1 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

that was fast.

2 more...

You pay taxes but get no benefit of them . They are used for subdivise automaker ,wallmart ,meat and dairy lobby and killing ciilvilan in other countries . I don't understand why american are OK with that .

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the sea is still here my friend.

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I care about affordable stuf not luxury .

gpu and cpu vendor enter the chat

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so like tesla?

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i worked in a place where we put journal,magasin in leters and film. we got a DISGUSTING porn thing like... i dont even think it was legal (zoo ect) i personaly refuse to put that in envelope. and you know what? the most common adress we got? religious person. yup most recieve it was the one in church reading you the bibles...

So usa are going to leave there military bases on our land right ?

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Centrist in nutshell .

and its oficial the reddit moderation menace to ban the entore r/placefr if the y continue. freedom my ass.

No shit .

i only use android. if someone disciminate you ofr a stupid bubbles color. wth you do with that person???

mewhile here i lost internet for a day oragne give me 200gbs of data for free on my phone.

lets see what that guy do outside change name of coruption to lobby.

no shit.

No thanks . Cars are already super noisy . So a glorified quadcopter ...

where mr beast addon???

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The massive variety of website made by tons of diferent people's . Not uniform garbage we got today .

also the case on r/piracy

and now there stuf about sexual harasment......

nearly limitless sure buddy.

But go figure wen china do the same is bad .

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i remember a reportage here. "not even born already on social media"

FF no !

I use OsmAnd~ it's very nice ,and open source . Oh and if you use the F-droid version you got the pro feature .

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Real priority i see .

mostly wen you see youtube today.

Meat and dairy lobby .

I use keepass 2 with a self hosted nas for the main flle .

like zimbawee i think foir make a "stability" in the curency. (still worth nothing)

its more than a year.

and my generation (from early 90s at least) mostly use discord or whatsapp. not even imessage and thing.

but they say automatic car is the future! (with more lanes) and due to a computer driving its faster! s/

Less and less . Full digital realy work as I expected .

If they still play honestly ...

sir its lemmy not twitter.

So nothing realy new after alls half reddit is repost bot .

no. i use firefox

Wen i see those post about a fuking color bubble and some are shamed for that it's juts pathetic to see honestly .

Yhea f off with that tiping culture .