
0 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I believe Skiff would automatically start using end to end encryption when it was available, without any user needing to enable it for any specific email, using the Web Key Directory standard: https://github.com/privacyguides/privacyguides.org/blob/1634bea9d2a66ef5804b68d18d4218e0b7a8b806/docs/email.md#openpgp-compatible-services

It's not good for me that an email provider that supports that is undergoing dramatic changes, as an open standard that protects my privacy is more useful when it is used with more services.

I did try to reduce the impact of what I eat, but I haven't found a replacement for using chicken with a slow cooker. Beef also tastes good, especially when I eat at a restaurant.

I have stopped making hamburgers on my own (and replaced them with fish or soup), but I haven't put more effort into reducing my impact recently.

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This is surely an offshoot of https://sh.itjust.works/post/18780875

https://80000hours.org/ probably has information relevant to you, and they do have specific comments about IT roles, and many careers they talk about are related to computers in some way.

You have an ally in orcas. They don't even need to be commanded!

I like that this is a higher quality follow-up to this post: https://sh.itjust.works/post/18459959

It's interesting to see drewtoothpaste unexpectedly

https://github.com/privacyguides/privacyguides.org/blob/HEAD/docs/real-time-communication.md or https://www.privacytools.io/privacy-messaging might have information useful to you, or if they don't but you find better solutions for your needs please let me know!

Self-hosting KeePassXC requires installing one package and backing up one file. I expect that requires less technical skill and is doable for more people than to self-host Bitwarden.

I don't know about today, but in the past New Jersey required that "expiration dates" be stamped on bottled water: https://nj1015.com/does-bottled-water-expire-nj-was-the-only-state-that-thought-so/

Even if similar markings are not required by law everywhere in the USA, food manufacturers are probably afraid of getting sued due to violating local laws, or even international laws if the food is transported across borders, so it's probably negligent to neglect printing them.

Do you like a compiled app differently from source code used to generate it? Your previous reply made it seem that is true.

Am I incorrect in thinking that a compiled app can be assumed FOSS when the text "License: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later" is on the page I use to install it, along with a link to https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0-standalone.html

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This is surely an offshoot of https://sh.itjust.works/post/18780875

I don't see "Nice Guy" mentioned there, but it is possible to find using the links I posted, and I do see "Creature" there.

This is interesting, but I was mainly interested in finding the exact post that allowed this screenshot to be created.

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I recall there was another similar Lemmy post using this concept art of gman in a kitchen that had text like "JUST GOT CALLED" and "FAT AT THE COMPANY CHRISTMAS PARTY" but I failed to find it. I expect that post inspired this one. Does anyone know how to find that post?

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I remember seeing that before seeing this post, it's surely what I was looking for! Thank you!

You don't like a compiled app differently from source code due to it not being FOSS. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say you would prefer the compilation process to be more easily verifiable for you.

Free and open-source software (FOSS) is software that is available under a license that grants the right to use, modify, and distribute the software, modified or not, to everyone free of charge.

I expect this discussion is regarding apps like LibreTube, the license of which is "GNU General Public License v3.0 or later" and is available free of charge.

The GNU General Public License grants the right to use, modify, and distribute the software, modified or not, to everyone free of charge:

Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work, subject to this License.

The GNU General Public License can be applied to programs:

You can apply it to your programs, too.

An app (that is compiled) is a program:

An application (program), especially a small one designed for a mobile device.

Therefore, a compiled app with the GNU General Public License applied is FOSS.

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Thanks! I believe that is the original source!

I think it's not worth putting much more energy into my quest for the exact source of this image, due to the reason you mentioned (and the fact tumblr.com is harder to use than I'd like), and the information I've found so far is satisfying. If someone does manage to share a link to the source I'd still appreciate it!

I do find the screenshot funny regardless!

Historically, pattern matching notation is related to, but slightly different from, the regular expression notation


Maybe the strategy is to get Google to not fight very hard in this lawsuit due to their relative lack of profit from this situation, giving Epic a higher probability of establishing precedent, which they could use in future suits.

Those URLs came from about:addons. I think it's important to provide as much provenance as I can to help people get programs, so I didn't edit the URL Firefox provided to me.

I don't think you answered my questions.

I started discussing your likes and dislikes, as an Internet forum is for conversation. How you choose to engage in that conversation is your choice, but it doesn't mean a conversation isn't happening.

The reason replied to you is that I wanted to rebut statements that I consider to be incorrect, and to save other people from taking time to do that and from seeing your comment go unanswered. I don't really care about your replies other than to accomplish those goals. You may perceive that as being disingenuous (though I suspect your behavior is more related to the fact I have disagreements with you, or some preexisting inclination), but I don't really care about that.

Assumptions do change people's behavior, probably in many significant ways every day: "it doesn't have to be fact to cause people to act". Perhaps you should spend more time expressing your opinions in a compelling way so that people have more knowledge, and therefore don't need to hold as many assumptions.

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If you're not trying to change other people's behavior, what are you doing?

Finding sources you can trust is helpful. For example, I trust the ArchWiki and POSIX.1-2017, and I follow instructions I find there, which helps me accomplish things without having to spend time thinking about the rationale of those instructions (since the instructions have probably been independently reviewed many times, and if there was something wrong with them I'd probably have heard about that). It would probably also be helpful to be able to trust instructions at https://libretube.dev/ for similar reasons.

I don't think keeping my thoughts to myself is a good idea, since I don't want other people to disrupt my life (unintentionally or intentionally), and giving notice about how I want to spend my life is helpful.

I do think my comments are helpful (and that helpfulness is relevant). If I didn't think that I wouldn't be commenting.

The end of the article does try to take a hopeful tone:

“I definitely prefer talking with people in real life, though,” he added.

I don't necessarily agree with everything though:

While some of the culture around Character.AI is concerning, it also mimics the internet activity of previous generations who, for the most part, have turned out just fine.

they’re funding 37 wars.

Do you have a source for this? I only see 28 global conflicts and 16 wars involving the United States marked as "Ongoing conflict" or "Another result".

Essentially nobody under the age of 50 dies, especially in the western world: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/number-of-deaths-by-age-group?stackMode=relative&country=OWID_WRL~European+Region+%28WHO%29

Having learned this lets me quickly resolve thoughts of "what if I die" or "what if this person who is important to me dies" because I can reasonably predict whether that death will happen soon.