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He's not going to be remembered. He's just another village idiot in the grand scheme of things.

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The rich damned us.

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I agree with you and have studied this from my role as an intelligence official and former interrogator. The lawyer who prosecuted the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials stated that the real problem wasn't the evil but the apathy of the masses that allowed a few evil people to do big evil things.

The fact of the matter is that human reactions to certain information are well known from our centuries of study of propaganda and marketing and psychology. At this point it is easy for the government to manipulate messaging so that the people are misled enough to allow evil.

It is the simple stuff and even smart people are influenced by it over time. It is a well studied phenomenon. No one is immune. For example, Trump saying that he has the most transparent government ever while specifically taking away rights and doing things in secret.

The propaganda tool has been efficient for our governments, especially since the advent of the internet. Also, keep in mind that roughly half of the population has a two-digit IQ. Some people will never admit that they are dumb and therefore will never admit that they have been deceived.

The fact that US citizens are scared to stand up to their government because the government police will abuse them shows where we are as a society. We are deeply fascist and the illusion of democracy hasn't been functioning in Congress for quite a while. The illusion of the checks and balances has worn thin as well.

So I agree with you. Our society is diseased. But it's not necessarily the faults of the individuals.

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The type of person who wants to be a cop doesn't have trouble sleeping after this.

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Our police come from organizations that were used to round up slaves. There is less logic to this and more historic leftovers.

Thank you. I have so many engrained habits from Reddit that I'm not using Lemmy to its potential.

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The fact that the supreme Court can use that argument is insane. Is not washing our hands before surgery American tradition? Is slavery American tradition? Just because we've done something before, doesn't make it legal in any other topic area.

Americans also just renamed some of their Christian holidays in order to pretend that there's equality. My daughter still has to do homework during Chanukkah every night but gets the week of Christmas off but now the same exact vacation from school is called "winter break" so it's totally "not religious now."

I would have loved for the case to go through and for CNN to have detailed and proved Trump's Hitler-like qualities for the world.

They could have dissected him on the stand.

Normally I'd agree but I think in this case descheduling has a different route. I think the president and the DEA can just move it down the made-up list of scientifically inaccurate fear-mongering.

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Legal theory is nice but we really have to examine how America works. I was arrested protesting the Clint border station. I was peaceful. After I was cuffed I was booked and taken into the back and assaulted. The government granted the person who assaulted me immunity. They also didn't preserve the tapes from their security footage.

This is America. I will give you the case information which includes information that doxes me. Google: "Gilson v Alvarez IV"

I am a veteran. I love my country. The government has soured though.

Awesome! Eat the rich!

The FBI knows. They just don't care.

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It died with "drug dogs." I am currently fighting the department of veterans affairs federal police because they bypass the 4th amendment with a drug dog. They found nothing because I don't do drugs, but the fake dog hits need to stop.

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Almost every poll at the time showed that everyone could beat Trump except for Hillary. The DNC is as responsible for the Trump presidency as the RNC.

I went down that rabbit hole when I was trying to understand why the far right was interested in supporting Israel while simultaneously being anti-semitic and working alongside Nazis. Most people in the middle or left don't understand how crazy this is. Many members of our government are literally trying to enact some biblical nestradamus bullshit to bring forth the end of times as described in the book of Revelations.

I'm a liberal Jew so it took a lot of reading to understand what the fuck they wanted end times to come for, but I guess it is so that they are then saved? As a non-Christian this seems weird and obviously cult-like but here we are.

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Border patrol agent Manual Alvarez IV got qualified immunity for assaulting me while I was in handcuffs between being booked and being interrogated. That certainly wasn't part of his job.

Also, I was found not guilty because you are allowed to protest the separation and detention of children at the border. So it wasn't part of his job to arrest me either.

Qualified immunity. Now that racist, fuck is just in a different part of border patrol training and leading the other agents. This is how poison spreads. This is why all cops are bastards. You either pluck these people out of the system immediately or accept that you have corrupted a system.

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This is a troll, or somebody so rude that they would give a passive aggressive answer like that. Either way it is worthy of being ignored.

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The government has abused its power to classify and protect information. It shouldn't take newspaper investigations to find out where our tax money is going.

I still haven't seen the uvalde tapes. What authority are they using to keep public information from the public and who granted the police this power?

*Some colonists. Probably not an important distinction, but we should remember history as people loosely coming together instead of always together in a solid decision that way we can understand things like January 6th or the war on Iraq better. In history we have followed our leaders even into bad situations. Saying fuck you to England was a good choice though. 😁

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I protested. I flew to El Paso to the Clint border station where they had the kids in cells and cages at gunpoint under the threat of death, and I protested. The US intelligence community had let them know that I was coming and they had an entire team of killers with M4s trying to get me to move incorrectly because, as they charged me in court, anything over 3 lb can be used as a lethal weapon and I could have killed them all. I refused to take the bait and had reporters there recording. I was arrested and when I was brought into the station I was assaulted while wearing cuffs by border patrol agent Manuel Alvarez IV. He was upset that I was walking too slowly after they took away my cane.

Manuel Alvarez IV then worked with FBI agent Issac Frost and FBI agent Shannon Enochs to charge me with a federal crime because in theory I could have atomized their bulletproof door with a crowbar and caused $100,000 or more of damage, if only I wasn't just peacefully protesting wild loudly stating on public property in an open area that I was there to peacefully protest and that I was unarmed (and also severely physically disabled from being a thrice deployed veteran). FBI agents Issac Frost and FBI agent Shannon Enochs literally edited out that part of the tape when they prosecuted me. Again, there are no consequences for this. Fortunately, even though I am a disabled veteran with memory issues I had a decent memory of what had happened years prior by the time I was prosecuted and notified my lawyer that they had modified the tape.

This is one of the only reasons why I didn't spend my life in jail.

The U.S. federal government has a 95% to 98% success rate with their prosecutions. I was found not guilty. The case is available online if you Google Manuel Alvarez IV. Long story short attorneys volunteered to take my case for free and pushed it as far as they could, but the government claimed immunity. Apparently they can just do this and this is approved by judges and the law. This isn't an accident. They wrote this down on paper. I don't understand. I'm just a disabled veteran trying to uphold our constitution.

Border patrol and the FBI are currently ran by and employs the people who were illegally holding children at gunpoint, and the agents who falsify evidence in order to put innocent veterans in jail. Many parts of their actions have been found to be illegal, but more importantly were hugely an obviously immoral. These are the people who are now the federal employees telling us we need to listen to them.

Manuel Alvarez IV FBI agent Shannon Enochs FBI agent Issac Frost

The department of veterans affairs told me that the polyps growing in my face are terminal because I can't have a third polypectomy. That's just the results of going to war and burn pits. I will be dead and these guys will be running the US government.

Congratulations FBI, you won in the long run as you always do.

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Watching global climate change, we may only need this for a year before we all pass.

Heroes who know that the world needs to see what they are seeing.

At least people will understand why we are revolting. Convincing the world of your cause is usually the hard part.

No, just a topper. Less expenses and most people can keep their current mattresses which is better for the environment.

(I'm with you just brainstorming, lol)

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People used to be able to storm the courthouse and physically remove judges who were corrupt. The government militarizing the police and separating the elected officials from the people is the problem.

The corrupt should fear us (First amendment).

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Google has betrayed Google.

As all corporations eventually do.

Google is eating its children.

This is a very interesting topic. I actually studied and wrote about it in the 3 months that I was at Harvard before I dropped out. 🤣

Essentially, all of history was taught as it was written from the Kings or rulers. So all of history starts with king blah blah blah and this is what happened. That is how history was recorded through most of US presidents as well. " This is what Lincoln did" is how we learned it in high school.

Only in the past 20 or so years (somebody correct me) have the original documents of citizens and people's been meta analyzed in a way that we can see history from other (non-white, non-ruler) perspectives.

This, I think, runs right next to CRT and why the right wing and is so concerned about controlling the history books and libraries right now. I think their think tanks are trying to prevent a more accurate version of history from being accepted. I'm not 100% sure about this loose connection though.

Just an accusation from a random guy on the internet.

I'm in the dumbest situation. I was a federal employee so I don't know what normal people mean when they say the Fed.

Every comment is only calling it the Fed.

I've read too many New York Time articles to see what we are talking about because I'm not subscribed.

Not just asking for me but for anybody in a similar situation; what is the full organization name of the Fed?

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I have stayed in one brand of hotels most of my career because I love them but at one point a showerhead shot off into my back and a laser-beam like steel-cutter of water tried its best to cut me in half before I got out of its way. It was like a shower head on a ball joint with a pinhole in it. I really hope they changed their shower head design after that.

Aww. ☺️

I have no idea what you are talking about. I was arrested when I was protesting in El Paso. They just brought trays of slop to us in our cells three times a day. It looked close to an '80s elementary school lunch but slightly lower quality. It really wasn't reasonable. I was found not guilty because Americans are supposed to be able to protest. The FBI felt otherwise when they cut off part of the tape proving my innocence but got caught doing so without consequence.

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No they haven't. Even if you report them to the FBI, they will get referred to the military's counterintelligence commands, like the Army's 902nd military intelligence group. These are mostly the right leaning folk who joined the military to be cops. In one of my interviews with the counterintelligence agents he basically started answering his own questions and then just told me he was going to get somebody to vouch for the person. My identity was apparently leaked because multiple people know, including the commander, the investigator, the other people who work in the office where the person being reported also works. I'm sure I'll find out later that he knows as well. It's all a shell game. The exception to FBI policy was specifically built so that the military could hide these things. Giving commanders the ability to look the other way on crimes gives them a special power over people and a special knowledge of how to get away with illegal acts. The people they want to succeed can get away with anything and the people that are the wrong race or religion or whatever. Just get to deal with some dude that joined the army and now has power over him. The rules were written this way on purpose.

I agree with you. Hopefully somebody will come in and fix it but realistically a lot of the damage is done. But history books aren't going to remember this idiot. I'm glad for that.

I would bet there are reasons other than aesthetics at play. That's the kind of paint you would want to use on your house in the Arizona desert, but I imagine driving by a bunch of houses with 99.9% reflectivity at the wrong time of day would be blinding.

Optimistically, this may be the discovery that leads to our future when everything looks like an iPhone.

You just gave me so much hope.

The FBI supporting this and the far right is why we are here as a nation so I wouldn't put much stock in them doing anything. They are federal police. Their brothers are the police officers who did this. They are one in the same. The FBI can just afford better messaging.

So many good possibilities. I'd be happy with Trump's wife or any of his kids too.

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If a person in America doesn't already know that all cops are bastards and that there have been constant protests and reporting about it over the past couple of decades then they are choosing to be a type. I'm no longer willing to pretend that everybody has good intentions. This isn't the case for police and the FBI.

Thank you! Other platforms are so astroturfed that this fact is often covered up with accusations of sexism. The fact is that ever poll at the time said that everyone could beat Trump except for her. She was political poison and her and the DNC cheated to make her the candidate which scared off even more voters. She is the reason we suffered as a country, not the supposed savior!

I really appreciate it. It didn't help anything though. I was a career federal employee before that. I really thought the system was full of people trying to do good. What I was confronted with changed everything.