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The white nationalists have been turning on the guy in the right in that photo, Jake Shields, because they found out he has mixed ethnicity and decided he isn’t white enough for them. Their movement is such a mess.

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The ones who are in congress are the ones who are good at successfully navigating this system of campaigning. They don’t want to level the playing field for opponents who don’t have a strong network of rich donors ready to boost them.

Paired with the accompanying text, the commenter implies that the people calling for the burning of Pride flags should burn their racist confederate pride flags.

This law came around before DNA sequencing was common, they probably had some kind of archaic law making it hard to pin paternity on an unmarried father since you couldn’t just order a DNA test to show who created the baby.

This Supreme Court might decide to play favorites, maybe the next precedent is “only religions existing during the founding of the US can display texts in schools.” Just because previous courts protected the separation of church and state doesn’t mean this court has to abide by that precedent.

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Well this is a whole community that messed up. His church knew his past and decided to still put him in positions of trust and authority. They could’ve had him do work as a church landscaper or some other non-leadership role if they wanted to still keep him gainfully employed while going through treatment for his issues. Nobody forced the rest of the church leadership to keep him as a minister and pastor when they knew he was capable of abusing a young child for years on end. It is also the responsibility of pedophiles to not put themselves in positions where they have access to children. They might not be able to help their urges, but they can choose not to work around children or share a home with children. There are lots of jobs where children aren’t involved.

He kept Mein Kampf on his nightstand, that response would come across as a positive to Trump and his fans.

People outside of the US probably don’t know about the train wreck in Ohio. It never hurts to add a little clarification.

Some people have an early growth spurt and people get held back a year sometimes to repeat a grade. The size of the child isn’t relevant here, it is still wrong to choke anybody.

Even if Trump does win, posts are very easy to screenshot and share on other platforms. There isn’t a big incentive to get it from truth social instead of waiting for people to share his ramblings all over the news and their preferred social platforms. I never had a Twitter account either, but I saw Trump’s ridiculous tweets shared around all the time. Most people won’t need to go there to see what he is up to. He will get a bump, but not enough to make it the new Twitter.

You are comparing a daily active users figure to a monthly active users figure. Truth Social has closer to 2 million active users overall, but only 100,000 on a given day. It’s still really low for a social media company with such a popular public figure at the forefront, but it isn’t lower than Mastodon. The valuation is absolutely absurd regardless as there are so many red flags in their own SEC filings.

Vanilla is a pretty expensive spice and vanillin can be synthesized from oil or wood, you should probably assume most things vanilla flavored are artificially flavored. There is way more demand for vanilla than the amount of vanilla pods grown in the world.

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He can still run for president from prison. It has been done before.

Without the divorce, a pregnant woman may not have access to enough assets to move out and get into a safe and stable living situation. Women are most likely to be murdered while they are pregnant, forcing them to stay married to an abuser can be a life or death matter for them. Paying child support to provide for a child born to your spouse from an affair is a hardship, but it isn’t trapping someone with the person most likely to murder them during the most vulnerable time in their life. You also assumed based on nothing that men are forced to pay for their wife’s affair children for the duration of their childhoods, but a quick search shows that Missouri allows husbands to deny paternity and even provides free paternity testing through the Family Support Division.

You really do come across as a cruel and heartless person when you claim a true article about women’s physical safety during a vulnerable time in their lives is a lower priority than a completely fictional scenario revolving around non-existent laws and their fictional financial exploitation of men. There is a time and place to talk about grievances men have with our paternity laws, but choosing this story when your assumption was dead wrong is in exceptionally poor taste.

As far as I know, it is contractors he stiffs. I don’t know what kind of clauses he has in his contracts but that is a little different than wage theft. I do think he should pay contractors for the work they have done regardless of what type of law they fall under.

I can say that if you contact the department of labor over wage theft of a regular salary, they are actually really responsive. I have a friend who filed a report very recently over his employer manipulating his time sheet and not paying him for all of the hours worked and he got a call back within 12 hours even though they say it can take up to ten days. It was surprisingly quick. They set him up with a department of labor app to track his hours going forward to document any future discrepancies between his actual labor and the number of hours he is getting paid for. The situation is ongoing so I can’t say what the resolution is yet, but they sounded pretty supportive.

It is relevant in that the loser is the elected nominee for his party and has many people who look up to him and follow his lead. If the loser accepts his defeat gracefully, the people who look up to him are more likely to accept the results and less likely to cause trouble. It doesn’t matter who decides the results and how non-corrupt they are if a corrupt loser sows doubt in the results and makes his followers think they have been cheated, particularly when the majority of his party joins in instead of ostracizing him for being a liar.

It varies from state to state. In Virginia a life sentence is 60 years while in Montana it is 10 years.

I am from Texas and have lived in several states in the eastern half of the US. “Entree” on a menu has always been the main dish in my experience. You also frequently see it used that way on recipe websites. This is the first I’ve heard that entree has a different meaning elsewhere. Merriam Webster has a bit of background info on how that came to be.

He is an insane conman. He blamed a bowl of chili for not remembering basic facts about his children during his custody trial and behaved pretty insane during the defamation trials, too. He is great at dialing up the theatrics on his show to bring in the money, but he is also downright crazy.

I spent my high school years as a newly born again Christian in the Bible Belt, so I would’ve been the weirdo who loved something like this. This was definitely not a thing where I grew up. It is so weird to think of LA being a religious indoctrination hotbed, that is not something I expected.

This was pretty much exactly how it sounds. People in financial trouble sell their house to the lender with an agreement to rent it from the lender and keep living there, then the lender jacks up the rent and they get evicted and the house is sold. After fees and everything else they may not get to keep much of the equity from the house sale and potentially could lose all equity and end up owing the lender. As tenants they don’t have all the legal protections a homeowner in foreclosure would have. The lender claims all its customers know what they are getting into.

A family of four doesn’t need four kitchens and four bedrooms, so not every cost scales linearly as a household increases in size. Some things are also cheaper in bulk than if you are just buying enough for one person. I do think a family of four probably needs more than twice what a single person needs, however, but I am no expert on this. In any case, housing costs have drastically outpaced wages and safety nets, which is massively evident by all the homeless camps everywhere.

Investors holding DWAC pre-merger would’ve been able to sell it off as DJT as soon as the merger was complete. Trump can’t sell his shares for six months after the merger without permission from his company’s board.

Instead of buying regular shares of DWAC, some people invested in warrants which can be turned into ordinary shares in the future at a price of $11.50/warrant. Those can’t be exercised until 30 days after the merger and are trading under the ticker DJTWW. DWACW (now DJTWW) was trading at $20 just before the merger, so people who bought at that price essentially locked in a future price of $31.50/share of DJT once the added cost of exercising the warrants is factored in. That could’ve been a nice windfall if DJT maintained its spike of $70 after the merger, but it isn’t much of a deal at today’s closing price of $26.61 and they still have about ten more days to go until they can trade in their warrants. Most of the time the warrants traded at a much lower price than $20, however. Whoever was selling when they were at $20 probably made a decent profit.

I was following conspiracy theory communities prior to Sandy Hook and Alex Jones stood out because he had a track record well before that event of declaring any big tragedy that hit the news as a false flag event. His audience clearly loved that tactic because just about every day he had a new false flag current event with crisis actors. Sandy Hook wasn’t really given a unique treatment by Jones, as soon as I saw the headline that day, my first thought was that Jones was soon going to declare it to be yet another false flag event, because he always said shootings were faked by the government to take people’s guns away. The difference is in the public response to this one. The public couldn’t ignore the harassment of all these grieving parents the way it ignored the rest of his rants. We are a lot more sensitive to harms towards children than we are towards adults so this story got a lot more traction.

Single motherhood tends to be a ticket to poverty and impoverished parents can’t provide kids as much resources to support their education. Poor kids are more likely to have to enter the workforce sooner to provide for basic needs. An abortion might have allowed the parent to have more earnings and stability before raising a kid. Also plenty of anti-abortion activists are hypocrites and will make excuses for why their circumstances merit an abortion while everyone else needs their access blocked. When their kid gets raped by an uncle and can’t get an abortion, they will be left with an extra child care burden too that might have otherwise been negated with a secret abortion.

They sell raw milk products at one of the grocery stores near me, but the people interested in raw milk products are very enthusiastic about it and willing to pay a premium to get sick, so the producers don’t hide the lack of pasteurization. It is all over the labels and more expensive than the pasteurized products.

Some of the Russians who fall out of windows are shot, poisoned, murdered in prison, or have their planes blown up too? Did they get pushed out of a first floor window and then Russia had to initiate the backup plan when they survived?

Some mobile interfaces really are terrible for trying to navigate to a precise part in the middle of a link to change it. It’s way easier with a keyboard and mouse. Better yet, desktop browsers tend to have a lot more availability of browser extensions than mobile browsers and I would be really surprised if there weren’t already extensions out there that will automatically correct this problem for desktop users and forward them to the correct version of the page. Wikipedia really should fix this issue though.

After that remark he said the media will say he is horrible, as if the media is the problem for telling everyone exactly what he said.

Corporate greed of the insurance companies plays a part, but it is complicated. There is also the skyrocketing size and price of cars driven by auto manufacturer greed (big luxury SUVs and trucks are way more profitable so they’ve mostly quit making small cars) paired with decades of transportation network design that is hostile toward facilitating any mode of transportation outside of autos and also drives preference for larger vehicles.

Our car-first transportation system encourages a snowball effect where having huge cars all around you incentivizes you to upgrade to a larger car because you have no visibility in a small car once half the other drivers have big ones. Additionally, walking and biking become less safe because the cars’ blind spots get huge and you can’t make eye contact to tell if half the drivers see you when you walk/bike through your neighborhood. You also can’t see around large vehicles at intersections to tell if a crossing has anyone else approaching, so you might as well hop in a car instead of trying to get around via cheaper transportation modes. Tearing a hole in your pants by tripping over a dog while walking is cheaper to patch or replace than damage to a car from swerving your vehicle into a pole while attempting not to run over the dog in your path. People are more likely to end up in the latter circumstance when there are no safe foot or bike paths to get around their neighborhood, so that factors into the cost of insurance.

You shouldn’t need a two (or more) ton personal vehicle to safely take care of small local errands, but our cities are designed where that is the safest option. The more weight something has, the more momentum it has at a given speed, requiring a longer stopping distance, reducing your ability to react to hazards in time, and increasing the amount of energy transferred (and the resultant damage) during a collision.

Incentivizing smaller, lighter transportation options would help from both a public safety and insurance cost standpoint because all the safety features in the world can’t negate the basic laws of physics regarding things like momentum and visibility. The hazard large modern vehicles pose to others within their vicinity also suppresses cheaper modes of transit which increases the frequency that expensive vehicles are on the road, leading to even more vehicle collisions and insurer costs. Cars don’t need to be abolished, but they shouldn’t be the only tool we have left in the toolbox, transportation-wise.

Wind turbines generate the most energy at night, they actually complement solar quite well.

Probably so it is harder to hide anything under it.