
12 Post – 188 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Our data includes anonymized API calls to traditional search indexes like Google, Yandex, Mojeek and Brave, specialized search engines like Marginalia, and sources of vertical information like Wolfram Alpha, Apple, Wikipedia, Open Meteo, Yelp, TripAdvisor and other APIs

I don't want to be that guy, but technically they said they are using traditional indexes like Google, not that they are in fact using Google. But I guess that is splitting hairs.
Also, maybe they just dropped Google from their indexes? And what's more: Why does it matter if they are using Google at all, when the results are satisfying?

Knowing which indexes they are using exactly would be nice to know, though.


What's the female version of a neckbeard?

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Can someone TL;DR the actual "worse" thing?

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When F-Droid?

A true service provider.

Try to play a competitive online game without anti-cheat and see if it is still fun.

Can somebody enlighten me on who this is and why I should care?

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The video discusses criticism of the Linux Foundation and how it spends its funds. While the Linux Foundation is the largest employer of Linux kernel developers, only 2-3% of its budget goes towards that. The rest is spent on various other projects like blockchain, AI, and cloud computing. The video creator argues that the Linux Foundation should allocate more of its funding towards improving the Linux desktop ecosystem, which is underfunded compared to these other initiatives. However, the video acknowledges that the Linux Foundation is beholden to the interests of its corporate members, who likely prioritize the other areas the foundation supports. The video presents the creator's perspective, while recognizing the Linux Foundation's right to spend its money as it sees fit.

XMPP only does it with certain client extensions. And Matrix only does it when the rooms are set up this way. SimpleX does what you want, but is kind of unintuitive for the average user.
I say go with Signal, it does what you want and is idiot-proof.

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For the past six years it has been Kubuntu, but I think it's time to finally abort Canonical and their idiosyncrasies and choose Debian as a KDE base, especially now that Debian 12 includes non-free firmware by default.

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If it's just a DNS block, you could use a different DNS server. You should do this anyway in my opinion.

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Plus, there are studies that show piracy can actually be a positive factor for sales in some cases.

GNOME is the reason I use KDE.

I really really tried it, but it feels like the whole default GNOME suite has never been used by powerusers at all.
Nemo (is it Nemo?) is especially bad. Once you have to deal with several thousand files in a folder (e.g. drive recovery) it totally breaks apart.

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it’s now out of date hardware

What? It's not the fastest APU around anymore, but it's hardly outdated.

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  1. Use alternative that is FLOSS
  2. Use alternative in the browser
  3. Try WINE/Proton
  4. Use Windows VM
  5. Use dedicated Windows machine

Maintaining a browser for the modern web is a massive undertaking that needs funding.

I came from rif is fun and so I'm using Jerboa now. I don't need a fancy UI, I need minimalism.

Upgradeable parts = non-soldered RAM and SSD?

Well, isn't it .config by default?

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It's very easy when not using systemd-resolved.

IRC is useful for other content as well: https://www.xdcc.eu/

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Oh wow, from the sounds of it they basically made Lokinet and the Session messenger running on it obsolete.


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Hell no

The reason why I'll switch to Debian soon.

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On Android?

I'd recommend to go with some form of mini PC. If you don't need much CPU power there are some very cheap N100 ones where you can upgrade the RAM.

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My bro, you can buy a new 64GB one for 369€ and a completely refurbished one for 299€.

I guess you have to lower your price.

Also, slowly, their catalogues are removing some tracks due to licensing issues and I’ve already lost 20 songs from my library.

Honestly, this is what will eventually bring me to abandon Spotify. It sucks so hard not being able to listen to that one weird niche song you stumbled upon, but instantly fell in love with. And they never tell you "Hey, our license for this song is running out in six weeks and we won't renew it. Better listen to it again while it lasts.".
I wish I could just buy all the songs I favorited on Spotify and not have to deal with any of this absolute nonsense.

At the same time their recommendation engine is extremely good and that's what makes it hard to abandon Spotify completely for me.

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https://rpilocator.com/ shows the Pi situation has been solved for a while.

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Consider this the exception to the rule. There's no reason we should assume this timeline is the norm.


Never heard of it

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firefox --Profile /path/to/separate/folder

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Wait, explicit sync is kind of a bug big deal, right?

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Year of the Linux desktop (as my daily driver) has been 2017 for me. Nowadays I dread having to work with Windows.

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If I'm not mistaken "su" stands for "switch user", not " super user".

I think OP means the extensions.

I'd say I like about 60-70% of their changes.

Nice, I was one of those affected by the -20dB bug.