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Joined 9 months ago

I though he wanted to be ultra libertarian? But I see he's supporting Palestine's occupation... No questions left.

I like Mastodon even more, because there are more and more serious accounts with identity behind. Here more troll talk.

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Germany is one of the few countries supporting genocide in Gaza and zionistic narrative is common sense in their medias and politics. It's a far right country. They even were thinking in forbidding pro-palestine demonstrations. "Anti-semitic".

White House are not Emacs guys!? That's not surprising. They believe in 'you can't change the program, but the program changes you'.

Emacs it's different than Vim or Nano. It's a bridge to Lisp and by this a good learning path. By the way: it's a OS. 😎

Discovering new search machines would be an alternative. But they all have their filters and algorithms which make it hard to find exactly what you want. In the long run the internet will be run by AI serving copyright cowbows and big governance.

I guess this is the purpose of Mint Linux? But I think it has a terminal, emacs, python as well? Then it's ok. A distro is only a tool for needs. I don't like this arch-talk, how cool it is and then you need month to write your configuration. By the way: what goes quicker on a laptop: Mint with xcfe or Ubuntu with xfce? I want to have a quicker boot. At the moment Kubuntu on the machine. Too slow.

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And have a good feeling not reading all of them.

They want the land. Not the people.

Room rents too high I guess.

Dudes, what is with Bernie Sanders? He can make it?

Take Emacs. Then you have everything. 😎

🎵Redneck Piece of White Trash.🎶🍿

I start with Ubuntu 3 years ago and now I am Emacs. That's all I want and all you can get. For me it's better to have an easy linux. But I think Ubuntu, now I have Kubuntu, is too slow on my laptop. So next time I am planing to do mint linux xfce. I only need a fast booting linux to start Emacs. And few programs more. Arch Linux is too elite for me. 🤓

That's the reason I always call Charles Queen Charles.

All the whistleblowers have testified under oath and were demonstrably employed by the aforementioned organizations. Further disregard would be arrogance. However, it's less about "aliens" and more about additional forms of non-human intelligence. Essentially, we are facing a new paradigm in physics. This is a positive development.

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Perhaps it's not a "israeli" war? Perhaps if there would be no Gaza this military machine would burn Syria, Lebanon, what ever? Perhaps this is power and money? Perhaps it's about nothing more?

Our personal beliefs are, of course, important. We defend those as well. I also found it very uncomfortable to have to let go of my scientific worldview. You get laughed at. But the flight characteristics of these things are not compatible with our physics. We need a new one with more dimensions. Then it fits again. And the phenomena have always been there. There are also different actors behind them. So far, I have understood that. I just try to put things together. It is also important to maintain one's own positivity. On the one hand, there is hardly any contact because the current human thinks very destructively. Then, of course, also recognize critically that not everything that is oversized must be good for one. The US is now looking for a narrative for that, which continues to be practical for them. But there is also the threat of abuse of power.

You can filter in Voyager the keywords you don't want. In my eyes it's better to block the users directly. There are some social warrior guys here posting their stuff more than once. They seem to be all over, but after all my blocking list is not more than 30 accounts. Not much. But the feed is clean.

Naturally, I lack the expertise to explain things fundamentally at the moment. However, when the Pentagon says there's something we can't explain, I take that as something real. Now, if hundreds of employees testify under oath that adventurous things are happening in the organization's basements, I must take that seriously too. A false statement would mean prison for the whistleblower. The elephant is legally in the room, and there is an unresolved phenomenon. Fact. Now, this is obviously heavy stuff, and the following possibilities are on the table: a) real, b) not real, but that would have legal consequences for the whistleblowers, c) a mixture of a and b, i.e., Psyop.

Now, the employees' statements may be adventurous or not. But the basic message is that things are happening there that cannot be controlled by public authorities in the US. So they are illegal. That's the point. Ordinary people always think of aliens in such cases. That's, of course, a cliché like Mickey Mouse. The point is, we've been lied to for decades. Some people can't understand that. Or don't want to. Intelligence might not be the right word. Consciousness might be better. Animals also have consciousness, and if we truly recognized that consciousness is equal for all beings, then we would spiritually and ethically grow. I see an opportunity in this issue. These phenomena are not new, but very old.

Roughly estimating, there are about 500 employees from CIA subprograms making such claims. They do so under oath and without significant financial gain. If their employer were to contradict or refute their claims, they could be prosecuted criminally in the US. This is a different quality than before, where witnesses had no connection to government agencies.

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I don't know about a complete list. You also have three sources. First, David Grusch mentions 80 additional witnesses. Then there's Dr. Steven Greer, who mentions 300 to 500 witnesses in his videos. And then there's the "To the Stars Academy," which is said to be purely a CIA affair. I can't imagine that in the USA you can accuse the CIA of crimes and come from the same place. So, I consider such witnesses to be of higher value. But of course, always with caution. Once CIA, always CIA. So, targeted disinformation is also possible. But the topic has already changed. No more green men, but "there's something." Also, how the media in the US report. Once a UFO landing in Las Vegas. Then that in the Mal in Florida. Quite interesting.

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One can perceive many things stereotypically. However, I don't think all UFO witnesses are bought or trying to sell books. Many just want to share their story, and in the past, they were often stigmatized and marginalized. However, that's becoming less and less common.

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You can use it to compare humans with animals. It is often used in animal documentaries. You can use female/male as a name in general. Then you have it very clear in a little bit insulting style. On the other hand it's not really insulting and nobody can expect from a second or third language guy to speak in a non-offensive style like US- or UK establishment people like to do. This would be racism. 🤡

I think they have real estate in the occupied Palestine? Every dead palestine child = one apartment more for them? Yes they think in 30 year circles.

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At the moment they are "don't be evil". It's easy to access all your data in a folder with md files. I like Obsidian and use it on all devices with syncthing. Of course private use. In the long run I will migrate to emacs with my notes. But it's one of my favorites at this time, too. But of course FOSS will be always free and fair.

Thankfully, here, hate comments by the creator are also deleted. Zat is honorable, so I address it as well. Everyone with property should think in 30-year cycles. So here as well. That's how colonialism works. You take the land for free. And that creates value for you. I became skeptical soon after the Gaza Strip was sealed off. None from the IDF went in. Instead, sealing off and while the bombs fell for weeks: parties, selfies. Who paid for the bombs? Wasn't the hostage situation urgent? Also, pay attention: starvation is much worse. Especially for the children. Lasting damage. If the Palestinians are now displaced. Who will bear the cost for them? Do some research yourself. Then it's like a slap in the face, what's going on here.

But this they don't say on their website. You have to search a lot of more for a tree.

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The photo suggests IDF should be a kind of police. Manipulation at it's best.💔

Why he's wearing his toilet paper around his neck?

Trump is for peace in Ukraine! Democrats are warheads and genocide helpers. Nobody needs.