
0 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What a misleading title. It makes it sound like the GOP passed it.

Two Republicans, TJ Shopes and Shawnna LM Bolick, joined all 14 Democrats to pass the measure, sending it to Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs' desk


When the sport of artistic swimming, formerly synchronized swimming, announced it would allow men to compete in the Paris Games, Bill May saw his chance. But the U.S. team chose only women.

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It’d also be nice if they couldn’t just override the primary election results because it’s not a “real election”

Yes, I’m still a bit bitter about how the DNC treated Bernie in the 2016 election

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I think you mean you discovered vs code years before you found notepad++

Notepad++ has been around since 2003 years and vs code has been around since 2015.

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Is this the sound of crickets?

I see you didn’t point out anything she said that you disagree with 😂

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The problem is that this isn’t the will of the people. Preliminaries don’t count as an election so your vote for which candidate that appears on the actual ballot is just a suggestion.

The party committees gets final say on who’s on the ballot for that party to vote for.

Which leads to the problem of the 2 party system where we vote for the least worst candidate

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I don’t think so. There’s only one strap and it’s in the center

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How would it reduce housing? By having landlords sell so they don’t have to have a pet in their rental unit?

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Only some lizards are venomous. He probably picked it without worrying about the bite since their bite hasn’t killed anyone since 1930. Also probably didn’t realize he had liver problems.

Their bites aren’t usually life threatening on their own. Looks like this death was a bad combination of liver problems ontop of the bite itself.

It really should be 3.0 speeds but its not any slower than the lightning cable so it’s pretty much the same. Just a universal charging port instead of an iPhone specific one.

“ the company will limit the transfer speeds on the base model iPhones to just 480Mb/s, the same as Lightning and USB 2.0.”

Where did it say anything about a Ministry of Truth deciding what can be posted online? Making it illegal and having a 3rd party decide if every post is allowed are two very different things

If it’s illegal then there are ramifications for the platform, the user posting it, and the tool that created it.

Content moderation is already a thing so it’s nothing new. Just one more thing on the list to check for when a post is reported

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The issue is that the process doesn’t put the water immediately back to where it was pulled from. That water is lost until the water cycle brings it back to the area

Pull enough water water out of an environment before it can be replenished and the ecosystem will drastically change

The DNC heavily undermined and consistently sabotaged Bernie's campaign the point that the DNC chair stepped down and the DNC then apologized "for the inexcusable remarks made over email" that did not reflect the DNC's "steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process." (From the wikipedia link below).

From the 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak: In the emails, DNC staffers derided the Sanders campaign. The Washington Post reported: "Many of the most damaging emails suggest the committee was actively trying to undermine Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign."

Bernie was absolutely robbed of a fair primary election.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_National_Committee_email_leak

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My previous comment was just pointing out how you fell into the same pattern that the original comments pointed out about how no one disagrees with her.

Your point is less of a reflection on oac and more of a reflection on our political theater. It’s pretty disingenuous to criticize her so for how other politicians vote instead of the content of her bills or actions.

You pointed out how Biden gets things passed. They are not always good things and often are quite gutted from what they were advertised as. See the railroad strikers deal they were forced to accept. They were striking for safety and compensation reasons and had their hand forced by Biden. They got a crap deal that lead to even crappier results. I would not call that a success even if Biden got it to work.

How many dogs are roaming around biting everything that moves? That’s about the only time they should be publicly executed.

Obviously animals can be dangerous and all that but there is a clear lack of oversight on police officers actions and an almost non existent repercussion for wrong doings.

Dogs with regular violence issues are dealt with by animal control and a vet. They aren’t taken care of by a police officer emptying their gun into the animal in someone’s yard/home.

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Works well? In relation to what? Carrier pigeons? Did you forget the /S ?

The only thing I’ve seen it do well is share recorded videos almost immediately.

It doesn’t even send messages as you’d expect. It’ll show sent on your side but the other person never gets it

Someone calls and it rings, but the answer button has a 50% chance of not being there so you can’t actually join unless it’s a group call and then you can after it rings for 30 seconds and you don’t even know who called unless they ping you saying they’re calling

Sharing your screen takes a few tries occasionally and sometimes requires you to rejoin the call

Notifications? What notifications. They work so rarely it’s become a habit to manually check every few minutes

And it opens docs in teams!? Who wants that hot garbage

And the freezing! It regularly freezes for 20 seconds when doing anything in it

I’d gladly take Skype over the garbage that teams is

And if that wasn’t bad enough, it’s apparently such trash that it triggers me when someone has anything nice to say about teams. Sorry 😅

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Not really. It sounds like the report was made to copa, not the police, and “Copa announced that officials had not identified any asylum seekers claiming to be victims of sexual misconduct by police officers.”

Add that to the officers not being identified and we have a cover up.

Not just built in to windows but forced on you in windows.

He paid good money for his name to be on that piece of paper! No way they’re returning that bribe

Oof, 15 to 30 years seems a bit much.

Davis’s family asserts Kruger and Davis were in a years-long relationship involving sex and drugs that started when Davis was 15 years old, and Kruger was an adult.

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It’s in the first paragraph of the article…

“ An 11-year-old boy has told his harrowing story of becoming a victim of Vladimir Putin's systematic abduction of children from their loving families in one of the conflict's most heinous war crimes”

I am pointing out that dealing with animals falls under animal control. Not police officers. The exception being an in progress attack and even then a gun probably isn’t the best choice considering the animal would be next to/on the person it’s attacking.

The article points out that the reason is unclear. Based on what we know about how police offers act, how police departments respond, what punishments they face, and how they update their procedures/trainings, it draws a clear conclusion.

The reasons for the high number of pet killings by law enforcement are not clear. Some factors include mistaken identity, warrantless searches, lack of training, and legal protections for police officers when using force, including against animals[1].

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Eh, fair enough. Undermined, cheated, manipulated, schemed, swindled, deceived, duped, defrauded, etc might have been a better description.

It’s cause the drinking age is such a benign issue compared to child labor.

It’s serves as a distraction from the main issue at hand.

Owner occupancy won’t go up. Landlords are already occupying a place.

As far as passing the cost goes, it won’t be. Rent is already as high as it can be and will continue to go up as long as our regulations allow this artificial shortage to be maintained. See The End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act as an example.

As far as the damage goes, it’s pretty much counted on by landlords. Anything they do on the property counts as a tax deduction and the repairs are usually half asses at best. See “landlord special”.

And, in particular, the poorer renters have a massive incentive to take care of the place, as any unpaid damage gets them kicked off of housing assistance.

Furthermore, the law doesn’t blindly allow any and all pets for any reason. AB 2216 will require landlords to have reasonable reason(s) for not allowing a pet in a rental unit and only allows landlords to ask about pet ownership after a tenant’s application has been approved.

I think this is a good change overall. Landlords shouldn’t be allowed to tell their tenants how to live their lives.

Well, you’re about 20 years too late. It has already started

See any of the tor sites for examples of what is currently filtered out of the regular internet. It even gets your google account permanently banned if you log in via the tor browser

I use it 5 days a week for work and don’t have connectivity problems.

These issues are company wide and are not unique to me. I would switch isp providers if that would solve the issue. It’s bad enough that if you want a new computer you just talk to tech support about the issues and they’ll send you a new one since they can’t fix it (not that the new laptops work any better with teams)

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And that there is good reason to believe it was stolen from him

Have you read your other replies? Thats not the understanding I got from them.

Huh, I see that now. Pretty funny either way

You’re getting played if you don’t use one. All those rewards are not from the people racking up credit card debt, it’s from swipe fees.

If you don’t use a credit card you pay the same price as the ones paying with a card, except the ones with a card get rewards. The ones without pay extra since stores charge extra to cover the fee

They even lobbied successfully to prevent merchants from passing this on to credit card customers. Which means they pass it on to all customers instead.

The fees are currently capped at 2.5% but that’s just for the swiped. There are other fees as well that end up costing the merchant more.

Visual studio and visual studio code are not the same thing. Visual Studio is a full IDE and is expected to have those features and is clunky because of them. Or was, not sure where it is now. It’d be in the same category as netbeans, eclipsed, and intellij

Vs code is an enhanced lightweight text editor

Notepad++ is the original enhanced lightweight text editor

My point was that Notepad++ came out way before vs code and didn’t copy features from vs code.

Copied from an ide, sure? Not really a good comparison as they are solving two different problems

And that is the problem with the 2 party system. No one votes that way because not enough people do. Instead everyone voted for less bad option between the 2 major parties. Which happen to be the choices the political committee chose, not the people.

That’s fair. Maybe more reasonable than it first appeared.

So you’re saying the DNC’s actions undermining the primary election had real consequences? Or are those consequences not concrete enough?

Or are you saying we should accept their schemes, offer no consequences or criticism and just blindly follow?

Cause I certainly agree that we likely wouldn’t be in the current situation if the DNC had been above board and true to their role.

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Your initial statement was clear but your subsequent comments across threads have not been.

It went from the primary was clear and upstanding, to there’s good reason to doubt the results, to it having no real effect other than some nasty words spoken, to it costing Hilary the election.

Which one is your actual point?

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I agree. It’s a terrible idea for many reasons. The fact that we can’t trust something like that to run in good faith is among the top of those reasons.

The comment I was responding to was saying this proposed law would strip our ability to speak our mind because it would create a new 3rd party group that would validate each post before allowing them online.

I was pointing out that making specific content illegal is not the same as having every post scrutinized before it goes live.

In a way it has. The fleet of robotaxis blocked traffic due to their low cell service and now the company responsible is washing their hands clean by saying it’s not our problem, it’s the lack of cell service!

So, if at any point, they get less than optimal signal then they’ll put the grid in a deadlock?

Sounds even worse than people protesting to earn a living and get equal treatment

Convenient you skip over the undermine his campaign portion of my previous comment. But the fact that the Chair of the DNC resigned over it shows it was more than just saying "nasty things about him in private".

It should also be noted that their actions "caused significant harm to the Clinton campaign, and have been cited as a potential contributing factor to her loss in the general election". It is not as inconsequential as you present it.

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Projection at its finest.

I only communicate with internal employees, so we’re all in the same network with company issues laptops. I even tried the app on my phone for a while and that wasn’t any better so I ditched it

I’m honestly surprised anyone has had a good experience with Teams