1 Post – 15 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Sorcerer, technically

I'm commenting in the hopes of one day finding out more about this story. I'm super interested in freaky dreams.

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Audio engineer here, it's a trainable skill that takes a long time with comparing audio side-by-side

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When you're registered as a video game company as a front for a lawsuit business, you've requested pirac

I think everyone would be better off ignoring Reddit and its staff completely. We can build a better Reddit 2.0, and it wouldn't even take a lot of effort. The last year or two of Reddit (from my perspective) was lackluster content from niche communities becoming unbearably toxic anyway.

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I appreciate the insight, but I'm not making the jump based on privacy. I have an issue involving my texts (seemingly at random) converting themselves to a broken url and erasing my message. I changed apps so I can text people without worrying about my message getting removed, plus FOSS is something I support on principle

Some of these are new to me, but I can vouch for Surge and Cardinal. There's no reason to not use them.

My thoughts exactly. Sounds good on paper, but it wouldn't be possible for me

There's are open source communities here! If you search for them, there's several and they are all good. "Opensource" has a megathread somewhere that will give you an idea.

I'm below 30, but I'm right there with ya. Even in my lifetime, I've seen enough stupid corporate shit.

Listen to a standard mp3, then listen to the same song as 32/96k FLAC. I bet most people can hear a difference. But no worries if you can't, its not a big deal

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They're trolling on Lemmy, I guess? Haha I don't feel dissed though, its just communication

Thank you! I'll try this one Update: it works well so far

Thank you for your feedback. You're very brave and I appreciate you.

Oh hunny...I didn't say an mp3 is CD quality, you assumed that. I gave specs for the FLAC because "standard mp3" has specs; therefore you have two sets of specs to compare, silly goose. I can hear a difference, but that's because any studio engineer that is worth their money is going to be both.

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