
1 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm tired of hearing about this company and its owner. Why is this news? Why is this shared? Can move on?

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Dw, it's only for those who want it, you're good

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I'm having flashbacks to the times I got banned for the most ridiculous reasons. Sweet fucking karma, goddamn!

Manipulative ones. How do people not feel dirty when lying, coercing, and threatening to get what they want?

Mom says that my great grandmother had a notorious potty mouth. Whenever she'd get up off the chair she'd yell "oh, this heavy ass of mine!" ("Ay, este culo tan pesado!")

Pyongyang's launch comes after it threatened retaliation against what it said were recent US spy plane incursions over its territory

It also tried to launch a spy satellite in May which failed.

This is why I can't take them seriously 🙄

He didn't want to be with someone clingy but framed it as codependency, when in reality I was going through an anxious attachment phase because I didn't want to fuck it up. My incessant worrying was to blame but his lack of empathy made it worse. In the end I think I dodged a bullet because he was a functional alcoholic.

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The miserable drivers for my video card and all the other little things that required hours of fiddling with to get working right. Also, how very few programs ran 100% with WINE. I went back to the simple life to get through school but I'm now eyeing Linux for the dev experience.

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Speak for yourself, sis. I'm a dangerous homosexual. 💅🔪

No. When I do something I'm not wondering if it's against the law, I'm wondering how this affects someone else.

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Buy Twitter back and ban Elmo

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Ten years ago I never would've believed that people like that exist, or that they think Science is evil for some reason

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I've been watching shorts lately and now EVERYTHING is about shorts. I don't ever get the little x anymore to remove the annoying fucking shelf anymore. Why does all this shit have to suck so much.

The body odor of a friend who got out of bed when I was crashing at his house. I wanted to throw up on the spot, it was awful. I'm not sure what it was, but it smelled like he hadn't showered in months but he didn't smell like that the previous day.

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I discovered the mythical and magical power of a great mattress. One day I'll be able to afford one, once I grow a spare kidney.

someone who hates those kinds of social progressive ideals and wants to mock them and make them look bad

Ahh, that makes more sense. Some people are shitty down to their core. Yuck!

Hell to do the no. The heavy metals alone would either kill me from anemia or make me go insane. It's bottled water for us in Mexico, unfortunately. :/ Those saying you can safely drink water from the tap in certain countries.. are you sure? Have you measured it yourself? Even some of the bottled water I ran some tests on back in the day were iffy.

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I did have many regrets. Mainly overheating and the card eventually failing on me. Funny how these large companies ship their shit to "third world countries" so that people have a lower chance of returning their POS

That's the power of virtual mitosis, baby

Speak for yourself, sis. I'm a dangerous homosexual.

I don't like getting downvoted for my opinions either and I understand that upsets a lot of us but you're coming off a little harsh in various comments despite how right you are. Chill out a bit, my guy 👍

Huh, all he does is try to break stuff in his YT channel. He'd make a great security advisor and/or product tester if he could get past his teenage temper tantrums.

I'm taking notes, Jim. I just can't write any faster!

Yes, I've had a better time with it since then. I also couldn't get it to work initially but now I've used it on two phones and it works fine. The trick is to use a slightly older release of the YT apk.

This was a few years ago so my smell memory is shaky, but I think it was body odor? The thing is he got up so fast and rushed to the bathroom so it may have been something else, or maybe it was from the embarrassment

Meanwhile, I was trying no to make noise while gagging the ha hardest I've ever gagged in my life lol

And for Science!

The change was so drastic and I'm still finding little changes here and there. Amazing work, y'all! <3

The irony is that this post deliberately doesn't mention the company and one would never find out save for following the link lol Having said that, I must ask, is the spam in the room with us right now?

It happens lol I got someone telling me that "I just need to use the right settings!" D'oh, silly me, I always try to use the wrong settings. Nevermind the time it takes to look up & set that all up, if I only knew the right ones from birth 😆

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Thank you! Those are some very kind and validating words. 🙏


Damn, I would think once would be enough! Either these people are bold or the police is ineffective

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Oh I understood on first read that people mysteriously disappeared there a la Sweeny Todd lol

Yeah, and I have nothing against Linux, I think it's wonderful and I'd switch in a heartbeat if it were more convenient than Windows. But the reality is that it's not for many of us who have tried it as our main OS

Twitter had experimented and had a fair system in place through previous trial and error. Elon thought it wasn't good enough and then ran into the wall face-first thinking he was smarter than the average guy. Spoiler: he wasn't.

Twitter had experimented and had a fair system in place through previous trial and error. Elon thought it wasn't good enough and then ran into the wall face-first thinking he was smarter than the average guy. Spoiler: he wasn't.

We're two companies short of MAMA-MIA

He probably hasn’t changed his sheets

That's what I thought, but they honestly didn't smell bad at all. I remember they were odorless which really threw me for a loop. I wonder if he had some unknown condition or shat himself while asleep or something. But I'll never know because we stopped being friends for other reasons. *sad noises*

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Wow, I may need to look for another country with these fantastic worker protections, that sounds amazing! I'll take your advice for doing a little at a time to get going, which now that I realize I've been doing for other things but it didn't occur to me to apply it to this. It's been a heck of a mental block.

Yeah, it's been a tough lesson to learn the hard way. The people who treated me nicely to my face were abusers and I was clueless of that until I saw them denigrating another employee who was amazing at her job and I couldn't believe they could speak ill of her if I hadn't heard it. I like your perspective, though, it does feel like I'm much more wiser about it now. Thank you.