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Joined 12 months ago

The Lazyest of Banes

Ideologically, de-federating an instance just because you don't like the guy running it would be a bad thing, but Facebook/Meta has been just so toxic to the internet as a whole it's hard to really find fault with it.

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Tech companies as soon as they are publicly traded:

Isn't it convenient how every time the US or Israel bombs civilians they automatically know they we're secretly terrorists the whole time?

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Our government can't pay doctors, but it can give away trillions to private corporations and constantly raise the pay of politicians.

A lot of Christians have a pretty vague understanding of the bible, or the religion as a whole, usually jusy what will let them justify whatever they need to be justified.

This should be expected, to be fair, since Christianity is a cultural inheritance. You're not expected to know much about it other than what your priest tells you, if the Christian even goes to church to begin with.

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It's crazy to think that people are still making new games on Unity after it's been made painfully obvious that the company is in the corporate downward spiral of enshittification.

Honestly, if there was just a modern windows XP that could run the programs I dualboot for, I wouldn't be dualbooting!

Modern windows is just so bloated and cluttered.

Probably good that a junk food merchant isn't marketing to kids to heavily.

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I kept my old Sony Xperia right up until I could feel a bulge on the back of it, lol.

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People really need to get in their heads that AI can "hallucinate" random information and that any implementation on an AI needs a qualified human overseeing it.

It's not like remainers ever put up a convincing argument prior to losing the referendum.

Turned voting age on the referendum, visited our predominantly working class school, only ever brought up cheaper phone calls abroad as to why they should vote to remain.

Brexit only had pull out the weakest reasons to leave becuase they were the only ones who took the referendum seriously.

Alright bean soup enjoyer.

Eastern Europe is going though it right now. One of my old Polish colleagues fled to the UK becuase the Church is slowly taking over and becoming totalitarian. Even if you have a miscarriage you'd be investigated to see if "it was done on purpose" or not.

(From what I remember, this was just at the tail end of covid)

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As a European, its funny watching these guys talk about "Europe" as this pure implementation of their motorphobic utopia.

A lot of us still drive daily yanks!

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People will throw insane amounts of money at stuff if you can convince them it's valuable.

Even more so in these times of economic uncertainty, people are more willing to buy stuff as an investment.

Wikia/fandom swallowed up the market but are also just bad at running a wiki network.

Along with all the problems that come with fan wikis. There's like two F-Zero wikia right now because the first one was just overrun by fannon and at one point some random person's OCs and fan theory. And then there's the Xenoblade wikia repeatedly making edits and then locking pages because the owners have something against the newer games being connected to the older ones, even denying thing's like weapons that are called Monados, work like Monados and even use the same arts as Shulk's Monado being "real" monados.

That's a vague platitude.

Capitalism works becuase we live in a transactional reality. Food could not grow on trees of the tree didn't take capital (I.e. resources such as nutrients from the soil, light and heat from the sun) to grow that apple. If farmers did not account for the resources the tree needs the tree would simply die.

The issue with capitalism today is that we over apply it and forget to help people who truly need help, and thanks lobbying by sociopathic business owners, we have created a system where we much engage with learned sociopathy to survive and function. We look down at the homeless sick and needy and invent backstories to justify their suffering. They must be drug abuses, violent, lazy, etc cetra.

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My conspiracy theory on this is that Twitter Blue isn't doing well so they're doubling down on ad revenue.

Public likes disincentvise interactions, which is one metric that could be used to measure engagement, so hiding likes, along side their recent policy changes about NSFW stuff, is a way to encourage more engagement towards attention grabbing content that users were otherwise not inclined to interact with.

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Ovaries count as balls in my book. So add that to the list.

Reddit Karma really just incentives unhelpful but funny/highly agreeable post. Upvotes are fine as a per-thread moderation system, but when you have a total of all up votes it opens the door to circlejerks and discriminating against users with low karma score (which also incentives circlejerks as a quick way to earn enough karma to be a valid user, enables paid shills and enables account selling).

Karma totals is more or less one of the biggest flaws with reddit.

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W fart free water

TF2 has recently released an update that allows server owners to have up to 100 players connected at once. Not officially supported, but up to 64 players seems to be stable enough (even more so if you run a server plugin to remove player cosmetics). So that's been taking my attention recently. 64 player SZF was gloriously chaotic.

I've been getting into the Green Lantern superhero, so I bought the 3DS and X360 games. 360 game is still on it's way, but personally I can confirm that the 3DS game is typical of what you'd expect from a licensed game. Really low frame rate (10s to 20s) the second anything is on screen alongside Green Lantern, which makes me wonder how the DS version of the game ran if at all. It does have some neat things going for it, the combat it is alright despite the low fps, but really It's just a time waster for by breaks at work. I also impulse bought the Heroclix Sinestro Corps War Sinario Pack, and maybe I'll get a friend to indulge me with a game or two.

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It does for software becuase when somthing gains enough marketshare it then becomes somthing that businesses start to consider as a general option.

Like the reason Adobe gets by despite the culture for just pirating their software is becuase even piracy gives market share, and Adobe products are so commonly used that corporations feel obliged to use Adobe licences in their projects.

Having Karma gives users a high score to achieve, which incentives posting things that you know gets upvotes over something helpful or your genuine opinion.

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I'm gonna say the L word

Shout out to the guy wading though TF2's spaghetti code to achive this.

I've been using Nobara for gaming a while now, and it's certainly a good choice from by experience. It's a modified Fedora distro that's designed for gaming.

Oni is a game that often ends up as a small cliff note in the greater narrative of Bungie's history, which is a shame since it's actually a really good 3D action game that predates the standardisation that Devil May Cry established.

It's pretty rough around the edges, and hearing about the development hell for this game I can understand why, but if you do end up playing the game you'll find an incredibly engaging combat system that will keep you locked in well after the game ends.

Better yet, you can use cheats to play as any npc and some of them have fully functioning movesets.

The greatest tragedy is the lack of a multiplayer component. It was planned, and advertised, but Bungie West couldn't get the networking down before Take Two's deadline. If there was multiplayer you could be there would be people still playing it today.

However, there is a active modding scene for the game, and with the Anaversery Edition you can easily play Oni on any PC or Linux machine (use wine 2.0, later versions have compatability issues).

It might permanently be over shadowed by Halo CE, but if you like 3D action frames or are a fan if Bungie you owe it a playthough.

I'm part of the F-Zero Twitter community and the most action it gets is from bots that somehow break into the invite only community. (Thanks Elon)

It's a cool idea but suffers from the same kind of insulation of discord, which end up running counter to the openness twitter got popular for.

Sadly it seems to aways happen to sites that get too big.

£2.99 a month for the FastBoil™ setting.

They're a social media site, brand is incredibly important.

Nobody is job networking on reddit, nobody is dating on LinkedIn, and nobody keeping in touch with their highschool friend's on Tinder.

The brand dictates how you use the business model. Onlyfans tired to pivot away from cyber-prostitutes but couldn't beciase that is their brand.

In other news, water is wet.

I think it's more to include anything that's sexually abusive instead of what is just pornograthic.

I wonder if they'll cry "the AI did it!" when the chat bot hallucinates up some random misinformation.

Basically it's allowed but they must properly mark it as NSFW, so it can be filtered out for minors and people who are actively trying to avoid it. More or less they're making the sharing of adult material a more legitimate thing for twitter, which is kinda hard to tell because twitter has always been filled with porn but I guess it's just more official.

Wherever or not people will actually mark their content as NSFW or if Twitter will enforce it is in the air. I've seen Twitter content sensitivity setting used more for video game spoilers than it's actual intended use.

First we'd need to ask what could a cloak or cape provide for the modern man that jackets and coats don't already do while giving the wearer free movement of their arms?

The cape's association with wealth and nobility is also hurt by the fact that the upperclasses these days are more interested in appropriating the style of lower class people (I.e. pre-distressed jeans) to try and appear as more down to earth.

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Economically comfortable (until very recently maybe), smug middle class lefties using harmful stereotypes to punch down on conservative voters has been a long running embarrassment to the political landscape.

The demographic these jokes target often have the least amount of freedom to spend on being politically engaged and figuring out who is actually in their best interest, which is why they usually end up voting for a strong personality like Trump and the right's bias towards the Christian inspired philosophy.

When the left space fills it's self with explicitly elitist, classist, and exclusionary rhetoric like this just so they can all sit around a jerk each other off about how much more smarter they are, they only end up pushing them furtherer away from learning about the left and developing a more nuanced and informed political world-view. If you don't have a lot of time to spend on yourself, are you going to waste it surrounding your self with people who constantly blabber about how much they hate you and think your a incestuous degenerate drug addict invalid?

I take it English is a second language for you, comrad.

F-Zero 99.

I know a lot of people are writing it off because it's not a GX remaster, a full new game, or they've just lost interest in 99 games and think they're all generic, but Nintendo's been clear that they aren't interested in giving the franchise another shot after GP Legend, the anime and Climax tanked. I'll gladly take a small budget F-Zero, and F-Zero 99 is just great.

F-Zero 99 takes every question you'd have about translating F-Zero to multiplayer and just makes it work, with 99 players as well. Rivals and other stat tracking like rank in your machine all gives newer players more achievable goals to work towards instead of just having to flat out lose every round until they "git gud".

Switching to the boost = health mechanic of the later games was also a great choose, since it's a more forgiving version of boost, while also adding some risk-reward. You could burn though all your boost and refill when you get the chance, but that puts you at risk of dying. Expanding the boost meter with KO's is also great, since it encourages the player to actually partake in a death race for the most optimal performance, especially in Grand Prix where the meter gain persists over tracks.

The Sky Rail, while an obvious concession for 99 players, still works great as a rubber banding mechanic since it gives players who are behind the chance to jump the pack and have another shot at climbing the ranks. Meanwhile the bumpers/turbo snails that only spawn towards the from of the rankings ensure that if you do jump you actually have to demonstrate skill to keep that lead and that truly better players aren't just robbed. Not being able to use your regular boost and keep the sky rail meter is great as well, since it just adds more of the risk-reward in deciding to use it now to get access to your boost again, vs saving it for it's most optimal spot.

It's just a fantastically designed game. It really captures everything great about F-Zero, and as a big fan I'm thrilled to have it. I just hope it doesn't get Mario 35'd, and that Nintendo pays attention to it's reception and rethinks their stance on F-Zero.