
4 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Bee all that you can beehaw.

Lemmy.one, my instance of choice, has been down since Thursday - just a reminder that smaller instance isn't always the solution. Having a few solid account choices on multiple instances is the way to go.

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Twitter’s response to a request for comment regarding its Boulder offices was an automatic email with a poop emoji. Twitter CEO Elon Musk tweeted in May that this is the new auto-response for press inquiries.

I can't believe this is real, what an absolute clown show.

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The 196 community on shit just works was literally like half of the posts on the all filter yesterday before I blocked it.

Also blocking communities RULES. What a great feature! Like regardless of why, there are tons of things on the internet that I just have no interest in whatsoever! It's cool to be able to very easily filter that stuff out.

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I pointed this out in another thread, but the sheer amount of comments being posted when 95% of the subs (ballpark?) were dark was like.... impossible. I think the amount of bots on reddit is staggeringly higher than people realize, myself included.

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It does seem like .world is trying to corral itself and curb the issues that flared up from their growth, so that's very promising. Meanwhile, shit just works is still an absolute dumpster fire.

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Honest question - what's a tankie? I feel like I've seen them mentioned a ton on Lemmy but I'd never heard the term prior to a few days ago. From the image it looks like a maga/skinhead combo?

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It sure does! I've been using it frequently the last few days! The mass migration has made many instances slow or a crawl, so it's super handy to be able to just pop to a different account on a different instance.

Thank you for the explanation. This makes a lot of sense and I think regardless of how people feel about it, it's a great lesson for newbies on how federation works and what makes federated sites so neat. Like...you can come to beehaw and have a fundamentally different experience because of how they've chosen to federate (or defederate) from other portions of the federation. That may or may not be for everyone, and that's okay!

Great article and summary but man, whatever happened to editorial review? There are three or four major grammatical errors in that short piece. It's unfortunate because it's extremely well written otherwise, and does a great job of reporting objectively which is very rare these days.

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Seriously, how many times have you heard Redditors complain that a community has gotten too toxic, or too meme-filled, or too obnoxious, or too (insert whatever adjective).

Guess what - on Lemmy, you and all the people that think that can start a new one, and you can moderate that stuff out. And the people that enjoy the existing community and its vibe can remain. And you can all like the same stuff while treating it differently. I'm all for the migration, but man I am getting burnt out on all the fresh rexxitors posting about how they don't get or want to change lemmy after they've been here for like three days.

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Okay but like whats the game about? What do you do?


But like, how do I know if it's even the type of game I will li-


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I’m finding myself not knowing how to proceed and find other emotional folk

I think I need more emotionally-vulnerable people

some left in a flurry of drama and hurt feelings

I quoted the above because what you're looking for isn't something that develops quickly or easily. Emotional vulnerability typically comes through years of shared experience and built trust, and if you're seeking people to specifically look for that, you're liable to push people away and create a negative feedback loop. Have you considered seeing a counselor or therapist in the interim? Someone you can talk to regularly about all your emotions, and who will listen and provide feedback and reinforcement? Despite all the focus on mental health and well being these days, there can still be a very negative connotation/perception to therapy, but there really shouldn't be! There is SO MUCH positivity that can come from regular counseling.

As others have pointed out, in the interim, the way you make friends is by going to where the people are and meeting them! Look for hobbies/group activities that you're interested in and start going. Keep in mind that you won't become friends with everyone you meet, and that's okay! Some people you'll stay in touch with a few weeks, others not at all, and some might end up as a groomsman in your wedding and one of your best friends 8 years later (speaking from personal experience). My venture out activity was rec sports.

The other truth a lot of us don't want to face is that, in all likelihood, reddit wants the old heads to leave. We are not their demo anymore. Users with accounts in the 10-15 year range are in their thirties and forties generally. We're not their target demo, and they think our complaining about the good ol' days is probably keeping away some of their gullible you get demo that don't care that their data is being mined, don't realize when they're talking to bots, and are used to being assaulted by ads because they don't know any better.

Why do you think it requires you to lie? If you're lying on your resume it's (I can only assume) you are not actually qualified for the position you are applying for. I also assume that you are at more of an entry level in terms of your skills/qualifications. Is that accurate?

If you have success with that strategy good for you, but I'll caution others - as you get further in your career, interviews get longer and more in depth. If you say you know how to do something, you are often asked technical questions on that thing, or in-depth questions on how you'd implement that thing/skill/strategy/into the position. As others have said lying and embellishing are not the same thing. You can oversell your skill to a degree, but be prepared to need to put in extra work (probably off the clock and in your own time) to get yourself to the skill level you said you had. You may not need to! But in some positions, you may be RELIED on for that skill you're not as good at as you said you were.

Also - UPDATE your resume and keep it current. If you learned a new thing and can do it, put it on there before you forget you did it. Also, prioritize. Remove old things from your resume as you get further into your career and those skills/accomplishments are less impactful or Relevant. Replace with newer things. Keep track of what's going on in your field and stay up to date with buzz words and topics and be able to speak to them even if it's not your area of expertise.

This is what I've been saying! Lemmy feels like what the old Reddit experience felt like and can become what reddit was supposed to be all along.

Birthday celly tomorrow! Rooftop pool in the afternoon, whisky bar in the evening. Gonna be the BEES knees baby

Well the first step is to be proactive and work on building the new community. Use the tools you have at your disposal and your knowledge in the topics you love to add content! Not a great content finder/poster (no shame, I've never been either), then at least engage with what's there. Discuss with the people (they aren't bots here) that are also interested. Foster an environment you want to spend more time in and you'll inevitably do that!

Second, and I'm honestly surprised more people aren't talking about this aspect but for now - POACH. Reddit is not dying or going away the way the confirmation-biased rexxitors would have you believe based on all the death of Reddit style posts (hopefully one day but it's not today, and it's not in the short-to-near term). That means those content communities and circles are still alive, if slightly smaller (hopefully) and people (and definitely Reddits bot army) are likely still keeping them populated. Steal it! Bring that shit over here! Reddit is a link sharing sites primarily, and so is this! Take that link, ctrl-c, ctrl-v baby!

Finally, spread the word! Those that haven't rexxited haven't done so because either they haven't heard about Lemmy/kbin/fediverse, it's too confusing, or they haven't seen an enticing enough reason to. None of those things will change without engaging with them.


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Deck crew unite! Also, if you find something that looks interesting but says it's unsupported, do a search for it anyway. A LOT of games run perfectly fine despite being "unsupported", and there's often recommended settings and proton versions available online!

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Honestly, it was probably intentional. People shit on spez (rightfully) but he's doing his job perfectly. He's looking like an incompetent man child, and finger pointing at a third party using an obviously and probably intentionally weak narrative. He's put all the focus on himself and how stupid he looks. He's a punching bag, and in the mean time everyone at the corporate level that actually enacted these changes and is forcing this platform shift is remaining a) anonymous and b) out of the crosshairs.

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Hi welcome. Have fun with it! It's new, it's exciting. It's less developed but that just leaves tons of room for growth and polish! Reddit was over saturated and stagnant. Embrace the relatively empty pond!

I've been commenting on here tons that I feel like reddit has morphed into every thread being an argument or a meme-off. I used to love just shooting the shit in the comments of a funny/cool post. It's been gone for years and so far it's what I like most about Lemmy. Way fewer comments sure, but like I'll go back and forth just talking with way more people.

HELL YES. I've found so many hidden gems (and some stinkers, but that's okay) through next fest, can't wait!

I posted this on Kbin too, but I thought people might find it interesting here as well. I feel like maybe younger/shorter term users, and other people really don't fully understand what's going on with Reddit, and how it's been building to a crescendo for a while.

tl;dr: This shift in Reddit has been coming for awhile, and was heralded years ago by fundamental changes they made to how users engage with their platform, most specifically by turning "/r/all" into "/r/onlywhatwewantyoutosee".

I was a Reddit user for 12 years and change. I pre-date the Digg migration, and honestly I thought the years after that were its peak. There were warning signs that it was going downhill at many points in time, but I think the moment that really signaled Reddit was never going to return to what made it popular and successful is when they removed NSFW subs from /r/all...even though they'd rolled out /r/popular a year or two prior, supposedly for that purpose.

It's not because of the restriction of NSFW subs in and of itself, it's the implications/precedents that were set for the service as a whole. At that point, it became crystal clear that Reddit wanted to make sure the vast majority of users would be stuck with reddit recommended content only, and from there out it's felt more like user manipulation for maximum advertising. Think about it - probably 50% of the most popular posts are either thinly veiled ads, or posts LOADED with ads that Reddit is surely getting clickshare revenue for linking to. Then there's the sponsored posts hidden in with the normal posts, and the banner ads inserted between those.

The point of /r/all was to show everything, in real time, as it was growing in popularity. That's how people discover things they like that they didn't know existed - but finding those things, means spending less time in the controlled environment engaging with the content they most want you to engage with, and making them less revenue as a result. When /r/all turns into "/r/onlywhatcorporatewantsyoutosee", there's really no going back or improving. This API bullshit is just the next iteration of that same long term strategy - control what users see and interact with by forcing them to stay in their tightly controlled environment

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The water effects in Far Cry 1 were absolutely mind blowing at the time. It was one of the first things in a video game that I could feel the tangible stress it placed on the GPU. I could be looking away from it then as soon as it came into my field of view my GPU fan would sound like it was trying to fly off the motherboard.

I assume it's because they don't have a very good resume and won't get called/interviewed otherwise.

This may/may not be helpful, and seem obvious, but try to think objectively about your situation, and ask yourself "which one will I play more?" I know that seems dumb, but it's helpful! For me personally my PS5 is in the living room, and my wife likes it when I play out there so she can still talk with me/sit with me...unless I'm playing multiplayer. Then she likes it better when I'm in the other room so she's not listening to one side of a conversation or get startled when I yell or laugh etc. Also, did you play the others mouse/keyboard? Is that transition going to be too difficult? I'm personally at an age where I hate playing mouse/keyboard because I use both all day for work.

If you have Steam Deck, maybe PC is the way to go simply for convenience and portability - but will you actually play it on your steam deck? It requires always online I believe, so you can only play where you have a connection and for me personally, that's not typically when I use my deck. But that's where everyone's situation is different.

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Thunder is great, but it's got some issues I hope they work out. I don't like that you can't block communities in thunder, or if you can its so convoluted that I haven't figured it out yet. I also don't like that it struggles to seamlessly refresh. You'll be scrolling through the feed then two seconds later go through the exact same ten posts you just saw because it refresh glitched.

On the other hand I think their feed aesthetic is the nicest of the bunch, and they have my absolute favorite feature where you can tap to unblur NSFW and then re-tap to reblur it all without leaving the feed. That is SUCH a nice feature.

I'm using connect as my main ATM but I'll def jump back to thunder if they can clean up some of the bugs!

Jeppsons Malort with an absinthe chaser.

I like my taste buds how I like my wife. I DON'T HAVE A WIFE.

Afaik (I'm an environmental geologist) Climate Modeling isn't really tech, or the tech industry, it's more academia. Most climate modelers I know of are working off grants in university labs. That may/may not help you get into it, but if you're seeking something that is a deviation from teaching/education, academia isn't much better for all the same reasons really.

Do you have a background in climate science or environmental science? Or modelling for that matter?

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Many launchers allow you to change the icon and name to whatever you want. GET YOUR BEE BACK BABY

Also, are you sure you didn't add "lemmy.ml" or something to your homescreen? If you added "Beehaw.org" it should should up as beehaw I would think.

I mean, I absolutely get that and wasn't trying to shit on it. I was using it as an example for why blocking communities is cool. I like the idea of 196, I dig it, some even made me laugh out loud, and 196 explained to me what a tankie is because I was OOTL. The problem was that it got so saturated so quickly that it was making it hard to find non-meme content. So with two clicks - problem solved. The best part is it's (almost) just as easy to reverse it! Just search the community, click, unblock. It's a seriously convenient feature.

Enjoy your memes my friend!

Same man. I realized at some point that I wasn't having fun playing pvp. I was stressed and when I'd stop playing I'd be in a bad mood even if I had been winning/playing well. I rarely play multiplayer games at all now, single player is my lane and I'm happy to stay in it. I'll venture out for some coop sometimes but mostly I'm good flying solo.

First time - the one around the corner. Subsequent times, either the one on the right roof, or the one on the tower. In 10ish playthroughs I've never made it through deathless first try. One time I thought I had it...then I walked off the roof. The feels were very bad that day.

Hell yes. Can't wait to get wrecked by the rooftop Gargoyle giants for the 900th time!

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Yes, totally normal. It can happen for all kinds of reasons, but for me it usually boils down to a) the book is boring and my mind wanders or b) I'm distracted by something (maybe sleepy, or pondering a problem or worried about something) and that takes my focus away. I keep reading the words but I'm thinking about something else. Eventually I realize I have no idea what I've read and have to back track a little.

Read the article guys, don't fall into the headline trap. Facebook is definitely a bad guy, but it's not the bad guy here.


Here's one I just ran into - If I make a community on another instance and want to share it here, how to I make sure the link takes people to that community? I've run into this, but another user pointed out that nothing shows until the users instance already knows about the community (link example: https://beehaw.org/c/support, and comparison example: https://reddthat.com/c/songcovers). The first link should send people here, while the second probably results in a 404 for most people atm.

but it seems like you have to rely on an external 3rd party tool like https://browse.feddit.de/ to find any of them

That's a tool that exists and can be very helpful, but you can also browse all communities federated with your instance by just going to "Communities" and selecting "all". You can search for anything that way. It's not perfect and in desperate need of some filtering/sorting tools (coming in the future I believe), but you definitely don't have to use a third party tool! Also works on Jerboa, not sure about the iOS app.

Wow that's really cool! Out of curiosity, why did you make the sub cabinet so tall?

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