3 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm a Steadicam operator 🦾🎥

That actually makes sense for things you want to finish drying on a line so they don’t heat up too much and shrink.

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To call a taxi you can go in the red zone but the hand has to be sideways and you must be doing a frantic fast waving while screaming “TAXIII” in a high pitch voice. Also get on your tippy toes.

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I have a pinched nerve. I went to many doctors, done many tests, went to months of PT and was still in pain. I went to my acupuncturist and she is able to release the muscles around the pinch enough that my right arm doesn’t feel constantly numb. I a man of science. I don’t believe in he Chi traveling my body etc but the physical result of the acuponcture cannot be denied.

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Call them and ask them to remove it.

Employers should pay for travelled hours and cost. Then we’ll see if coming tot he office is worth those extra two hours per day of pay with no work.

I drove by a bunch of them last week. One was perfectly aligned with the road I was on until the horizon. When I got closer the road actually turned before getting close to it. It was mesmerizing. I would love to see wind turbines from my home.

Also hers a pic

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Back in my days breaking a deck was a status thing. It meant you ride so much that you wore it out.

France: Martin Dupont

But I prefer Dominique Dupont as the first name is both for men and women.

The phone number reminded me of a trick I found to get peoples names. Ask for their number them hand them your phone with a blank new contact to fill in. (Pro tip, screenshot the new contact or you won’t know who it was) Also “What’s your name again?” — “Joe” — “I know I meant your last name, how do you spell it?”. Somehow writing names down helps me. I can read them and remember them at a time when I’m not focusing 100% of my brain to not fuck up our conversation.

Yep. It’s. GCRE3060AFF electric stove. (Other thing I hate is the fan noise when the oven is on, even when not on convection). Your idea of Hi closest to off position makes sense except of that triple knob, the 3rd ring Hi position isn’t at the top.

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Yes they’re double burners but the Lo -> Hi rotation is different for each position which is infuriating, but only mildly.

The issue with chiropractors is that they treat the symptom and not the cause. If your back is misaligned, it’s because your muscles are pulling on it the wrong way, the chiro will pull it back in place but now your muscles are still pulling the wrong way and they may have pulled on the muscle to make it move and may have injured it, now your muscle says hell no you don’t and starts pulling even more. It’s instant relief with little lasting result. which is a great business model, instant result and returning customers because the problem isn’t treated. It’s like going to the mechanic because your motor is out of oil but not trying to fix the leak so you come back every week to refill the oil.

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Why are you on it? At least go to Mastodon. Don’t go on TwitterX

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Physical keys that you had to type multiple times to get letters. I could write a whole text message with my hands in my pocket.

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You can check's status page to see when it’s down.

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Definitely sound sensitivity for me. Using AirPods Pro with no music on helps.

Depends on which direction you turn the knob. If can be Mild ore Extremely…

Good eye! Here's my Lemmy Gold 🏆

error function not defined init() But both the manual and ChatGPT are using it…

Arduino and embedded i miss seeing everyone’s cool projects.

Look closer, not all the knobs are left handed.

Yep. It’s your your body that smells, it’s the bacteria living on your skin and feeding on your sweat. Maybe this fact will make you wear deodorant.

They even have video uploading enabled.

I'm sure there's a lazy engineer reason. But as someone who does engineering semi-professionally, come on! You don't skimp out on UX just because it's easier to make it this way! There is a reason why Murphy's Law exists! And in this case it's actually a fire hazard!

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What’s that?

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Yes they’re rings. Still doesn’t explain why not everything is in the same rotational direction.

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Typo. 30 pills. And no. You get 30 pills to use within 30 days no more no less because it’s a controlled substance, stupid useless war on drugs (which really is just an excuse to be legally racist). So if you order too late and you have no other choice than to lapse a few days at some point. You can never catch up with a missed day and you can’t create a stock or reserve.

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I have to call the nurse and have them renew my prescription. It can’t be automated. It has to be within a specific window of days. Then the pharmacy has to have it in stock (and a lot of drugs are out of stock). I’ll spare you the details about getting your ADHD drug accepted by your health insurance in the first place. They denied the drug my doc prescribed and told me to try another one first, it didn’t work then and only then they reluctantly accepted the original one.

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I thought it was just saying hellow.

Looks at both your screen_names…

You get 30 pills every 30 days no more no less . You need to renew in time, you then have to wait for your doc to approve the refill then for your pharmacy to get them and fill the prescription. So until all that happens I will have to wait. You can’t refill early you need to do it right at the end.

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I mean. It’s a piece of wood under loads of stress and vibrations. What do you expect? Get a new deck and ride on.

Because you can make a larger profit by keeping the same design and parts on a crap product and charge you an inflated premium vs selling you a good product with decent R&D and testing. If it’s all crap you can’t tell you’re being fucked. Same thing with sliding guillotinée windows and health insurance.

Same here FPV, then 3D printers the. Retro Gaming. Now I’m still waiting on the next tech hobby. I’m still doing 3D printing a lot and retro game is evolving fast with powerful portable devices. Plus the phone emulators are amazing even on iPhone.

So nervous system…

Yep. The masking of pretending you have the name on the tip of your tongue when you know you never even retained it past 2 seconds after you were introduced.

There are invented deodorants (Toms makes one)

Thanks Frigidaire