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Joined 1 years ago

I am but a cog in a machine. A lazy one though.

Lmao what is the original one for this??

Good point. I keep forgetting that not everyone just moved here during the protests.

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Wait. Why are the memes about the blackout better on twitter than here?! Or have I just not found the good communities for those kind of memes?

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I believe the developers on Kbin and Lemmy have moderation tools in their backlog. I think it will be interesting to see how they implement those and how it will work in the fediverse.

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Register for the download if you will use it, this will show support to Mayayo!

Seems like it worked for me. Last I checked my deleted account's comments are still up and display replaced text.

I overwrote my comments with a message that clearly states why I overwrote my comments and deleted my account.

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You are right, already quite happy about the fediverse, can't wait to see where this goes!

Of course, no problem! The best example of its usefulness is that I can open a PDF in edge and ask bing to use the PDF to answer my questions. I often get documentation PDF's that are 2000 - 5000 pages long and searching requires me to still read separate chapters to put the info I need together.

Another example: I work in industrial automation, searching for information by googling is a pain and very rarely gives me good results unless I really put a lot of time going through forum threads and manufacturer's links that most of the time just ask you to contact support. Bing chat has been a life saver by finding answers from these forums and sometimes manufacturer's pages which are several layers deep on their webpage and don't always show up in google search.

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Yup. Wanted to add that I'm glad there is modlog on on these platforms and that they are visible to everyone. Love the transparency.

I usually double check, especially with critical cases. With online searches the most useful part of bing chat has been the references which it adds to the answer which I usually go check out (but the summary is still nice from bing). It's quite clear when it doesn't know the answer, but often the references still help pointing me towards resources!

Overall it is not doing my job for me, but it speeds up the process significantly. Definitely made me feel like my job is still secure because the questions need to be very specific and still require double checking.

Edit: I've been so curious about ChatGPT. Do you notice a significant difference between Bing and ChatGPT itself? I did notice bing does sometimes atleast admit that it does not know. I heard ChatGPT just boldy gives an answer even if it doesn't know it.

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Be careful, it's addictive. It starts with a simple "This is my first post" and soon enough you notice you are posting a 20k word essay on ! why you think 40 litre bag is the most optimal on a 5 day trip.

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Like many others:

  • Work on my free time tech projects out of passion
  • learn new languages
  • play videogames and consume a lot of movies and series'
  • Travel my heart out, and not only via planes. If I actually had a lot of free time without the need to check in somewhere, I would just fill a backpack with all the necessary stuff and travel to my destinations via trains, hiking, renting a car, etc. since time would not be an issue
  • Just be... while sitting somewhere outside, might move sometimes to another spot
  • Actually meet new people. I don't because I feel like I barely have time for my current friends. That is so god damn sad that I alienated some of my friends due to work and keeping up with closer friends. Fuck work.

Edit: sorry for the rant on the last point. I know not every job is like that and I'm in the process of switching my field.

I've actually used bing a lot (never thought I'd say that) because I didn't want to give away my phone number with ChatGPT registration (I know I know, bing/microsoft have more than enough of my info and data). Bing has been really useful so far for work.

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Uh oh! Hmm.. well Bing chat does have three settings for "answer accuracy": creative, balanced and strict. Don't know if ChatGPT has something similar? I usually leave it on balanced or strict and haven't noticed anything weird, but I haven't really tested its limits either. Give it a go!

return null;

There is on kbin with over 500 subscribers but sadly haven't found anything like UkraineWarVideoReport.

Not sure if federation has been fixed on yet though.

Edit: federation works again on

Edit2: Your prayers have been answered, r/CombatFootage is migrating to !

The closest thing I've found is, and on mastodon which seems to have the most subscribers to a ukraine relate content on fediverse (that I've been able to find).

Sadly nothing like r/combatfootage. I also very dearly miss ukrainewarvideoreport. Hoping that the people posting there would join us in the fediverse soon.

It infuriating that companies talk about sustainability to boost their branding while designing their products with planned obsolescence.

I'm from Europe so my experiences are mostly from here:

My experience is that if you check in immidiately when you can and being at the airport early enough will be enough to get on. It's usually the late bees that get notified of overbooking issue.

Just check in asap when it becomes available and be at the airport early enough to be at the top of the line during boarding. I always check in 24/48 hours before the flight and have only once been notified of overbooking and possibility of not getting onboard. I immidiately went through security and was waiting for boarding close to the gate - got in.

Edit: also have only once selected seats in advance, didn't do so on Ryanair flight.

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Exactly, the thread would go on and on and someone would come in with calculations as to why you should instead have 15 litre bags if you have two bags.

In all seriousness I believe at some point it will be quite similar here :) give it time, the enthusiasts will figure out how to join and voice their opinion!

Maybe R with RStudio? I always found RStudio really nice for handling data despite not really liking R.

If no one from your instance has subscribed to the community, it can not be found normally via search and the content wont be federated to your instance.

To be the first to connect your instance to that specific community: type the real url ( into the search with search setting set to "All" and you should find that community. Then just subscribe and wait for your instance to start federating with that community and you should be able to participate.

Once you have done this others in your instance should see the community listed and can instantly jump in.

Edit: I've explaned this here with a picture.

They realized war brings way more attention and followers on social media.

There are programs for that! Even an app AFAIK, but sadly I don't remember the good ones right now. Maybe someone could pitch in and suggest?

Have to admit that no, haven't used Ryanair since 2019 sorry :(

I'm not on beehaw but love you too and love beehaw aswell!

It's also about the barrier of entry. Discord has a barrier, but it is not high. The fact that this platform is their commercial product ensures that issues are minimal (well...). For non tech-savvy people and those who don't have time / don't want to put in time to troubleshoot and figure things out this is the reason they go for these commercial solutions.

Just my observations from trying to switch friends and family over to free open source alternatives. It was a huge hassle to even get people to try out and move to signal, but signal has lowered the barrier quite a bit and now it's stable (was not always as fast and stable as now).
