
4 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Traffick Cam: Help combat sex trafficking by uploading photos of hotel rooms from your travels

Traffickers regularly post photographs of their victims posed in hotel rooms for online advertisements. These photographs are evidence that can be used to find and prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes. In order to use these photos, however, investigators must be able to determine where the photos were taken.

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The noise. FML. If I have to listen to another coworker take calls at the top of their voice one cubicle over...

Indian summer (n.)

"spell of warm, dry, hazy weather after the first frost" (happening anywhere from mid-September to nearly December, according to location), 1774, North American English (also used in eastern Canada), perhaps so called because it was first noted in regions then still inhabited by Indians, in the upper Mississippi valley west of the Appalachians, or because the Indians first described it to the Europeans. No evidence connects it with the color of fall leaves, or to a season of renewed Indian attacks on settlements due to renewed warm weather (a widespread explanation dating at least to the 1820s).

Source: Etymonline

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This answer is brought to you by the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation

Perineum sunning

I'm sorry WHAT

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Two broken arms

Lemmy. Lol. And a nice walk with my favourite music is good too

City crematorium - you kill 'em, we grill 'em

Geocaching! It's taken me so many palces I never would have known about otherwise

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Really trying to get !geocaching@lemmy.world off the ground

Pet peeve: no "stay logged in" option for a system I use multiple times per day

Any time you try to get tape off a roll, it rips halfway through and turns into a mess. The same with toilet paper

Run the program.

Yeah, this right here is where the problem is...

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Aha! This was it. Now there is an .exe file I can run. THANK YOU!!

The Lives of Others is a movie about life under surveillance in the DDR. Maybe not quite what you asked, but it's very well made

I feel your pain. I've been there for sure, and I simetimes I get pretty sad/sensitive around my birthday because I've had many plans fall through. Reading this thread, I never realized before that this was such a common ADHD experience.

What's helped me a little bit is to plan smaller, but more frequent, things with just a few friends. It still doesn't really fill the longing for a great big party for me, but I've had better luck with people committing to show up when they know they'll only be one of 2-5. For example, how would you feel about having a few separate simple dinners with friends in the week of your birthday? As well, I've started insisting on potluck style if I ever do plan a larger thing. So much less headache around planning and quantities.

As for what to say to your friends... I get the awkwardness. I'd probably say something like "a bit smaller than expected, sadly", try to keep the tone neutral and quickly change the subject. I wouldn't want to lie, but there's also no use getting into all of it with someone who didn't show up. That would just bring up a lot of resentment and end up ugly for me.

All the best for your belated birthday, and I hope the next one is better for you.

It's an outdoor game like a scavenger hunt. Other people place geocaches (tupperwares or similar containers) somewhere out in nature and mark the spot on an online map. Anyone can find them and sign the log book inside, sometimes there are other items to trade as well. Free to play at geocaching.com.

I've done this lots while travelling in Europe and North America, it's fantastic if you want to get away from typical tourist hotspots for a while. It's helped me discover so many spots I never would've seen advertised anywhere

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Clean the lint out of nooks and crannies every so often. That's all I do, and I've had mine for a decade

Pretty well, and just finishing up. I had the day off and it was great to catch up on some long-planned creative projects

I'm sorry you're in such a bad spot, that sounds really hard. Are you able to share more specifically what type of self-care you feel you're missing?

If you are able, it might be helpful to begin to formulate an exit plan. Try to put some money aside if you're able (in an account they don't have access to, if that's a concern). Look into resources and therapy that might be available (if you're in school, your school might offer this for free and confidentially). Is there someone in your life you trust to talk through what you're dealing with?

Lateral with Tom Scott - quiz show style with questions that make you think.

Ologies - interviews about science topics with a different anything-ologist for every episode

All good, thank you for the detailed write-up!

I hear you, I've been struggling with that as well. Right now just experimenting with alt accounts that I can use in place of different feeds, but I recognize that might be inconvenient.

I'd really love to see /c/geocaching@lemmy.world get off the ground

Ah, that's a shame. Thanks for answering!

Meetup.com has events for a ton of different interests, I've found them to be quite diverse in age but some events are also focused for certain age ranges, so you might have some luck there!

I'm hoping to get !geocaching@lemmy.world a bit more active. Currently I seem to be the only one posting

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Steve Wallis - stealth camping and other adventures.

Tom Nicholas - video essays on politics, philosophy, and a variety of other topics

Where do you see them stating that?

Not sure what you're using to browse Lemmy, but I believe the Connect app offers this functionality


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That's so sweet! Sounds very much like geocaching

Maybe not quite contemporary, but

YYZ by Rush

Slabo Day by Peter Green


I have a Smart Tag (Samsung version of the Air Tag) that goes in my luggage when I travel. I quite like it -- fairly easy set up with an app, small, battery has lasted me over a year to date. Cost $40

Should we? No. Would we anyway?

... yeah, probably.

Thanks, I'll ckeck that out!

I'd love more tips on this too. I'm trying to grow a small hobby community (!geocaching@lemmy.world). Mainly I think I will try sharing my own experiences and ending posts with a question that invites others to share theirs as well

And looking up, I noticed I was late

A bit more recent: Five Hours by Deorro