
2 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Za Monolith

To the people shitting on the idea of a default defederation with Meta, how about we deferedate not because it will affect us as posters but because they are evil pieces of shit?

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It's getting pretty tiring to see people feeling entitled to have access to any and all communities of the Fediverse, if the people paying for the running cost of the Beehaw instance wants to defederate (for whatever reason, "good" or "bad"), that's their prerogative.

If you really want access to their content, apply to join, otherwise sign up to any of the dozens of lemmy instances federated to the rest of the fediverse.

One of the great things about the Fediverse in general is choice, user and instance admin can choose how they want to interact, and are not beholden to a company or group which can take any arbitrary decisions they want.

TLDR : Instance admin are entitled to how they want to run it, you're not.

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I would be so embarassed if I ever was a fanboy of this fucking dunce

Imagine being capable of getting enough loans to buy a company for $44B and not being able to envision basic consequences for your buisness actions

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Do you have to run your lemmy instance in the US?

Maybe do it in a less backward place

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Mood :

Maybe the lemmy devs could implement some sort of versioning system for post, where you could see each edit (like commits) chronologically.

It would remove some of the scummy unintended uses people are already talking about

That's my first funniest story of JP, the second being him posting some S&M british milking porn on Twitter while blaming the CCP

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Do you think people who collaborated with dictatorial regimes should be excused? Because they followed the law?

Why didnt Meta implant E2EE on their private chat service then?

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Damn, Elon Musk keeps getting tricked over and over again, how unfortunate

How well, nothing he could have done

Also implying Elon Musk is somehow saving the planet, lol, lmao even

US & EU quietly begin to huff copium at an accelerated rate

Mf will do anything except acting against corporations

How about you send BP (and other petro companies) shareholders to solitary confinement instead of spending who knows how many billions to modify the atmosphere (which won't have any unintended consequences of course)

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Dont forget to thank RBG, who refused to retire under Obama for some fucking reason, only to get owned by COVID after officiating a wedding for some dumb liberals (while having an immune system shredded by cancer)

Well it gave us the funniest trump interview imo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knlJWu815C0

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Rest in peace Fred Hampton, murdered by the FBI without any consequences

Was there any punishement for running Cointelpro, a totalitarian surveillance program pointed against minority groups?

Shadow librarian money gang

Mfw my limbs didnt get bonesawed off although I'm over 50, really failed my career as a journalist

Ok, crackhead 🙄

How about you lay off the pipe for a minute

Above 1.0 really, after that up to the user

I personally seed as much as possible, since there is not really a point to remove torrent asap for me

Reichsführer Adolf SHOCKER

If you really want access to their content, apply to join, otherwise sign up to any of the dozens of lemmy instances federated to the rest of the fediverse.

I think it was pretty clear, yeah

You mean you vote to feel better about yourself, to try to sweep any guilt or bad feeling under the rug, and you feel upset when you get reminded electoral politics means jackshit in the US (and in most liberal plutocraties)

These people don't want to upset their masters, otherwise their political opponent will get funding and they'll be out of a cushy job. Also, they probably have some wealth stashed away and think they wont be affected by climate change, as for the common people, they give zero fucks about them.

This is an expensive bandaid that will or will not work, and adress merely one of the problem caused by human industrialisation, it doesnt adress soil depletion for an example...

I remember there was a scandal in Pennsylvania where a judge was paid to funnel juveniles into a private detention center


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Yes, since 1979 UXO (mostly cluster munitions there) caused 64000 casualties and 25000 amputations in just Cambodia

Since 1974, 50000 casualties in Laos

This kind of UXO are especially a risk for children

She's right, she's a bitch as well but she's right

I dare to say it is incredibly fucked up, even more so when you consider those pieces of shit just had to pay a fine (a hefty one, sure) and didnt go to jail

France : yes, yes, how disgusting of the italians... (dont look at burgundy pls)

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau wearing a turban in blackface, in between 4 white women

Never gets old

Mountain Dewâ„¢ Dew It Right

Maybe Oceangate should put a sign "Our PR representatives don't molest children"

Could expand on that? Any good methods to vote out a Supreme Court Justice?

Democrats wouldn't pack the courts

That would be uncouth, you know, decorum is after all VERY important

I also think the Parlementarian said no

Shitjustworks was defederated from Beehaw, if you absolutely want to be able to post on Beehaw, you'll have to create an account there, otherwise you should have access to every other instances federated to shitjustworks

While I don't think there is a specific conspiracy, I do believe that the upper classes enforce class interest and still have a strong sense of class solidarity, something they worked very hard (through their hegemonic control of the media) to excise from the societies they inhabit and predate upon.

Someone like Rupert Murdoch won't necessarily take action on behalf of specific individuals, but he will fight tooth and nail for the privileges of his fellow billionaires.

I fail to see how that would impact a gay couple though

Hey, I'm not really blaming them (although his blue check dogs are something else), people are not immune to propaganda and advertising, and billionaires have PR agents for a reason

Should add the cholo mini game and soundtrack from GTA San Andreas

Patently false, the launch of CP2077 was horrendous
And frankly, it's not even the worst part (although releasing a AAA game with millions of USD of budget in that state should be an embarrasment), the worst was the way they shamefully kept hyping a game they must have known was still broken beyond belief
Like, props to them for putting the work to make the game playable at a normal level, but that should have been the case at launch, not a year later
It's also become a notable example of a trend a lot of AAA games follow, bigger and bigger budget, scope and team that keep getting mismanaged and release the games unfinished to stick to a schedule made for the shareholder's benefits, and not for the customer's

At the end of the day, this is PR gaslighting to prepare the launch of additional premium content

Dustloop is one of the greatest video game wiki

They can downvote away, I will never not shit on Ginsberg (also libtards infect spaces just like right wingers)

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When you take into consideration that Sarkozy took money from Gaddafi to run its second presidential campaign who was, allegedly, using that as leverage against him, maybe not so incomprehensible after all