4 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I mostly don't understand why they made so many different awards. I thought Gold was a cool way of a user supporting Reddit while also showing their gratitude toward another user. After all, users cared about karma even though it didn't really do anything so an award was just an extra "tip" of appreciation.

It definitely lost its luster to me though once they changed it to awards and it became messy.

4 more...

Kutcher and Kunis' phones ringing off the hook right now.

2 more...'s beans and no poop, really. Or at least less of it.

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Turns out I liked getting fucked so I needed to find another outlet after leaving Spez...

Ooooh big strong man is so angwy!

I had nearly the same reaction! Assumed it was Lemmy as well but on a specific app. Hopped in the comments to figure out which one to avoid, very relieved it's one that I'm already not using.

It's so nice to see some subreddits sticking to their guns and ideals and push through until real change happens! r/Nintendo is still down too, which was a nice surprise when I was looking around to see the state of my subs on Reddit.

7 more...

I doubt it will be, but I'm hoping that the parents will be Kitty and Red.

I suppose you have a solution and are aware of a candidate who can put that solution into action?

Connect is great but I can't get over how ugly I think the icon is, so I've been using Liftoff instead. Turns out I'm shallow when it comes to tech!

It sounds like the movie Now You See Me? My guess is the first, but I never saw any of the others so they may take place in NYC as well.

1 more...

Unfortunately, the PlayStation One was discontinued by Sony in 2006, the same year they released the PlayStation 3. While a standard consumer could be recommended to simply upgrade to a more modern system like even the PlayStation 4, having PS1 consoles for feet may impact your ability to upgrade - especially if you're located in the US where healthcare can be difficult to come by.

Maybe take a look at the PlayStation Classic Sony released a few years back. However, it's important to note that it is a mini console, so the size will be smaller than what you're used to and may not be as comfortable. They may work as a stop-gap while you scour eBay or other online markets for a quality refurbish job; maybe aim to find some released closer to the last run in 2006 for longevity purposes.

Good luck!

I only do as much of what I hate as of which I like. I couldn't picture being close or further yet it seems like I could.

Manifest Destiny - Digital Edition

I feel the same exact way! That's part of what inspired me to write this - I have a couple of games on my Wii U that I would love to play, but I can't be bothered to dig it out of a box in the garage, get the chargers charged up, and find a space to plug everything in just to play a game for an hour or two for the nostalgia trip. Fortunately, Dolphin exists!

Thank you for reading!

Have some respect. It isn't just a can of beans. The can clearly says it's with fucking tomato sauce. any grapes?

I teach middle school technology and this image is the front page on our Canvas class!

The mods of r/NBA continued using the sub during the blackout and discussed the NBA finals and Denver's parade.

The weirdest thing to me is this looks almost exactly like the Backbone PlayStation edition; if it's going to simply be remote play on a local handheld, I don't see why this is a product unless people just want potentially a bigger screen than their phone.

Talk about learning something new, all of that sounds like the best way to move forward with retro games if the budget allows. Even just the simplicity of connecting everything through HDMI would be worth putting together something, at least on a smaller scale.

Thanks for sharing all of that information!

Damn, that thing looks rad! I hadn't heard of it before, but I had thought to include a section about modern retro systems like the Analogue Pocket, but it felt a little long when all was said and done. Thank you for sharing the video!

For me, the ethical dilemmas affect my enjoyment of games by how involved a scandal/cause of scandal is ingrained into the game. For example, I think Rowling's views are horrendous and I would absolutely stay away from projects that she has influence in; however, I still picked up Hogwarts Legacy because the studio spoke out against her views, and even included representation in their game for those who she spewed hatred against. The story was almost entirely original, so Rowling's influence was pretty much restrained to her having created the general world, and some minor character lore. The developers and designers did not cause the hate, so while it sucks some portion of my purchase went to Rowling (even if it was just in a license they paid, the success of the game would likely inspire them to make another, resulting in her getting more cash). It's difficult to want to punish the teams that built the game when someone who was largely hands-off is the reason it felt a little gross to play.

On the other hand, I've avoided High on Life because you need to hear Roiland talk through the majority of the game (until the patch replaces his voice). Squanch Games was owned by him, which means his views are likely reflected in larger portions of the game. I would be constantly reminded of Roiland, and his larger role likely means he profits quite a bit from the game doing well. While it's certain that Squanch Games has great people working for them that I wouldn't want to 'punish' by their game doing poorly either, it's just tough for me to separate them. (Also yes I've heard Roiland's charges were dropped, but the judgement was worded in a way that made it clear it was due to lack of damning evidence and not that he was necessarily absolved of accusations).

I agree that it's important to have discussions about topics and culture that surround projects like this so consumers can be aware of what their cash is supporting. Even though I did feel somewhat guilty buying Hogwarts, I also took the time to give $20 to The Trevor Project in an attempt to offset what Rowling would make from my purchase. Does that make up for it? Who knows.

I just got home from seeing it for the first time and loved it! The animation was absolutely incredible; they're giving Pixar a run for their money especially in terms of movie quality. The dialogue was fun, plot kept me guessing, and I really enjoyed the set pieces.

The cliffhanger was meh. I'm stoked for the next movie, but I do wish they would have resolved at least one of the plot threads. The only thing close to a 'resolution' was Gwen getting her squad together so the audience has some sort of hope.

2 more...

I've been playing a ton of Diablo 4, trying to get through the story so I can hop into World Tier III and start getting endgame gear. Starting to get pulled into wanting a structured single play let game again though, so might get back into TotK to do some side quests, try to finish FF7 Remake, or play through Pikmin 3 again.

I would also like to know why I should have 5 a day.

I enjoyed the demo quite a bit, so it's nice to see that it's reviewing well! Definitely can understand why longtime fans could be put off by the combat system, but I really enjoyed the change of pace and I'm sure it'll get more complex as the game progresses.

I'll definitely pick it up at some point! Still jamming on Diablo 4 though and want to finish side quests in TotK. It's crazy how many good games have been coming out this year, tough to play them all.