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It's all just money $$$

I mean don't forget Tucker Carlson used to work for CNN. These people will do anything and say anything for money

He was forced to buy it, don't you recall his court case? I mean he literally signed the contract then tried to weasel out of the deal by saying Twitter was overvalued and took it to court and lost.

He only ever wanted to destroy twitter so he never cared to begin with

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So why is Texas a red state?

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The article makes it sound like he's already President or something, and no, he won't be.

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Yeah, and we all know the Salem Witch Trials were totally validated after all these centuries right?

Are you being serious?

Uncle Tom is a racist term that was used by the KKK to describe black people who wanted to "act white" by selling out other black people.

But it's wildly inaccurate. It has nothing to do with the actual book Uncle Toms Cabin, one of the most popular books ever written (it outsold the Bible in the 1850's). Harriet Beecher Stowe who wrote the book was an abolitionist, she was very very anti-slavery like Mark Twain. Uncle Tom in the book is based on an actual former slave, and Uncle Tom in the book, if you actually read the book, SPOILER ALERT, is beaten to death at the end for refusing to give up the whereabouts of 2 other slaves. That's Uncle Tom, a martyr.

Calling someone an Uncle Tom means you're calling them a hero, not a sellout. The whole phrase you're referring to comes from the play that was written afterwards which turned Uncle Tom into a meek character because the play writers didn't think people would've liked the ending of having a man beaten to death.

Here's a wonderful article about it


Quoting from the article:

MARTIN: What is it that African-Americans hate about this story?

Prof. TURNER: Many African-Americans don't hate the real story that Stowe wrote. The Uncle Tom character that she gives us is extraordinarily Christian. The climax of the story really comes when Uncle Tom is asked to reveal where two slave women are hiding, who had been sexually abused by their master. And he refuses. Knowing that he is going to be beaten to death, he refused to say where they are. And African-Americans who have read the novel can appreciate what kind of heroism that took for a black man to sign away his life to save two black women.

Unfortunately, the stage depictions don't include that part of the story. They grossly distort Uncle Tom into an older man than he is in the novel, a man whose English is poor, a man who will do quite the opposite, who will sell out any black man if it will curry the favor of a white employer, a white master, a white mistress. It's that distorted character that is so objectionable to African-Americans.

Prof. TURNER: The producers of the early stage shows didn't think that they could attract an audience for the Uncle Tom as he was depicted by Stowe. They couldn't sell tickets to a theatrical production, the climax which would have been this man dying, rather than the revealing the whereabouts of these women.

They could sell tickets, as they had been successful by showing blacks in minstrel depictions, showing them liking to dance more than they liked to work, showing their insensitivity to each other, showing their willingness to tell the master or mistress what he or she wanted to hear. That sold tickets, and so those were the shows that they produced, staged and circulated throughout the world.

I highly recommend everyone actually read Uncle Toms Cabin

I still can't believe he's given any time at all to be honest. When he reposted Adam Scott saying white people should just stay away from black people I was shocked, but I was equally as shocked at how MSNBC still gave this loser an interview and how people are still defending him. It's insane to give a known nazi any time of day on any public network

Same with us Black people, we're not a monolith either. I know many right-wing black people. 80% of us Black Americans self-identify as Christian for instance, so criticism of Christianity really doesn't sit well at all within black communities

I don't really remember those days, they seem like a lifetime ago to me but I listened to a town hall he did not long ago and he was on the ball the whole time, I felt he came off more as a Democrat with some of the things he says

But I admit I'm pretty ignorant of his governing days and the trump stuff, I just don't remember it that well with everything that was going on

Also isn't Newsweek literally a Republican publication? Or am I thinking of something else

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This is good news, Trump tried this same stunt in 2018 and was shot down by the same Judge.

I agree, lets leave Ukraine......or wait, that's different because they're white right?

I love this racist pattern, the US should only intervene in white countries according to people with that mindset

Well as a black man, the US should do more in Africa, as those are MY people and I want them to succeed, but this attitude you people have about abandoning people of color all the time shows a very strange pattern

But one person in the Democratic party still screwed over the environment because Joe Manchin gets the most kickbacks from Oil companies, so it's a blow to all of us Democrats regardless and does nothing to help the party or this country

Biden is a Republican

I wouldn't consider 1964 to be baby boomer territory, or at least it's at the very end of it. Baby Boomers are the hippy generation, they were the ones protesting Vietnam in the late 60's early 70's. By the time the Vietnam war ended they only would've been 10 years old. 90% of baby boomers are long gone from America at this point or have retired. Gen X is in charge now


Because Christianity played a major part in helping black people overcome slavery and united them together?

Also all Civil Rights movements in America started in the Protestant Church

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Baby Boomers are already dying off, most are in their 70's and retired now

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Joe Biden doesn't care because he's the one approving of this. Joe Biden has deported more immigrants than even Trump did

He was also a rapist, but yeah ok, lets defend the rapist

Then the Irish lynched black people and suddenly became real Americans

Irish are so incredibly racist

I'm not trying to "get you" or anything, but simply stating a fact, most black people in America live in the Southern part of the country.

"Regionally, the highest concentration of Black people in the U.S. in 2021 is in the South; more than half (56%) live there. Following the South, 17% live in each the Midwest and the Northeast and 10% live in the West.

When it comes to states of residence, Texas is home to the largest Black population, at about 4.0 million. Florida comes in a close second with 3.8 million, and Georgia comes in third, with 3.6 million."


If we do urban vs. rural, then the highest concentration of Black Americans would be in New York City, followed by Atlanta

My point was simply Germany is far more racist of a country than the US could ever hope to be. When 1/4 of Germans are ok with lynching black people in the streets, then I think one has to look inwards at their own personal gripes instead of demeaning others simply for being born black like myself.

And yes, 25% of Germans are far-right wing nationalists, this is not the same type of nationalism as here in America, this is real Nazism we're talking about, not the phony American kind

Also I suggest everyone read this article:


Please do not defend Nazis, the EU has a very serious Right-wing problem that's growing more and more each year and I would appreciate people addressing these issues instead of brushing them under the rug because that just tells me you're ok with it

"Many think AfD could emerge as the strongest party when Brandenburg and the fellow eastern states of Saxony and Thuringia hold elections next year. In Thuringia, the AfD candidate last month won the county administrator's post in Sonneberg, the first time since the Nazi era that a far-right party placed first at the county level."

Democracy is letting the people choose for themselves, so if the people don't vote for him it's democracy all the same.

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How are they awful? They do a ton of charity work

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Not that surprising, the 1990's saw a large drop in black voter turnout also

There is a difference though between midterms and Presidential elections. Midterms are always brutal because no one ever shows up for them. It's a chore to get 50% of the people to get out for midterms, which really are equally as important as Presidential elections

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Ironic considering your font is peak Nazi

I'm black so that's even more racist and exactly what I'm talking about and why Democrats are going to lose. Just stop being racist

So basically you're the invading terrorist in this scenario you painted out, not the communists

You're the bad guy in your own scenario, congrats!

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The BBC should be a banned news source, they're insanely biased and borderline racist

So people are nothing more than a statistic to you? What an insanely warped mentality that only a slave owner could love

I wish

Give us another Obama ffs, it can't be this hard, they pulled Obama up from nowhere and made him President. I don't know why the DNC keeps supporting people who basically have one foot in the grave and barely know where they are half the time

the BBC loves to promote racial and ethnic hatred towards minorities, they should be banned from the fediverse

That depends on the year you're referring too, and the Church of England was never fully protestant anyways, they're "Anglican" which is a weird mix of the two

"Henry's religious beliefs remained aligned to traditional Catholicism throughout his reign. In order to secure royal supremacy over the Church, however, Henry allied himself with Protestants, who until that time had been treated as heretics. The main doctrine of the Protestant Reformation was justification by faith alone rather than by good works."

So you want the freedom to attack people minding their own business?

because in Europe you are surrounded by people from other nationalities

Excuse me but what? Europe is hardly a diverse place.


"By Gören's measure, the world's most culturally diverse country is the African nation of Chad, which counts more than 100 ethnic groups among its 8.6 million residents. Chad is also Africa's fifth-largest country by area, spanning over 495,624 square miles, which has enabled Chad's ethnic groups to live and operate autonomously despite several attempts to unify them. Most of the 100 languages spoken in Chad are Nilo-Saharan and Afro-Asiatic in origin and do not overlap with ethnic group identities. Arabic, Sara, and French are common across the country, especially Arabic, an important commercial language.

African countries often rank highly in studies of cultural diversity thanks to their many tribal groups and languages. In fact, Canada is the only western country among the top 20 most diverse countries."

You do realize most black people live in the South right?

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Please do not attack other peoples religious beliefs. Thank you

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It's almost like politicians will say whatever to get elected or something.......so weird! This is probably the first time in American history a politician has lied for votes.....I'm sure of it.....

Yes, we do

Having standards is not a "privileged position", it couldn't be more opposite

Also having lived through the 1990's, Joe Biden couldn't be more conservative if he wanted to be, he's a classic Dixiecrat from the South larping as a progressive for votes

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