1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I am but a cog in a machine. A lazy one though.

If you are new on Lemmy, check out: for communities to join!

Wait what? What happens in jan 2024?

Edit: ah, unity's new install based pricing.

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Yup, this + crackdown on password sharing made me cancel all of my 3 subscription plans and move back to pirating.

The reason for pirating for me isn't about getting stuff for free, it is about paying a reasonable total sum for the amount I use these streaming platforms.

Long time ago I heard/read somewhere that true happiness/happy life/being in general happy at all times is not possible and people who are not in a great place get frustrated by never achieving this and seeing that it feels like everyone else has something they don't.

What true happiness often seems to be (for most happy people) is actually being content

Happiness comes from being content with your life, not constant feeling of joy. When you are content with your life and situation, you'll enjoy your life more. You'll be "happy" with your life. And if you are content with your life you suddenly enjoy small things that add up to it.

I'm probably not explaining this very well, but hope you get something out of this comment!

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Former mechanical design engineer checking in as well: can confirm, the engineer's fault here.

You don't just design it just to work, a hobbyist can do that.

Edit: Not saying I have never made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes. And of course in a proper (especially big) design department someone always cross checks your work, so there must've been multiple people to blame. But mistakes happen and that alone is no reason to fire someone.

In my first job a senior told me that you will experience making an expensive mistake and that it'll be a good lesson (I did).

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Of course not,

with the new encapsulator all you need is to reconfigure your turbomutator to allow electrostabilizer executable to directly read instructions from your self-hosted AI model.

Who even uses python to scrab anymore? Install podman dude.

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Yup. I had never heard of the fediverse and so glad I got introduced to it with the added benefit of many others doing so as well (so there is content and activity here).

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Thanks for telling me about Voyager, I feel like I finally found the app for me!

Couple of thoughts:

Casual Conversation was a nice community on reddit and it might make it easier for people coming from reddit to find familiar communities in Lemmy. But your point about activity is good, makes it easier to come to lemmy if you see more activity.

As I understood ! can have also serious and controversial topics and it has way more posts with links, while here the emphasis on posts is to make a text post.

Not for or against merging to general, just adding my thoughts :)

Edit: clarification and typo fix.

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It's the flapping of buttcheeks during the fart, my fellow farter.

Lots of drama, sometimes defederations would make headlines on world news.

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AFAIK enabling cloudfare's anti-DDoS breaks federation quite a bit. had to enable it during reddit migration to stop the server from crashing due to all the traffic and it made it pointless trying to interact with other instances and fediplatforms.

Now I really feel stupid, didn't check Play Store... thanks a bunch!

I feel so hopeless, so pissed, all these news and how these corporations are destroying open web. I really had hope with new generations being more tech savvy and more online would push for openness of web, instead I've come to realize that new generations are really into apps and not going beyond that, not interested in deeper look into software and tech - as long as the gadget works and no matter any subscription cost or microtransactions or surveillance.

I try to be hopeful, but damn it is hard to stay optimistic. I've been trying little by little to push friends and family in a nice way into using Firefox, alternatives to big corporate software and so on, but I understand it takes too much effort for someone who is not really interested in these things. But I will be advocate of open web forever myself.

Edit: okay unfair to expect anything from new generations, and of course there are more tech savvy people than there probably use to be, but had hoped for a huge change in that demographic.

Loved Kbin, but yeah the slow development made me come back to lemmy as well.

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This whole quest scene was so unexpected, disturbing, hilarious and made me fall in love with the game. The timer for this choice makes the situation feel like a real intense JESUS FUCK WHAT DO I DO moment

This comment, I felt a call to it, like I need to comment: now by two active users.

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I feel like I've seen way more meme accounts on mastodon rather than on pixelfed, since reboosting works pretty nicely and you have a higher reach. Maybe try mastodon?

How did I miss this, thanks! What an awesome website.

Same, I have tried DDG every once in a while but kept going back to google. Now google search doesn't quite give me relevant results anymore and all the AI crap just takes all of their effort to work on search itself.

Been using DDG for a few weeks now for personal and work related stuff - quite happy with it.

I had that too. Was wondering why I don't see posts in a community while logged in (I thought selecting only "undetermined" in your account settings shows you posts and comments of all languages), but someone told me you can select multiple languages in your profile by holding CTRL and selecting more languages. Suddenly started seeing MUCH more content.

Would love if this was developed further, for example actually making "undetermined" show all languages.

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Didn't know there is a comic version of his meditations, that is cool! Thanks for the tip, have to check that one out.

Don't know whether you mean that as a joke, but I can tell you it is very real thing world wide still.

Firefish (former calckey) seems to have "trends" and "activity" filters on their platform. Saw that on

Never used firefish but perhaps try there?

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There are two spiders hanging out on my bathroom ceiling. One above the toilet and the other above the shower. The problem is that the one above the toilet has disappeared.

God damnit.

Same. I want to like working from home, but I get nothing done unless it's brain dead excel updating or something.

Too many distractions and temptations to not work.

But I personally know people who are more productive and happy to work from home.

Sorry not sure if I'm understanding your comment, but you already can multi select languages, the way I stated in the comment above: in the web UI go to your profile settings and hold CTRL to select another language you wish to see. You can choose as many languages as you want while holding CTRL.

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I am sorry to do this to you, but I have minimum of 30 tabs open at all times. Send help.

No shame in that, I was also struggling with the idea of losing that history and especially felt bad about the "lost knowledge for the community" part. It's okay not to overwrite it all in my opinion, I just decided to do so.

I'm going to guess that dbzer0 is hosted in Finland due to piracy laws being quite relaxed in Finland. Cool info, thanks!

Also 7 years and did quite some posting and commenting, all of those are now overwritten/edited with a protest message.

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Okay, well hope a lemmy dev sees your request! :)


Same, I'm open to anything basically. Enjoying lemmy :)

Now is a good time to try out things, maybe daily threads work better for some people?

And good point! I also sadly forget to check new comments...

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Ahh sorry now I get it, settings inside posts! I have to admit I have no idea how those work, I suspected that the language options you have inside a post are community specific settings that mods of a community control, or maybe they only offer undetermined and the language the post was made with? Hope someone who knows gives an answer!

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This could also be it, but startup phase for 10 years? I mean that would be believable if it wasn't for the size of the team.

I started thinking about how much they'd actually make with this monetization scheme, but they employ 6 software developers and have a team of 4 in the upper management. The company has been running for 10 years with this single product.

Didn't know about this project, thanks for the tip!

I also use lemmy (voyager app is awesome) but kbin also has an awesome app called Artemis, which got inspired by apollo for reddit.