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Traveling in luxury around the world and being able to go into international waters where laws don't apply for everything else I suppose

How I use and it will still catch issues:

Male/Female - Sex

Man/Woman (He/She) - Gender.

Cultural anthropology has recognized gender as being different from sex in textbooks since the 70s from what I remember (so half a century). My minor was in Cultural Anthropology so I remember always seeing it in college (2008-2013)

Science will continue to change as we learn more about the universe, so things are dynamic and ever growing to fuller understanding.

Also language is fluid, and changes over time/ location / culture , really.

One could argue It is inherently sexist to call people using the term female as sexist because you are using the assumption that they believe female is somehow different or lesser... And then agreeing by saying they shouldn't call you that. Instead of empowing the term female to mean something equal to male, we would be changing the term over time to mean less than male, which it should not.

That would be something I would enjoy hearing experts in linguistics and cultural anthropology discuss.

That said I try not to use woman/man or any other identifier outside of they if I can. Terry went to the park. If I have to I will revert back to saying Terry again being redundant rather than saying she/he went to watch the ducks play in the pond, as we have to assume gender to assign that Terry is a she or he unless we know them personally, and the name could be used for either. (In reality all names are void of sex or gender, they are simply a name). If I call a tree an Walnut tree it has done nothing to tell me that it is male/female, man/woman, it has told me it is an entity that we call Walnut.

A bitonist will tell you a Walnut tree is monoecious, meaning that it can produce everything on its own to complete the reproductive process. Hermaphroditic plants do not, they contain part of what is need for reproduction, like humans... Which we also classify as hermopheodites. So if we see a rose, a cherry tree, a chicken, or a human, we split them into a category we label as sex. Male and female are the term we usually see. (Most vegetables fall into this category, but that's unrelated)

In a world where we fight for feminism (equality among sexes) we would say all pieces are equal and should have equal rights. Those pieces are male/female in humans.

Our role in society varies and the way others treat, react, interact, whatever you wish to view it as, is what we label as Gender, and gender roles. Humans for the most part have tried to practice monogamy for various reasons. That isn't something that vegatables have to worry about as much.

So feminism within gender would refer to equality of rights within the construct of those interactions having to do with gender. So we label one part of that group women, and one part men in humans, and there is overlap (in both sex and gender).

Overlap is fine and naturally will exist in both sex and gender. Neither sex nor gender should inherently make one person less than another. That is the full scope of how I view feminism. I feel you cannot choose sex, not even medically at this stage but the future may be different, you CAN choose gender as it is your role in this world and a person should be able to choose how they wish their life to be interacted with. If a male/man wants to be be a mechanic by day and florist by night that is his choice, and nothing should look at them as being any more or less for any of their choices so long as they are not blocking the choice of another person's ability to choose their path. My view on life is about the freedom of choice.

So to say that men, women... Any other identifier someone chooses and aspires towards should have any lesser rights in society I would say is wrong. It is against their freedom to live their life with their choices.

All that said... I feel someone using a name/identifier incorrectly is just ignorant or willfully trying to be against others life choices. Many are ignorant and that is what education is for. I will learn more every day and learn how wrong I have been all my life. Those who are willfully trying to be against others though.. they are the issues we run into. So if Fred says his coworker is a female to his monogamous partner, it doesn't mean Fred is a problem as much as that Fred may not have understood the terminology he was using was different than the expectations of the listeners. Ignorance. You can overcome ignorance through understanding, and education. Calling them an issue, often creates more of a rift.

It does seem more effective to place some other form of markers like metal poles down up higher with bells hanging on fishing line or some shit, if you hit the bells, you'd hit the bridge. Place them 50 yards before the bridge

I changed mine. Also it's a widget, you can just take it off your phone screen and add the Firefox one of you want, or whichever you please.

Tight schedule, had to finish tiling the bathroom shower before the 6 o'clock news.

My guess is they figured if someone got to far out of line president would be forcibly removed and the constitution ammended. At the time 1 person didn't have the ability to command armys across the world. Communications were by horse. You could likely take out the president with minimal effort if you wanted as the secret service didn't exist yet either.

Send a boat out to deliver people to attack a fort in oppenents land. 2 days later an emissary delivers a surrender... Oops, you can't catch the boat nor notify them on any other manner, weeks after a peace treaty is signed, people are are attacked by the people they surrendered too.

The picture i saw of the "hide" was a chain link fence, you could probably see all of him through the fence, he probably put the barrel through the fence to make sure he didn't hit it.

Always correlated it with a stroke, but yeah could be many things. Stokes use the acronym "Fast" for quick recognition.

Face- Drooping/Sagging, muscular slack

Arms - hold up arms if one falls..

Speech - Slurring, inability to speak properly

Time - contact emergency services immediately, as that person doesn't have time

She has that face down perfect. Spot on

They never cared that about Bidens age, they just needed something to dislike him for. Notice they don't have any policies they talk about. They just say Biden opened the border and is letting everyone in and it's all his fault. Ignoring all evidence that arrests/detainments/returns are up, meaning they clearly aren't just letting everyone in.

I haven't built a new computer in awhile, but 4tb ssd would have costed more than the console when it launched would it have not? Unless you are saying they should have shipped with a hybrid SSD/HDD setup. Not sure if read/write speeds would hold up to the frame rates needed for their games now.

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I think he has support from North Korea, Russia, Hungary, and Turkey possibly. He doesn't have the support of Germany, France, UK, Canada, Spain... Nevermind I don't have all night

I disagree with the decrease in discussion quality. Votes inherently create echo chambers. We have low effort conversations where we all downvote someone whose opinion is different and it makes them feel whatever kind of way, and they act accordingly. Whether it be leave, lash out, or discuss. If it wasn't built in and someone wouldn't already know I would say it is a bad idea, but since it will exist, making it so people learn to be civil is probably best.

If she could get 3% more in every state, it would be a landslide. She would win Florida and Texas at that rate going off 2020 numbers.

We need to have politicians automatically suspended when they sign a bill that is found unconstitutional. The politician should only be able to be re-instated by a majority popular vote, to ensure the people still believe that representative acts in the good faith of the people.

How many times are voters going to turn up to defend these antics. Are you going to show up every other weekend to revote in Desantis? Or let him be removed from office for trampling on the rights of the people and wasting your time and taxpayer money.

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It is information provided to the instance runners, mods, and other fedeverse platforms such as mastodon. It inherently tracks such to know if a user has previously liked/up voted an entry.

So you may have a conversation on here, and some users will know who is downvoting, some will only know who's upcoming, and some will know none

My spouse was looking into it and apparently it stems from an American citizen who did something to their own dog. So they are trying to spin some crazy citizen as being done by the people he uses to rile up the racist voters.

Who declared war via a social media platform? That sounds like horrible military strategy

Wouldn't that mean that the publishers get to sell another round of copies to all of the public libraries, so the public pays for them again via their taxes? Sucks but it may benefit some of the writers/editors/publishers.

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That's the one drag for me about the PS5 contrllers, the battery life before recharging. The PS3 controller did great, but the PS5 ones have so many features built in they die to quick for my liking.

Alright, throw the bill onto the vote to re-instated them. Line 1 to re-instated Line 2: Do you think this bill should have passed.

If it gets a majority vote the legislative branch must write a full synopsis and bill to be voted on in the next congressional election (every other year) that would be an amendment to their state Constitution.

It won the popular vote twice, that represents what the people wanted.

That seems likely. The question comes down to where the line should be drawn. Allow the apps the be installed and then when the data is eventually reported/found by the app owners to have them file law suits against those who are "stealing" from them, or to not allow the cracked application to be loaded in the first place, which is easily disguised as a security protocol because if an app has code in it that is not originally supposed to be there, it is very possibly a form of malware, which then can hurt the users in the long run or short run if it actually acts malicious and starts doing shit like old school viruses did on PC.

People want to say we own the device so we should be able to do whatever we want, but blatantly allowing people to install cracked apps with keyloggers onto their phones unintentionally will get them sued, and ultimately hurt how many people stay using their products.

Imagine every user and password with the site listed was suddenly just accessible by everyone. It would be a hellscape of credit card companies trying to stop accounts because you order 18 pizzas off the dominos app in Georgia, and another 13 sandwiches in the burger king app at the same time in Jersey.

We need to have the freedom to load apps we trust, but if you look at the standard user base, that's who they have to make the phones for.

Could do something like make the users agree to terms by taking the phone into developer mode that makes them non responsible somehow? Might not hold up in court when they get sued though. "All the photos I took on my phone got shared online"

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I read it as the PS5, so launching November 2020 it should have come with a 4tb drive. The wording likely confused me

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