenced (eg family history of a kind of cancer, particularly breast and colon), seek out a genetics consult with a genetic counsellor or geneticist at a major hospital or academic center.

This comment isn't to constitute any kind of medical advice. Rather, you are much better served getting sequenced done well.

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Yep, notwithstanding the poor tooling on Reddit's end. I don't even think the developer portal was fully functional and ready for production use when the pricing was announced. In fact, Christian had to implement his own API tracking back-end to get a good picture of how many API calls Apollo was making because this information wasn't readily and transparently available from Reddit's developer tools.

Imagine charging for an API but not making it easy for your collaborating developers to know how much of the API they are using and will therefore be billed for.

As long as websites/advertisers see their visitors as using a Chromium based browser they will continue to target for Chromium, regardless of whatever front facing UI is used.

The inherent problem is Google has an outsized voice in Chromium's developmental trajectory, and any major changes to Chromium will have downstream impacts, whether in actual implemented feature sets or forks making continued modifications on top.

The best way to protest is to not use a Chromium browser. Switching from Chrome to another Chromium browser is at best a side grade; everyone using Chromium is subject to Google's whimsy.

Pragmatically it doesn't matter if Microsoft chooses not to implement it; as long as Edge is on Chromium, Google can leverage this to continue to bully the web to their own devices.

From my PoV it's probably many of these projects are effectively public good spaces. Hosting a code repository has become less of an esoteric thing and turning into a public good benefit (like a physical library but virtual for code). Spaces like Reddit and Twitter are todays analogous of a public discussion forum in a park or at a bar.

Internet tools have become so ubiquitous they are critical to serve public needs and public benefits. However these internet spaces are increasingly commercialized and privatized, which runs against them being valuable public goods (see the difference between Wikipedia, run primarily for public benefit, and Wikia/Fandom).

Yep is live (stress) testing in production. It has its benefits, like when a set of patches were committed to vastly improve performance that was a big problem on a huge instance like but not on the smaller ones, and its downsides with all the random issues that pop up which happen when testing live in production.

Due to the nature of Federation, don't hesitate to make accounts on different instances as needed to access that instance's content. I reckon a number of people have accounts on Beehaw and accounts elsewhere.

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The real wild thing is by and large a lot of policies the Democrats champion for have wildly popular uptakes across the entire political spectrum in the US but the Democrats themselves lack the overwhelming public support to implement them.

Florida passed a $15 minimum wage ballot measure and yet as a state votes almost wholly for Republicans.

Net neutrality has broad national support. Democrats never have sufficient legislative power to enshrine that. Repeat ad nausuem with all sorts of popular policies like inflation-tied minimum wage, secured abortion access, healthcare for all, legalize marijuana, etc.

These policies are popular. Half of Congress is represented (in loose terms) by a broad coalition of people who haven't lost it but can't really pass anything people really want because they lack the majorities needed to do so unopposed from both across the aisle and within their own ranks, and the other half have completely lost the plot.

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From my PoV:

  1. The activity around memes, image sharing, memes, shitposting, memes, memes, and memes have not felt too different from Reddit, but unsurprising as it's very easy to consume content
  2. The typical communities that have coalesced in a grassroots fashion are thriving well as long as one can accept there's a lot of duplicate threads (like the Twitter related stuff in technology communities). Some communities are populated by Reddit content porting bots and these feel so barren because it's a wall of submissions with a small number of comments each and the bot owners have no visible intent to stop.
  3. Niche communities are incredibly quiet. That's understandable but also unfortunate, more so if it is a niche community that did not move over.

Things will hopefully get better with time.

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Exactly. The colossal lost of trust is not easy to regain (if it can ever be regained at all) and that's will be a specter haunting Unity's economic performance for the years to come. I've seen so much outpouring of support for Godot and other open source / free game engines, and really hope that support continues.

Discord is by far the worst place for a community to retreat to because it's resources and discussions are impossible to find through cursory searching and I'm so sick of adding to my list of Discord servers just to get information that belongs on a Pastebin or Github readme.

In many ways though, Lemmy has grown into something that is active much faster than so many other kinds of social media platforms. Does anyone remember Disapora or Google+ being the next Facebook or Facebook replacement? What about Wit social? Most definitely do not.

Frozen vegetables and frozen fruit in smoothies are considerable replacements. Alternatives include looking into sandwiches or wraps using stuff you can reasonably expect to consume in a reasonable amount of time. Could also consider throwing stuff into the oven (oven roasted root vegetables or broccoli/cauliflower and a rice cooker can make a decent meal with very little active cooking and more just watching the clock).

A pressure cooker is also a nice idea along that vein (dump everything in, leave it and come back to some chilli in a few hours).

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I'm 100% sympathetic to the "I want to not eat out but it's a chore to cook".

Ovens, pressure cookers, and rice cookers are absolutely wonderful because of how set and check back later they are.

Dressing up even simple foods like ramen with blanched leafy vegetables, poached eggs and some ham is fun.

Furikake is a great way to add a bit of flavoring to white rice. Alternatively some soy sauce and sesame oil are both good pairings for rice and ramen as appropriate.

Wraps can be fun too and may be a nice alternative to bread.

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Yea unfortunately the nature of Federation means that instances (servers) are dissociated from each other but nonetheless communicate with each other via a standardized protocol. Consequently, there is nothing stopping one instance from saying they want to stop communicating with another instance

In some situations that makes sense. For example, if you are running an instance and don't want to get people/content from another instance that posts incredibly hateful messages, you can choose to defederate from that instance.

In other situations it creates complications. For example, if you are on a somewhat popular instance (like but then get defederated from an instance you want to participate in (like, even if the defederation came from justifiable reasons, you will need a Beehaw account in order to view that content as you won't be able to access new content from using your account.

For the most part, in pragmatic terms what this really means is if one wants to participate in the most active instances, they'll probably want an account on an instance that federates with the biggest instances.

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Any big major for profit company embracing federation is purely for their own revenue generating goals and have no explicit want to be actually good stewards of the Internet, its communities, and about their participation.

Participating in Federation is another way for Meta to suck up as much data as it can to sell its advertising services.

Magicka. By far the most fun magic system I've played with.

So much death and funny.

Omg yes!

Stop asking all the trite personality questions that everyone in the conversation knows is a prepared answer to a prepared question. There is absolutely no sincerity and honesty involved, which absolutely defeats the purpose.

If you reveal the Sidebar or About (sidebar) of a community, you can block it there.

For the time being the bot account flag is voluntary anyway, so there's nothing stopping a repost bot from not indicating they are one.

Block and move on is the most straightforward solution at the moment.

Generally speaking, HR/talent acquisition teams have very little accountability with regards to their processes and treatment of candidates. Usually most candidates have very little recourse to provide feedback on the process, and HR/talent acquisition have very little interest in speaking with candidates about the process for improvement.

What ultimately happens therefore is candidates tell HR/talent acquisition what the latter wants to hear, and the latter group of people don't usually have the cognizance to realize that their own biases and perceptions cloud their process.

It's "necessary" in so far as the entire system is corrupted to the core. That's why knowing someone is so much more powerful -- knowing someone skips a lot of this process.

In addition to the Octopath mention, the Xenoblade Chronicles games have some absolutely stellar soundtracks.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has a night theme and day theme for each individual large area, and there are a lot of them, alongside a variety of battle music, insert tracks, and more. Each of the night/day themes share overlapping motifs, alongside motifs reflective of the larger music work as a whole.

The Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy have had immense moments of emotional ups and downs. Few games just make me sit there to contemplate what just occurred to its story, conflicts, or characters; XBC games have many moments sprinkled through its entire playtime that do that.

Also use throwaway credentials and not get too attached.

Even if the host knows your password, it wouldn't really matter insofar as that password is only used there and nowhere else, and I hope no one is so super attached to their Lemmy accounts the way they were for their Reddit ones.

The "being attached" component is particularly notable here because due to Federation, instances can choose not to interact with each other, so ultimately one is likely to have multiple accounts on different instances depending on their situation (for example, it wouldn't surprise me that a number of people have a Beehaw account and then another account on a different instance).

I get the concern, but ultimately I see it as a non-issue.

I do not think more than 40% of the democrats currently in congress would ever vote yes on a universal healthcare bill

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was, at least at its time, a revolutionary piece of legislation that got watered down by Democrats capitulating to Republican demands and "Democrats" (i.e. incredibly conservative Democrats who are Democrats in name but not really) weakening the bill and the fact the Democrats' filibuster proof majority really only existed for a few weeks at best, and despite all of that, it passed and despite its weaknesses, have had immense positive impact on the lives of many everyday people. Democrats passed the bill knowing they would get eviscerated in the immediately following election, which they did.

A clean universal healthcare bill, no strings attached, handed to the Democrats with a sufficiently large majority such that the most conservative of their ranks can break without jeopardizing the bill's passage, will likely pass. I wouldn't bet my life savings on it, but the notion the Democrats in general wouldn't pass public good legislation does not line-up with their actual legislative and voting history. If a clean universal healthcare bill makes it out of the current House's subcommittee with no Republican gotchas, I'm fairly confident most of the Democrats will vote for it, and those that will not are likely to do so for political maneuvering knowing it won't pass.

You may say I'm being idealistic, and honestly I admit I am. But I think chances are good with a strong majority trifecta, strong and large enough for holdouts to vote against and not jeopardize its passage. Such a majority will probably never exist for another half a generation at least though. And at least from my PoV, dismissing the possibility is a grim outlook and a great way to lead to both discouragement and disillusionment of the process, and at least to me, there is only one major political party that benefits from people being disengaged and disillusioned.

Net Neutrality as it stands currently is being implemented because a variety of states (WA, CA, as examples) implemented some form of NN that is similar but not quite different. The FCC tried to preempt the ability for individual states to implement their own NN-esque laws or requirements but this was shot down by the courts. The consequence is, pragmatically speaking, NN of some form exists without the FCC directly intervening anymore because telecom companies aren't very keen in implementing this at a state-based level, so very much like how CA has an undue influence in emissions standards due to its large market and the fact no company really wants to build one product for CA and one product for some of the rest of the states.

A number of West Coast states are aggressively passing legislation to the benefit of their citizens (WA's minimum wage law has been signed for a while now, for example).

In many cases it's a numbers game. Not a bad idea to connect with old colleagues or acquaintances, or to network with current or recent ones.

The unfortunate reality is the job market is kind of awful right now, insofar as the experience is for someone looking, so you run better odds leveraging who you know.

Specialized job boards are particularly great places to target (for example, postings at large public or private institutions nearby instead of generic job boards).

Some of nano's work might be worth a browse:

Other random choices:

Although to my ear you like JP rock/pop. Nothing wrong with that really -- regional differences exist even within the same overall genre of music.

The generic stuff that has a broad common denominator will easily take hold on Lemmy as they would in any growing community (like shitposts, question threads, gaming, technology, news, image focused communities and so on).

The niche stuff will take a while to grow, more so as the niche subs are those less likely to move from Reddit (or already have communities like Discord that they retreat to). More specific communities will need to build a new base here unfortunately.

Time will tell; it's not been that long.

I do not as this is not my expertise. In general though, reaching out to specialty academic/medical units are usually a great first step for pursuing something particularly esoteric.


So I have one primary account on and then have additional accounts localized to those instances.

For the time being things are a bit of a hassle because there's no good way to migrate from one instance to another and bring your data with you, and the underlying lemmy software is still in development.

Effectively we're doing this in production!

Wikipedia has done well for itself using donation runs and grassroots support, so if there are ways for instances to do similar the decentralized nature of this will work out ok.

Elsewhere the issue is many of these large services have grown to the size of effectively being a public good, but good luck maintaining a public good in a profit generating way as a private company seeking the next quarter's growth.

A number of instances defederated from it because... well, the reason a number of people are here is to not be on Reddit and seeing a mass deluge of content ported from Reddit defeats that purpose. There other other reasons too, like the fact it makes a ton of submissions and each has very few if no comments leading to the impression of a very barren community.