
15 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My UPS guy deserves every penny of it.

At that depth Nessie is compressed to a small size but she will expand as she surfaces.

Homeowner's insurance, hands down.

I used to bitch every time I made a payment and then one day my house burned to the ground. The insurance payout for the house itself was twice what I paid for the house, and then they paid more to cover the contents of the house.

Yeah, I don't complain about paying that bill anymore :)

When I first heard her on 'The Lion and the Cobra' in '87 her voice hit me like a truck, and it left a mark that never went away. She was 100% an artist, never a mere entertainer. Such a loss 💔

The idea is to get a slow controlled cure and not a quick dry.

I’m in an arid climate and I generally cut individual branches, let those dry, then harvest the buds, but some of my friends just hang the entire plant up to dry. If you’re in a humid climate then you might look at cutting it down to individual buds.

Lots of good info at https://www.growweedeasy.com/drying-curing and elsewhere :)

Most papers are bad enough as is, but sure let's sprinkle some heavy metal flakes on them.

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This post has been sponsored by tigers who want you to forget that you are made of tiger food.

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I have no idea, these were random seeds collected from various strains from dispensaries over a few years. Can’t complain too much about free!

It’s the only way to be sure.

Last year I did 2 plants in there and got about 11oz, I'm hoping for at least 16oz from these 3.

This is my first time with this strain. I've never smoked it but it's been great to grow - I started them from seed in mid-June and the seeds popped within 7 hours. Their roots were busting out of their starter pots within 3-4 days. They've been healthy and growing vigorously ever since. Started with 6 seeds, was left with 3 plants after I culled the males.

The only trouble I've had with them was external - grasshoppers started to get to them before I had them in the greenhouse, and they left a few eggs that I didn't spot so I've been spraying neem solution weekly and evicting baby grasshoppers whenever I spot them. The damage seems minimal and the plants seem super happy, looking forward to a productive harvest :)

I faw two of thefe today hanging out by a dumpfter.

I love your setup, my tiny 4x6 is a bit challenging to get around in late in the season.

I pitched them, I considered taking clones but I’m about at my limit for plants I have time to take care of.

I don’t know, I want to hate it and yet….

Thanks for the info, right on time. A friend gave me a little jar of sift hash and I vaped some today in my ancient APX, got me thinking hmm maybe time for a new vape.

Just for the experience really, I'd read about the technique and it seemed like it might be a good fit for my tiny 2x2x4 so I'm giving it a go 🤷‍♂️

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Wow, look at the trunk on that!

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200% this, I did not enjoy mastodon at all until I realized you could follow hashtags. Once you do that you find your people and everything clicks.

That looks great!

Good luck with the greenhouse, I moved my plants into one about 10 days ago and they are super happy 😎

Oh gotcha that makes perfect sense, not sure where my head was at there 😅

Upvote for the bidet, I got one a couple of years ago and love it.

It takes some practice for sure. I’ve personally landed on a single jet zippo torch and 3 burns per bowl, starting with a quick burn near the tip for that initial flavor hit then working my way down to the base of the bowl with longer burns to get those clouds.

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That's a lovely beast!

What I’m doing is referred to as a mainline grow, it’s a type of plant training designed to get you a uniform set of 8 colas (the main flower stalk) instead of a single cola. It can increase the final yield and it looks pretty cool: https://www.growweedeasy.com/mainlining-nugbuckets

See it was the heating method that turned me on to the dynavap. Battery vapes need to charge, they can get way too hot (at least my APX does), and you have to worry about yet another battery lithium bomb waiting to spontaneously combust in your house. I love the idea of an "analog" vape that doesn't have any of those problems, and the heating technique was super easy to pick up in my experience.

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@ed with surprising frequency

"@ed"? This is new to me, what do you mean?

should not tolerate them at all when growing outdoors so I don't seed someone else's crop?

That's my personal take yeah, my nearest downwind neighbor is a ranch about a mile away and I don't think they're growing but you never know.

My neighbor went full-on intentional seed factory in his gh over the winter, I guess that was low-risk though.

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After I made the second cuts I realized I wasn’t going to get the circular crown shape I had in mind, other than that it’s all going as expected I think.

☝️underrated comment. I've been doing remote tech support & customer service for a few years and taught myself to smile whenever I'm typing out a message to a customer. Even though the customer can't see it, it nudges my head in the right direction and makes the work more tolerable.

obviously winter, look at all that frost :D

Hey, nothing wrong with using what you've got!

Looking good! I have the opposite problem, small house so my indoor grow space is limited to the tallest part of my attic (4 feet). It's enough to get them started 🤷‍♂️

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Nice, you should see my neighbor's setup: veg in his own bedroom, another bedroom dedicated for flowering, and an active worm farm in a third room 🪱

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Those look great! I want to try a winter grow in my greenhouse with an AF one of these days.

I use plain "organic" hemp wrappers myself.


Hahaha that's amazing, I invented the FMJ in my head yesterday when I was looking at the Armor Cap price. Good to know it already exists!

I just follow the instructions - point a butane torch at the middle of the cap and rotate the stem to heat evenly.

Right on, I tried some sift hash in mine last night, sandwiched between two pinches of bud. It was perfect!