Leather Cub Andrew Aû

@Leather Cub Andrew Aû@4bear.com
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Joined 1 years ago

Demi :demisexual_flag: #ActuallyAutistic and Dyspraxic :neurodiversity: #lgbtqia Bear Cub :bear_flag: who is also a #kinkster #LeatherBoy :leather_flag: and open to poly :polyamory_new_flag:. Recently discovered an interest in leatherworking that I never considered before. I used to be a software engineer despite my preference for working with my hands and my dislike of working with data.

I smoke pipes :4bear_pipe: and cigars :4bear_cigar:

@Cipher @Krzak
I'm glad it worked out for you.

I actually studied for Computer Engineering geared toward embedded electronic design... never got a role in it beyond a one year internship down the street from campus.

After I graduated, recruiters just saw "computer" in my degree and assumed that I could do anything with computers... I knew bits and pieces of C++ coding, and picked up some things fast... but as time went on... I struggled more and more with anything involving software development and knew that it wasn't for me. I tried taking online courses to get back into roles related to my studies... I did well on assessments, but struggled with interviews... while also dealing with recruiters who assumed that I had always been in the role I was trying to get into... the last time I ever entertained anything within tech was past year when I received the news that I was only qualified for an internship which I would have to compete with students while I have been out of school for 14 years... I realized that I needed to change my career path.

I have admitted on many occasions that I prefer to be hands-on with my work... but last year I also admitted that I like working with my hands and not data. I stumbled into a hobby that I might consider for work... some people think that I should even sell such items... I am willing to give it a try when I am both comfortable enough with my skills and am in a position to actually do it.

@MadgePickles I sometimes try it but generally experience great difficulty in doing it because I either am completely exhausted or my not so great coordination ends up causing a problem.

@Megaman_EXE I wonder how the instructor would react if told they are a figment of your imagination. 😂

@Lupolo @CinnamonTheCat @joenotjim

I used to be on antidepressants, but they didn't help me regulate things ... same for antianxiety meds... I think that such things for at least myself are externally provoked.... with issues like acceptance, understanding, and things that actually make me happy and safe. Coping skills actually do a much better job for me.... but I don't stim as much as I used to because I was ridiculed for it.

@Lyre it could depend on the subject matter and material

I'm certain that my math skills were stronger than my math teacher in 7th grade given that she put me in detention for "questioning authority" when asking a valid question pertaining to the subject...

I somehow also remember that I was called dumb by the school superintendent and local special education organization by calling the figure made by putting the thumb and forefinger together a hexagon (count the sides)

@Malfeasant I'm happily childfree and know from having been around all sorts of kids (such as my violent childhood bullies) and even my mother telling me about what she did as a kid (like putting a bit of cereal in a bowl with a dribble of milk and setting it in the sink) that kids can be manipulative... the question is when are they honest? That I can never get a good read... I don't want the headache that would come with finding out!