
2 Post – 101 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just another Reddit castaway looking for a home. Avid RPG and roguelike enthusiast.

The camera pans slightly to the right

Already rich people get 1.7trillion in tax cuts: crickets

Former middle class Americans get 400bil one time payment: oh fuck no

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Talk to a major law firm about accepting the prize as anonymously as possible. Take the lump sum -payment to the lawyer team and divide it into thirds. One third goes into a trust that I can direct friends and family to with instructions to offer assistance for major life events, weddings, funerals, education and the like. That way I never have to be the bad guy who says yeah, no.

The second third will get invested into low risk bonds so I have a stable income forever

The final third will become what people normally do with lottery winnings, new home, that kind of stuff

Yes because surely antagonizing the company that employs the most of your constituents by quite a large margin can only end well.

That's it, command line needs to become ASCII images of John Oliver

Fun fact: if this ever did actually happen the adaptive resistance of the motor would increase the force until it could crush you without slowing down the escalator for anybody else :)

That whole situation still makes me so mad. That turtle bastard refused to even hold hearings for Merrick Garland for 9 months because it was an election year, and then four years later held hearings voted on and seated Barrett after the election had started.

We should absolutely have a liberal 5-4 majority. Instead we live in a conservative 6-3 dystopia, with Republicans openly planning on denying any results they disagree with and installing whatever fucking president they want.

Good luck getting the marks to do anything that might hurt Trump Daddy

And it's not like you can even abbreviate it since cp has its own problematic connotations when it comes to the Internet

Well I found this post on active so that's a good sign!

Hell, half the country doesn't want kids to have food when they go to school.

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An I the only one who remembers Digimon, the og 90s Isekai?

This law is obviously just an attempt to get a case that can strike down Griswold at the corrupt, illegitimate supreme court. They know it will get challenged, it's exactly what they want.

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The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.

Even if the costs were the same what the fuck line of asshole thinking in "I had to suffer, so you do too" what the fuck happened to people wanting better for the future generations?

Yeah, I might have to fast forward my full departure from Reddit if they're going to be so agressively anti-consumer.

Is DeSantis trans? I mean I'm not saying he is, I'm just asking the question. Did they come out as trans and change their name to Rhonda? Maybe. We need to ask the questions.

Is it just the Beijing one that's bull hockey or is the whole material itself bologna?

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If I remember correctly it became such a strong correlation that Ikea actually released/sold a blahaj in the trans flag colors.

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To your last point, Brown Vs. The Board of Education prevents racial segregation in schools, Loving vs. Virginia prevents state laws against interracial marriages, and Atlanta Hotel Vs. The US was the landmark finding that upheld the legitimacy of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, specifically the clause that prevents businesses from discriminating based on protected classes.

So to answer your question at large, we DO have actual laws on the books that are supposed to protect historically targeted minorities, but at any moment these rogue malefactors could declare any one of those laws unconstitutional as they've shown they have NO regard for precedent.

Most boomers were able to pay for their college with part time/summer work.

I have heard that dev kits were going out, probably the most credible rumors I've heard so far, but unless it's more like a switch 1.5, I don't think we're going to have a holiday 2024 release windows. Unless it's announced during holiday 2023 I suppose, but I can't see less than a year of marketing unless it's more of a deluxe/pro version.

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I don't know with what weapons world war 3 will be fought, but world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.

It's usually attributed to Einstein but I'm not sure if that's true. It's hard to believe any quote that's attributed to him at this point, honestly.

Or melk which is milk when pronounced with a couple of us accents

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Man the self laothing still comes, even if you were diagnosed. I was on meds only for a very short time. Money and all that because the pills were expensive on my family's insurance.

So yeah, I grew up knowing what was wrong and trying so hard to just seem almost normal on the surface, and now that I'm older and have my own decent insurance I'm scared of who or what I'll be if I ever get back on the pills.

So yeah, yay self loathing.

Just add Isaac and it becomes better than ultimate for me, lol

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I do it as one space in a cardinal direction and then one diagonal in the same direction.

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Cheers, man! Make sure not to take too much into yourself! You've earned some rest.

I'll keep checking the front page of all once or twice a day until Reddit is fun dies, but once that happens, I'm done with Reddit

Isaac from Golden Sun, which my avatar depicts if you have them enabled, lol, but good guesses.

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And why the hell would we just lay down and accept the fact that our grandparents didn't have student debt because tuition could be paid with a part time job?

Why should we accept that sometimes three incomes isn't enough to support a family when one "unskilled" laborer used to be able to comfortably support a family of five.

Why should we accept the fact that full time at minimum wage can't afford to rent an apartment anywhere in the United States?

Why should we accept that people would rather kill themselves than saddling their family with medical debt.

Why should we accept that people are forced to dangerously ration a drug that costs $10 to produce but costs hundreds of dollars at the pharmacy, with insurance?

Why the fuck would another country having things worse mean we should stop fighting for better?

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I mean that's the message he'll spin for sure, but the Colorado suit was brought to the courts by Republicans trying to remove Trump from the ballot.

Well here's hoping, it'll be a huge win for humanity if it works out and is, indeed replicable at any kind of scale. We haven't had very many winds as a species recently, so any victory would be great.

The problem with that is we're already such a small community, something so niche as cute ai generated images only would be so microscopic that it may as well not exist. Back on Reddit they had the userbase to support such niche interests, but the fediverse isn't there yet.

Yeah that's the thing, there's no way for a perfect balance, just because of how many different styles of gameplay there are. What they have is good, I think.

Ice age baby appears on a random 2x2 square currently covered in ice, consuming the souls of any adjacent pieces.

Well it certainly doesn't help that the pve that was still on its way is going to cost us money now.

Never forget, never forgive

And it's not like American hospitals don't make money hand over fist