Two versions are available (1 online + 1 offline). This database is yours, it is libre and open source (CC-BY license).
@holarse @playingtux @gamingonlinux @linux_gaming @Corben78 @lmd @hatnix @tuxedocomputers @boilingsteam @linuxgamecast @jugandoenlinux @Longplay_Games @ben329 @ShareYourGames Dear Holarse and all Linux friends Merry Christmas to you too! 🎅
Thank you for this wonderful gift
@holarse @playingtux @gamingonlinux @linux_gaming @Corben78 @lmd @hatnix @tuxedocomputers @boilingsteam @linuxgamecast @jugandoenlinux
@ben329 @ShareYourGames Dear Holarse and all Linux friends
Merry Christmas to you too! 🎅
Thank you for this wonderful gift