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Joined 2 months ago

And those 8 guys control the whole country. Nay, the world, at this point

The best candy

I haven’t been on here in a few days, what’s going on?

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I love JoCat he’s so comfortable in his so skin and just radiates confidence, he’s a damn legend

I’m not in this image, and that makes me mad

Wait, I work at McDonalds, and don’t really have any other choices, everywhere else either pays too little, I quit, or I was fired. So what do I do

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How about is autumn/spring enjoyers?

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It disgusts me that us US government treats homeless people like pests or criminals

Did you try to divide by negative zero?

Yep, they fucked up the planet just to make more money. I’d rather buy an NFT made by an AI than give those people another penny, if I had a choice in the matter

I think this would fit better in crappy design

Ohhh, that issue. Thank you! Yeah, Lemmy silencing them is not at all cool. I really hate how we are needing to sensor or provide a trigger warning for practically everything anymore. Sure some things like SA, or self harm make sense. I’ve literally seen someone put a trigger warning on a kid friendly picture of a fucking fursuit, with hashtags specifically to attract other furries. The internet has become way too sensitive about everything, it’s so annoying sometimes

I feel insulted that I’ve never been invited to a pancake party, that sound amazing

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Fair enough

I’m actually looking for a different job already, they’ve been cutting my hours, and one of my friends overheard the managers saying that they want to fire me because I’m “too slow” disregarding my disabilities

I would if I lived in a less rural area and had more friends close by