4 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hang them in the sun, the UV radiation kills most of the germs

Allready deleted that app, if you scroll thru the comments you can see that it's been replaced by signal.

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Good point, I'm gonna uninstall it. I just waned to show someone that you dont need the playstore to install WhatsApp

Welcome to Alzheimers group!

Acutally you can selfhost your sync server for firefox:

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  1. March 2014 to be exact!

I've been replaing "The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess" and loving the Nostalgia throwback.

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Allright, someone who had access helped me to get the unlocktoken. Thank you Lemmyverse!

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It's running android 10 and lineage os 17.1.

That sounds quite intriguing, I'll shop around and give you an update!

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Yeah that Lemmy person definitely deserved a shoutout!

This article reads as if nobody wanted to legalize it which is wrong. The population was asking for legalization for many years now. Finally the new "traffic light coalition" made the change.

I am glad I finally got my wife use this Foss alternative instated of some garbage that sends your data to a proprietary server.

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Thats the system overwatch:

Depends on how you look at it. Before: startpage hast been stopped. Ok. has been stopped. Ok etc. After: pretty smooth sailing only gets pretty slow for web browsing but good enough to watch youtube on newpipe. And no I have not tried aot. In comparison to a xaomi mi 9t: quite slugish

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And bishops are femboys!

In germany there are pedestrian/residental areas with a speed limit of 4-7km/h (2-4mp/h for the American folk here). Basically 1st gear idle speed. Also you can't "jaywalk" in these areas since it's specifically desjnged as a mixed space, nobody has a right of way.

If nothing turns up here I'll try it over there. Thanks for the hint!

An actually halfway decent idea might be adding a strong UV light inside the washing machine or dryer to kill germs. Modern eco methords with 30-40 C° just dont kill the germs effectively. You'd need to wash your clothes at last at 60C° which most clothes (especially sports wear) cant handle anymore. Or just dry them on the outside where we also have a Strong UV source aka. The sun.

I am Playing on Wii with 480p, I'll probably 100% when I get the time to do it. It's awesome to revisit it from time to time :)

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I ordered the parts now, a 8gb ram stick (gddr3) and a 520gb ssd for all in all 34€. The parts should arrive in about 2 weeks. Thank you!

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A member of lemmy wrote me that he had a htcdev account from years ago and offered me to send me the unlock token for my phone after sending him the OEM identifier token.

Maybe that is interesting for you? (Found it from here)

Can confirm: after the 6th tab while shopping for upgrades everything went to slow motion.

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It really was good practice, It'll not be my main phone. That was more or less just a proof of concept or a bit of tinkering.

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What F-droid Version are you using? On the recommended version the downgrade button is still there.

I recently installed wolf launcher on my android tv. It works like a charm. I also sideloaded most apps that I regularly use, and for my ease of use I installed f-droid on my Tv. I would also recommend getting a Bluetooth keyboard with trackpad combo. Only problem is that Android TVs need to be restarted once in a while or it's prone to crashing, at least mine is.

It's probably not about getting the legitimate version rather about supporting the creators. Don't scrounge a penny for work that you love. Eddit: better support a creator throu a donation instead of buying the song on Itunes or something.

It's one of the preinstalled wallpapers on lineage os 17.1 I can try to post it in the comments.

When the time to upgrade comes, I'll probably get a pixel. But right now my main phone is holding up very well. Even though it's allready 5 years old.

I think that one was ok, I am only scared of the marble minigame. The true test of strength and patience.

I've looked up a video, took it apart, got it all together again. Tried booting it up, paniced for 2 seconds because it couldn't detect the hard drive anymore, then realised that I had forgotten to plug the drive back in properly (silly me). Opened it up again, got the lill cable back where it belongs and screwed everything together (again). Works like a charm now.

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Thats a very creative way of using old Laptop parts where I would probably not manage to pull one of them off. I have already ordered 8gb of ram and a 500gb SSD to give it a few more years of life.

The short awnser is: The m8 also wasn't supported anymore but since mine will mostly/only be used for media playback (you know, great speakers) so security isn't my bigest concern.

I have ordered a 500gb SSD and 8gb of ram (gddr3) All in a a pretty cheap upgrade.

If you dont mind chiniese companys try the Xiaomi mi max 4: pretty big screen 7,2", android, good enough camera and it's quite cheap.

Allright, my promised update: My Ram finally arrived and I happily put in the 8gb and... It went all south. Horrible boot time, bad performance the whole 9yards. Bios (thank you HP) didn't even let me change the clockspeed of my ram. Anyways since I wanted to give my Wifes Laptop (her active one) an upgrade anyway I got the 8gb ram in her machine and that one works like a charm (-windows). So I had 4 gb left now (from her machine). Well, I stuck that one in this linux machine and they now play nicely.

So all in all a great success story! Thank you for encouraging me to upgrade it!

Well basicly all instruction you need and it's explained pretty well on the lineage os website itself. The hardest part was getting the unlocktoken since htc doesn't take new htcdev registrations. I got hellped by a member on Lemmy who had a old htc dev account.